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Valeriy V

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About Valeriy V

  • Birthday 07/31/1971

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    Zaporizhia   Ukraine

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  1. I continue working on the cruiser's hull and draw the outline of the armor belt.
  2. I am looking for a drawing of a propeller that was installed on British cruisers of the 20s of the last century. Perhaps someone will have a drawing of a similar three-bladed propeller.
  3. Hi, Nearshor! I admire your woodwork and I hope I don't disappoint you either.
  4. Thank you, Chris! This choice can be considered only half mine, and the other half belongs to the customer.
  5. Yves, the need to cover the hull of the model with fiberglass and epoxy resin of static models is the result of the experience of previous generations of ship modelers. 1) If you leave the hull unprotected, then, as a result of the effects of moisture and temperature changes on the wood, the contours of the wooden slats of the sheathing will appear through the layer of paint 2) For hardened epoxy resin, fiberglass plays the role of steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures. Without fiberglass, the hardened epoxy resin will gradually crack and peel off from the hull.
  6. Yes, Keith, you are right. I began my work on the cruiser's hull in parallel with the completion of work on Blagoev.
  7. Thank you, Joachim, for your heartfelt words! Thanks GrandpaPhil! Nice to hear from you!
  8. Thanks to the efforts of our forum members JCARLOSM and Tony Hunt I have a set of detailed photos of this model. I am very grateful and deeply thankful to them. Once again, thank you, friends!
  9. The Maritime Museum of Madrid has a magnificent model of the Libertad in 1:48 scale. This model is the one that can replace the detailed photographs I am missing.
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