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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Timmo Thank you for them words. I was worried about the caulking lines but I think they are Ok. Denis.
  2. Hi Frank Your furled sails look just fantastic. Very nice work. The small ones are the hardest to do. On my SoS build I did as much as I could on the mast and yards before I glued them into the decks. But I did label them. Keep up the good work my friend. Denis.
  3. Hi Denis Only one bulwark was cut off, that was remade and is under the forecastle deck. You have to make another one to support the quarterdeck. Denis.
  4. Hi All I have made a new forecastle support beam. I decided to glue some walnut strips to the face. I have only dry fitted the beam and forecastle deck. Denis.
  5. Hi Ron Nice work as per normal from you. To tapering my yards I put them in a drill press. Denis.
  6. Hi all I have done one cannon to see how it looks. Washed it in Hydrochloric Acid 50% water 50% acid, washed in water for half an hour. I then dried it off. Got a cotton bud and applied the Brass Black. After 10 minute's I washed it in clean water. Dried it off, then a second coat of brass black. I am not that happy with what I have got, I think I should have used fine wire wool before the first coat of brass black. Will have to work on this one before I do more. Denis.
  7. Hi Cristi & Brian Re cannon barrels. Yes I am going to use Casey's Brass Black on them all. I am now cutting out the main deck cannon ports. Denis.
  8. Hi Nenad It is the same thing I was thinking of. BTW I love your build very nice workmanship well done my friend. Keep up the good work. Denis.
  9. Hi Max You are doing a fantastic build my friend. Just very, very good workmanship at it's best well done. You don't need me to build your stairs, going on what I have seen . But most of all I am so pleased your dog is A-Ok that is more important , 14.50 years is a good age for a dog treasure the time you will have with him as I know you will. Denis.
  10. Hi Ron Looking good my friend. Are you going to put sails on her ??. Denis.
  11. Hi Malcolm Thank you for dropping in on the RW build you are more than welcome. Sorry I don't keep my hours worked on the build. And sorry again the SoS has no case well not yet (no time to make one). Denis.
  12. Hi I have fitted the handrails, little bit of sanding and one coat of satin varnish. I will put another coat on tomorrow. Denis.
  13. Hi Vince Like the others said, I used 2 pot epoxy on the main deck window all is Ok I used Z-poxy 30 minutes drying. Denis
  14. Hi All Just a little update re stairs. Decided not to stain the wood so I just gave it one coat of satin varnish. Denis.
  15. Hi all I have just started to put the stairs together for the main deck. I still have to clean it all up. Not sure yet if I will stain it or just varnish it yet. Denis.
  16. Hi Brian I tried a small window some months back and it is still on the back. All I did was sand the back down to get rid of any surface film so it is nice and bright finish. Sanding also puts scratch marks on the surface so the liquid glass has something to key to. Denis.
  17. Hi All I have put the liquid glass on the back of the window. Dried fitted it to see how it looked. I have got to say I do like it. Yes I know you will not see it when the upper deck is fitted but it is good practice for later on. Denis.
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