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  1. When I see you conquering complex connections like this I’m reminded that your field of endeavour has given you the ability to visualize many dimensions all at once.
  2. Great elevation.I like this photo with the scale figure. Really helps give one a sense of size . She is shaping up nicely.
  3. Glad to see you back. There isn't any part of this model beyond your ability.
  4. Magnificent. So how do you move her after she's done. Flood the room and sail her outside?
  5. Ron thank you for the update. Very clean and precise work.I hope having a model of this magnitude to construct will give you many hours of enjoyment. Your hands will never be bored. regards Rick
  6. I was looking for build log for Halifax and found this thread. Your thread has inspired me to make this kit my next build. Top notch craftsmanship. Regards Rick
  7. Thank you both for your help.
  8. Working on attaching wale using titebond II. Ive noticed that at the stem / ajoining timber connection the wale pops loose. The remaining wale has stayed in place. The wale is prepared for this attachment by being boiled and shaped on a board with pins to hold it until it dries. The wood for the wale is walnut. I ve used this technique and type of glue for all wood needing to be shaped to follow hull line. Is there another glue suggestion someone could please recommend at this location. Thank you Rick
  9. Ron This is a thank you for this build log. I’m building my own Oneida and have relied on your log to assist me. Greatly appreciated.
  10. Ron First rate work! Nice carving of the Captain too.
  11. Don't throw the tree away, Ron might need it for his build.
  12. Ron I’m curious how many pieces will make up a full frame. thanks Rick
  13. Hello Ron Glad to see you engaged with a new build. Look forward to her progress. Regards
  14. Your answers have been very helpful and informative.
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