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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Vince Looking very classy if you dont mind me saying. Looking ahead a bit, are you thinking of fitting some Mast Heel's. I have ordered some but I will see what they look like first. Denis.
  2. Hi All Just fitted the main deck gratings . I did think about cutting the ends off but decided against it. But looking at the photos I wish I had now as I left plenty of deck planking left on to support them. Denis.
  3. Hi All Just done the main deck planking. The walnut planking in the kit is a bit dark. I have bleached them for 30min's and washed them for an hour in running water. Glued to the deck and sanded them down, but the bleach did not go through all of the wood. I put one coat of varnish on and I have now got a zillion colours. I do like this as it looks weathered. Denis.
  4. Hi Cristi That is looking very nice my friend. You are doing a fantastic job, workmanship is just A1. Denis
  5. Hi Bindy In answer to your problem with plank lengths on the decks of your HMS Surprise. You said the planks are 24 foot long and the HMS Surprise is a scale of 1:75. This is in feet and inches. 12 divide 75 = 0.1600 24 feet x 0.1600 = 3.84 inches 3.84 inches = 97.536mm 97.536mm is your deck plank lengths you can round it off to 97.5mm. I hope this helps you or others. Denis.
  6. Hi Frank Nice to see you are back again. Hope you are A OK now. Denis.
  7. Hi All Sorry this has nothing to do with Model Ship Building. But it's my log. It is 100 years on the 25th April of the Gallipoli Campaign WW1. I would like to ask all people no matter what country they live in or came from or your religion you are. Can we all put aside any differences we all have just for one minute and HONOUR them brave men and woman that gave up their lives so we all can live today. R.I.P to you all you will never ever be forgotten. Denis.
  8. Hi Visi Thank you so much for them words. Long time no talk my friend. Sorry you cannot see it in detail. But to give you some idea you can see 2 sets of doors ie 4 in all ( baby poo brown as you call it ha ha ). The gap between the 2 sets of doors was painted with a brush that has 2 hairs on it ( the paint was just about drying before I could get it on ). Bit of a pain to do. Denis.
  9. Hi Ron Pleased you like it. I assure you it is not real glass ha ha. Denis.
  10. Hi Mark Thank you, it is very slow going. Edwin thank you also. When are you sending me that e-mail ?????. Denis
  11. Hi All This is to show you how small the window panes are. By the time I have drilled them out and cut them to shape they are only about 1.5mm x 1.5mm. Denis.
  12. Hi Max Thank you so much my friend. But the windows get smaller :( . The ones I am cutting out now are about 1.5mm x 1.5mm. Thank you again Max. Denis.
  13. Hi All I have decided on the colours for the windows and doors. Denis
  14. Hi all I have repainted the window with a lighter brown. It may not look lighter but it is. I now have to repaint the white ha ha. Also a photo of the wet liquid glass on the back of the window. Denis.
  15. Hi Vince I tried a Dremel milling bit in my Dremel but it bounced around too much. But may have the wrong one. I set the Dremel speed at about 5. Denis
  16. Hi Edwin I am getting more paint tomorrow. No I am not sobbing over the cricket, but we was going to go over to the MCG but the tickets were sold out ( thank god ha ha ). I only sobbed when England went out ha ha. Denis.
  17. Hi all Yes still doing the windows. But I have put the milling machine away. I have found it better by putting a drill in my Dremel. Then drill some holes, I then used the side of the drill as a milling bit to remove the surpluse metal. I then finished off with a knife and file. Denis
  18. Hi Frank Thank you for that. I was thinking the same. But not sure what type of wood they would have used for the doors. May be Oak ??. Denis.
  19. Hi all Well I had a go at painting one of the windows tonight. I am not sure if the brown door is too dark any ideas ??. It is Tamiya acrylic XF-10. Denis
  20. Hello Keith Sorry about the photos . But my wife has been taking the pitchforks out of my back already :D . When I recover from my injuries I will post some :o . Greg can you hold on for another 3 weeks ;) . Denis.
  21. Hi Keith I have tried feeding it slow and fast but the metal still melts. As for using liquid soap good idea but I am not sure about that as the window panes are only 2mm x 3mm or less and I will not see where I am cutting. I could end up milling the glazing bars off. I will give it a go on the next one. As for photos we will see ha ha. Denis .
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