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Everything posted by J11

  1. These are wonderful and you have fabulous talent! Do you have any "American Civil War ship paintings"? Would love to see some of those also. Thank you very much for sharing.
  2. For anyone who doesn't know, Heyl provides a 1 to 2 page roundup of early american steamships, including many which served in the Civil War. And he provides a drawing of each and every ship. Here's the links and enjoy! https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015024193131;view=1up;seq=5 https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015024193149
  3. Gentlemen your team craftsmanship is extraordinary. Please keep us updated.
  4. Very nice work on the kit, look forward to following. Great idea for the hull, looks good so far!
  5. Thank you, I thought maybe you had found research on her that she actually had all white. She is still a beauty! I have white, black and tan with dark brown from Billings, Mantua and Corel along with cottage industries rope. I also as I am sure you have, the images from the museum of their model to do the rigging colors the same when I start her. I find a lot of rigging lots on Ebay for rope also at cheap prices too, and scoff them up.
  6. 24 gauge aluminum wire, then painted of course with flat black to hide the small CA artifacts. My first go around making these by scratch as the model one are just a joke. Revell could have made this such a nicer model kit, but then I wouldn't have all the fun detailing her out as much as possible.
  7. Fine master craftsmanship! I have this kit also and will hopefully start it in a couple of years, with your build blog will be a lot easier to fine detail it out with the research I have on her. If you have the time a couple of questions: Why did you use white for the rigging? Which colors did you use and what manufacturer makes them? What wood oil or stains did you work with? I'll be working on the CSS Mananas next then to my older Mantua La Couronne that has the eight cannons for the stern. The I'll tackle the Vasa, so your info is very important for my research on her and I wish to thank you for your time.
  8. Scratch building the dead-eye strops with 3.5mm and 5mm walnut dead-eyes. Parts and tools associated for building them. Wire is 7cm in length with the 3 hole strop cut down to two hole. 20 made and need 56 total which will take a couple of more days. Then proper location angle placement along with drilling. I'll work on the hammocks placement after I get these installed.
  9. Thank for the warm welcome all !!
  10. Appreciate all the kind words, those cannon's were about 8 hrs each to finish out.
  11. Mark, the kit is from 1961. From research the Musée de la Marine in Paris made the models back then. My kit is number #24, I can't find out how many were made but rumor is 100. All the instructions are in French, but no problem for me to build her. Good idea for a long term project.
  12. Wonderful craftsmanship! Look forward to watching this build.
  13. Since she is at the half way point for the build I'll keep this brief for a start. Research in depth along with custom and scratch built parts is in progress. Rigging and masts per BlueJackets model plans. I am changing some colors for a show model style IE mast colors and other smaller boats along with deck detailing enhancements. Cannon's: Ship deck detail (In progress): My humble dry-dock (Mobile): I'll post updates periodically, any questions please ask. The kit was found in shelf perfect condition and is a joy to build. The best CSS Alabama kit out there I feel is the Bluejackets model of her but was to expensive for me to purchase. But I do have the plans from the kit which are historically excellent. Time to complete is another 4 months.
  14. Thank you, Mark @pontiachedmark I do have a very old steamer kit which I might build: ( Le Sphinx), seems to be a rare one in kit form and does have about 90% of the original parts to it as the others will have to be scratch built or custom ordered. She's a early steam beauty and have good information on research for her to do the build. I have mothballed the kit for now, this one is a hard decision to build as it seems so rare in kit form. I could go for a scratch build as I have all the plans but as you know that's expensive in costs. Thought you would appreciate this old kit. Here's a couple images:
  15. Wonderful to be a new member of "Model Ship World". My interests are American Civil War ships, 15th thru 17th century ships, 18th century steamers along with Viking ship construction. Underwater ship archaeology for all ship types along with modern USN Naval vessels. Have been building since I was 7 years old and put a few hundred models together in my life time. Really enjoy the plank on hull ships from kits and even scratch built a few smaller ones. Currently my project is CSS Alabama from a old Revell kit which is being highly detailed from extensive research. A couple finished projects are a 50% scratch built H.L. Hunley 1/24th scale "Cottage industries" 20 year old model about 95% accurate from current info and the CSS Arkansas (CI) from current info. (See Images) If I can help anyone with tips or information, please feel free to ask and am sure I will be asking a few myself for research purposes and other model technics.
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