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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi all As I have just about finished the first planking I thought I will have a bit of a change. So I got my milling machine out and had a go at milling the panes out of the windows. It took me about 5 hours over two nights to do one. I did have a problem with the cheap metal, it started to melt even at the milling machines lowest speed of 5,000 rpm. When most of the metal was removed I trimmed the milling cuts up with a number 11 knife blade. I now have to file them down and I think they will look OK. This my first attempt at milling. When I think it looks OK I will prime and paint them. After that I will put some liquid glass on the back of the windows. I have to say the window what I have done looks worse in the photo than it does by just looking at it on the table ha ha. Denis.
  2. Keith You have not seen my wife paint. More paint on the floor, window glass, window fittings , 4lts running down her hands and arms. She thinks sanding is something you find at the beach :D . But I am doing some planking now. Denis.
  3. Hi Keith Yes I did notice the address it was sent from. Rob even phoned me asking if all is OK , how many firms will do that and I live in New Zealand. They will be getting more orders of me that is for sure. As for an update ha ha, what are you like at painting rooms and outside of house's. My wife has a baseball bat hanging over my head, I will say no more :angry: :angry: :angry: Denis.
  4. Hi All As we are on the subject of praising firms for their excellent service. I would like to add another firm. I was shopping round for a Proxxon MF 70 milling machine. I came across this firm. My Tool Store in Australia mytoolstore.com.au They are a family firm owned and run. If anyone wants a good deal you will not do any better then this firm. Today my Proxxon MF 70 arrived, I also ordered some drills and Kyocera milling bits. Rob is very helpful. Have a look at the web site . Denis.
  5. Hi Keith Love your work. I am a bit worried about leaving that tape on, I do hope it comes off OK. Denis
  6. Hi Vince They look a lot better and cleaner line. Denis
  7. Hi Vince Wow that is very impressive work. Do you plan on giving it a coat of sealer. Denis.
  8. Hi All Re missing parts that was ordered on the 2/2/2015. They arrived to day 10/2/2015. That is service of the highest order. Well done Euromodels. Denis.
  9. Hi Keith All I can say is if other model kit manufactures had the same attitude as Euromodels with their after sales service maybe more people will take up this very satisfying and rewarding hobby. Denis.
  10. Hi all I would like to say something about Euromodels. But before I do I wish to thank KeithW for his post on his "RW" log. Keith had a part missing 11247 he asked Vince, Brian and I if we had that part in our kits. I did look and I could not find it, I also could not find parts 11248 or 11249. I contacted Euromodels v the web site and ordered the parts. I received 3 e-mails of them, the first said thank you for contacting us we will be intouch in a day or two. The next day I had the second e-mail saying the parts that you requested will be in the post in a day or two. The next day ( today the 4/2/2015 ) your parts have been posted today. They are not charging me for the parts or the posting to New Zealand. So I take my hat off to Euromodels not just for sending the parts for free but also for keeping me upto date with what was going on. This is what I call sevice. Not like another kit manufacturer that I will not name. Denis.
  11. Hi Frank If you stain or use weathering agents with wood apart from painting it all you are doing is putting pigments into or on the wood. When you apply the clear varnish it is free of pigments apart from a stain/varnish mix. If you get a strip of wood and put the end in some water you will see how dark it will go, clear varnish will do the same thing may be not so much if you have stain or weathering agents on the wood but it will darken it. Denis.
  12. Hi Frank Just love that deck my friend, it is spot on. When I do staining wood ( test strip ) and it is dry I put a drop of water on this will give you some idea what the stain will look like when you apply the varnish. Varnish will always make the stain a little darker. Denis.
  13. Hi Ron Very nice work my friend well done. Denis
  14. Hi Keith I have looked in my "RW" kit and you are correct part 11247 is missing. Also parts 11248 and 11249. You can get them of the Euro web site. Denis.
  15. Hi Max May I congratulate you on your build. It is a credit to your skills as a model builder. You deserve all the accolades people have put on you. You are a truly a master builder. Denis
  16. Hi Keith Good to see you have got the Byrnes Table Saw, you will not regret it. Next you will have to get the Disc Sander. Denis.
  17. Hi Mark Yes I do like larger ship builds. The only thing is finding a place to put them when finished ;) Denis.
  18. Hi all Just finished fitting the middle deck. Although they fitted before the planking went on, I had to take some off the sides to make them fit again. Denis.
  19. Hi Popeye No I have not had to do much, the worst part was shaping the bow filler blocks. Denis.
  20. Hi All Some time ago I was looking at the cannon door hinges and they looked a bit chunky for my liking. So I purchased a photo etch kit for HMS Vanguard. I would like to thank Brian C for his help and info. Denis.
  21. Hi Mark Thank you also. Re new avatar, as every one is so PC I thought I would get rid on the PIPE ha ha. But I may bring it back later . Denis.
  22. Hi All Just a little update ha ha. I have started gluing the dummy cannon supports in on the lower deck. To get the distance from the inside of the hull planking. I made a little template ( ok it's not that good but it will do ha ha ) . I cut a square out and the part that is nearest the hull planking is the line that will be the back of the cannon dummy support blocks. I just put a pencil line along that edge and glued the block on that line. Denis.
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