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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi all Just a little update. Port and starboard have been partly first planked. Cannon ports have been located and cut out. Dummy cannon supports have been cut and painted with two coats of thin black acrylic. Next up is clean the lower deck and place and glue the cannon dummy supports. Denis.
  2. Hi Frank I do love that deck colour. Just fantastic work my friend. Denis.
  3. Hi Ron Wow that is just fantastic work my friend. Denis.
  4. Hi Kevin Thank you my friend. Just gluing the keel bits on tonight, then will start the first planking. Denis.
  5. Hi Ron Thank you my friend. Sorry I have not posted that much but I have been having computer trouble ha ha. Denis.
  6. Hi Frank She is about the same size as the SoS may be a bit larger ??. I do hope not ha ha re add onto the house, if it came to something like that I will have to kick my tenants out of my house next door and use that as my model room. Denis.
  7. Hi Ron Looking very nice my friend. Did you use black paint or other mat to blacken them. Denis
  8. Hi Brian I may end up doing the same, but I was happy the way the SoS turned out. Did you use enamel or acrylic , I prefer enamel myself ( and I think I would put a drop of ochre or black tint in it ). Denis.
  9. Hi Brian It depends on how good my planking is ha ha, but I think I will just varnish it. Denis.
  10. Hi Edwin I have no idea what you are talking about ??????. Re painting walls, are well that's another story Wife has given me till Christmas ha ha. Next week I have a man coming round to put a new PC in for me. Denis.
  11. Hi All I have been busy sanding the bow filler blocks, what a job that was. Also done the false keel parts. Denis.
  12. Hi Timmo Thank you for dropping in on my log. To be truthful I have not given the planking a lot of thought yet . Are you talking about hull planking or deck planking ??. I have some Kauri but when I started to sand it down it was very soft so I gave up ( but will try again ). I have not looked at Matai yet. Yes I know macrocarpa and is a nice colour but I have never tried to mill it down to 1 x 4 or 2 x 6 etc for planking. I would like to see some photos of what you have done please, send by PM if you like. What do you think of the table saw ??. Denis.
  13. Hi Frank Thank you for the info it's very interesting . I will copy this. Thank you again my friend. Denis.
  14. Hi Frank Wow I just love the weathering fantastic work, can you PM me as well please. Denis.
  15. Hi Vince Looks like you have your work cut out with the windows. But you have done a good job on the first one well done. The window glass that I have is Micro Kristal Klear . Denis.
  16. Hi Max What a fantastic build. Just love your workmanship well done. Keep posting your photos . Denis.
  17. Hi all Just a little update . I have put extra spacers in at the stern bulkhead frames as two of them looked a bit warped , I do hope they are OK now ??. I have also dry fitted the other two decks just to make sure they fit Ok. Will now take them off and fit the stringers and parts 18, 28 and 29. Denis.
  18. Hi Bill You are welcome to look in any time my friend. Denis.
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