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    texxn5 got a reaction from Elia in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Some pix on deck

  2. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Elia in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, once again, not a whole lot of time in the shipyard, but I did get the copper cooling tank built.  I made a wash of black paint and thinner to put on the tank to tone it down.  I'll probably put a few coats on it before I'm done.  Meanwhile here's a couple of pictures.  This completes the individual structures for the Tryworks.  I have some chainwork and paint touch ups and a couple of small details yet, but for the most part it is alsmost ready to permanently mount the entire mess to the deck....then it's Harpoon time.....maybe only about 6 or so to start with for the Shelter hanger....the rest are for the boats...

  3. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from WackoWolf in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Love the barrels, I'm doing them also for my Morgan.....yours are better...lol
  4. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Sjors in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Some pix on deck

  5. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, once again, not a whole lot of time in the shipyard, but I did get the copper cooling tank built.  I made a wash of black paint and thinner to put on the tank to tone it down.  I'll probably put a few coats on it before I'm done.  Meanwhile here's a couple of pictures.  This completes the individual structures for the Tryworks.  I have some chainwork and paint touch ups and a couple of small details yet, but for the most part it is alsmost ready to permanently mount the entire mess to the deck....then it's Harpoon time.....maybe only about 6 or so to start with for the Shelter hanger....the rest are for the boats...

  6. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Elia in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Today was rather brief in the shipyard.  Got the wood scrap bin made.  It sits on the port side and is where the scraps went after the oil was cooked out.  From here it goes in the fire when needed as fuel.....next is the cooling tank which goes on the starboard side....

  7. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hello Piet and Popeye, glad you approve.  The "blacksmith" hat was enjoyable.  The hardest thing about the Resistance Solder Iron, is the ground clip.  It is hard to control, and is cumberson.  Micro-Mark makes a grounded vice aparatus, but it's $99 - a bit pricey.....can't afford right now....bummer....
  8. Like
    texxn5 reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I've already seen new things that I can do with the lathe. Here is one example; 2 pics from Jeronimo's absolutely astonishing Le Bonnehome Richard on the scratch built side. I hope that he does not object to my posting his 2 pics here, and I hope that I have not broken any MSW protocols in doing so.
    PS: If you have not discovered his log, well you have no idea how amazing he is.

  9. Like
    texxn5 reacted to popeye the sailor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I feel the same way sometimes,  when I play around with stuff like this      you've done a super job John.......looks real nice sitting on the deck. 
  10. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Impressive!  Super nice!
  11. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Some pix on deck

  12. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, once again, not a whole lot of time in the shipyard, but I did get the copper cooling tank built.  I made a wash of black paint and thinner to put on the tank to tone it down.  I'll probably put a few coats on it before I'm done.  Meanwhile here's a couple of pictures.  This completes the individual structures for the Tryworks.  I have some chainwork and paint touch ups and a couple of small details yet, but for the most part it is alsmost ready to permanently mount the entire mess to the deck....then it's Harpoon time.....maybe only about 6 or so to start with for the Shelter hanger....the rest are for the boats...

  13. Like
    texxn5 reacted to j21896 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well done John!  Well done!
  14. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Some pix on deck

  15. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from lambsbk in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, once again, not a whole lot of time in the shipyard, but I did get the copper cooling tank built.  I made a wash of black paint and thinner to put on the tank to tone it down.  I'll probably put a few coats on it before I'm done.  Meanwhile here's a couple of pictures.  This completes the individual structures for the Tryworks.  I have some chainwork and paint touch ups and a couple of small details yet, but for the most part it is alsmost ready to permanently mount the entire mess to the deck....then it's Harpoon time.....maybe only about 6 or so to start with for the Shelter hanger....the rest are for the boats...

  16. Like
    texxn5 reacted to augie in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Joe is right about battleship cove.  Just near Fall River, MA they have several WWII ships moored there for the public.  The Massachusetts is one, and I think there's a fleet sub.  Haven't been there for 30 years so they may have a lot more by now.  Some great Portuguese restaurants in Fall River as well.
  17. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Snake by jim_smits - Caldercraft - First Build   
    I couldn't force myself to hit the 'like' button on those photos Jim, but looks like you have everything in hand.
  18. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Sjors in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Where you been Mate??? Hope all is well.....
  19. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hmmmm decisions decisions.....no disappointments here Piet.....not from a master craftsman such as you......
  20. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mort stoll in HMS Snake by jim_smits - Caldercraft - First Build   
    glad to see you back in here and that the wind didn't get kicked out of your sails.....wood is forgiving especially if the parts fit back together good....a little paint and off you go.  sometime the damage looks much worse than what it is.....shock...and .... awe gets all of us.......hopefully this is the case with yours....good luck and thanks for before and after pictures.....makes us all go look at what's around that could inflict damage if not moved....let's all clean up our shipyards and hopefully avoid what happened to you.....
  21. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Elia in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    A couple of more

  22. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Where you been Mate??? Hope all is well.....
  23. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from egkb in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Where you been Mate??? Hope all is well.....
  24. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from augie in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Where you been Mate??? Hope all is well.....
  25. Like
    texxn5 reacted to lambsbk in USS Constitution by lambsbk – Revell – 1/96 - PLASTIC – With Fiber Optics   
    This question was discussed earlier in this log. Check out the following from Evan (Force9):
    "The color of the mast hoops is interesting - there is much debate on what is appropriate.  I think it was most common across the world's navies to paint them black to contrast with the mast color up until the battle of Trafalgar.  We know that going into that battle, Admiral Nelson had his fleet painted a uniform pattern as an IFF measure... Having been in so many fleet engagements, nobody understood the fog of war better than Nelson.  And he knew that his upcoming tactics would entail an incredible intermingling of the combatants with banks of gunpowder smoke obscuring everything.  Oftentimes it would only be masts looming above the smoke or a bowsprit emerging from a gray haze that would indicate a nearby ship.  With this in mind, he ordered that all of his ships paint over their iron hoops to match the mast color as a way of making the British ships distinct.  (The combined French/Spanish fleet was still utilizing rope wouldings instead of iron hoops) It is interesting to note that the HMS Victory was restored in the 20th century to the most accurate historic Admiralty records available - which clearly indicated the black iron bands on the masts.  This is surely how she emerged from her Great Repair shortly before Trafalgar and that is how she appeared up into the 1970's.  But research revealed the Victory's signal log with an entry showing Nelson yelling at a couple of his ships to paint out their @#!*&^ mast bands to match the rest of the fleet as they formed up for the great battle.  Apparently these were outlying units that hadn't gotten the word to paint them out to match the masts, which suggests that Nelson had ordered this change very shortly before Trafalgar.  It should be pointed out that the Turner painting and the Clarkson Stanfield work both sat showing the painted out mast hoops for over 150 years.  These paintings were heavily influenced by veterans of the battle.
    Gradually the British navy adopted the Trafalgar painting practices and the American navy generally followed suit.  The Hull model shows the mast hoops on Constitution painted out and the credible contemporary paintings do as well.  But all of this, of course, can/should be superseded by artistic license - it is your model.
    Happy modeling!
    I hope that helps.
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