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Derek C

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Everything posted by Derek C

  1. I got the windlass done ,I started with a piece of 1"x5/8" teak I cut out a 1/2" x1/2 " x 2" piece then cut that in half and then cut those in half to give me 4 -1/4"x1/4 x2" pieces I then sanded and file one of those pieces to form the windlass . I then used a1/32 drill bit to drill through the square parts near the ends for the handles.to square up the holes I used the end of my tweezers that I modified a bit . For the handles I split another 1/4 " piece again down both sides to give me 1/8" pieces to play with with a bit of sanding and filing I got a decent shape . I used a couple pieces of 22 gauge wire inserted in wholes drilled into the end of the windlass to hold the unit to the boat . The wire slides into. Corresponding wholes that I drilled into the risers.
  2. Welcome to MSW Ruben I am also new at the hobby ,and the longboat kit was my first build also. And my second build as well lol I wanted to try my hand at a scratch build . This site is full of helpful members and informative forums make sure to check them out
  3. I didn't glue in the thwart that holds the mast yet I will wait until I'm ready to set the mast then I will glue that in .
  4. Over the last couple days I got the cockpit and thwarts in , I need to do a bit more sanding then I will work on the windlass and masts .
  5. Hi Art, i am also from Florida , I'm in Venice , and also new to the hobby . This is a great site ! I have learned so much already , and learn more everyday. The members are very helpful and the forums very informative. Have fun !
  6. Thanks Tom ... this one wil have sails I have found the plans for them in a one of the forums
  7. Got a bit done on the longboat. I got my cap rail on ,and the flooring in. I also added a few pieces of the molding to see how it looked .
  8. Welcome To MSW Nik0
  9. Got the outside of the hull done with 320 after I do the inside I will run it down with a 1000 grit. I will wait to do the finish sanding once I glue the cap rail ,and molding.
  10. Ok started to sand the boat ......Apparently you don't have to cake on as much as I did 🙈Sanding it all back off is going to suck lol this is one mistake I have just learned from
  11. I had a few gaps in my planking so I'm trying the watered down glue and fine sawdust trick here's what it looks like covered in the mixture once it dries I will sand it with 320 grit then finish it off with 1000 grit I won't apply a finish until I add the cap rail and some molding .
  12. Also if you do a search for mamoli blue shadow in MSW it will pull up a post you might want to check that out as well .before you dive in.
  13. Maybe try to email Mamoli and see if you can get/purchase plans from them.Cant hurt to try
  14. Now that I'm back home waiting on power I started sanding inside of longboat still a bit to do but getting better
  15. Here is a update not much on my longboat though lol I Made it through hurricane Irma, We had to evacuate last minute so I grabbed my pocket knife and a piece of the teakwood with me to keep me busy and here's what I came up with
  16. Thanks Shawn I'm not sure of the finish.I planned on using a linseed oil ,but have heard I will need to reapply the oil on a consistent basis. So I'm thinking of just a clear coat and paint a few accent pieces white . but I'm still unsure exactly what I want
  17. Looks good scasey i enjoyed building my kit and now trying to build one from scratch . cant wait to see your progress Derek
  18. I got the planking done . And with the huge hurricane only days away I thinking I should have built a bigger boat 😳 . So I figured I'd sit outside and sand the hull down and start cleaning up the inside of the hull and the inside is going to take some work so I will sit out here and do it and enjoy the weather while I can lol here's a few pics of the inside (I haven't started on yet ) and the outside that I have started sanding on
  19. Welcome to MSW
  20. Not much progress done today I got one side finished and a few planks more down the other side . I could not lay the planks on the hull as I intended that teak would not play nice in some places so the bottom of the hull is a bit crowded and busy.
  21. Keith she is a beautiful ship , and the metal work is outstanding . Derek
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