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About mic-art

  • Birthday 10/27/1969

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    Linköping - Sweden

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  1. The flag also look wrong. At the time naval ships could use either rectangular or the "three tongued" flag used today. We just don't know for certain what was used on Vasa. Personally, I think it looks better with the three tounged.
  2. Flying Fish has a good theory but I wonder if it could be used for tap adjustment of the blade?
  3. Old topic but if anybody is interested, there is a used copy for sale in at a Swedish antiquarian shop. It's quite expensive though (~130$) Link: https://www.bokborsen.se/view/Carl-Olof-Cederlund-Fred-Hoc/Vasa-I-The-Archaeology-Of-A-Swedish-Warship-Of-1/10225433
  4. This was a very interesting and educational thread to read! And as a comment to the conservation vs restoration debate, I would like to remind you of what can happen if restoration is done by someone less skilled 😏 : amateur-restoration-botches-jesus-painting-spain
  5. In south of sweden they are popular in gardens as hedges or topiaries. It's called "Buxbom" in swedish, but you probably already knew all that. 😉
  6. Funny, I said to the Admiral just the other day that the nice part about this forum, is the politeness lack of heated topics, but here it is getting warm JerseyCity Frankie said something about the lack of accurate litterature in the topic. It seems there's a lot of knowledge here, and I suppose not everyone would have time to write a book, but perhaps it would be manageable writing an article in a wiki, on for example wikipedia.org or www.fandom.com. It is just an idea and I'm probably not the first to suggest it. //Mikael
  7. Thanks for the book tip! Found a cheap paperback copy at 15 euro that I ordered. https://www.bokus.com/bok/9781848322189/rigging-period-fore-and-aft-craft/
  8. Slow progress on second planking. Someone advised using 0.5 mm planks so I bought some 5mm during our vacation in Stockholm. It is much easier to bend. I do not have any good clamps for this stage so I glue with CA glue. The first 4 planks was easy to fit but then it got more difficult to make planks follow smooth In the stem. I can not see how to do that correctly. Anyway I had to end the planks as in the photo. I figure the wale will cover the ugly joints.
  9. Great to get help from initiated people like you guys, thank you!
  10. The Caldercraft Cutter Sheroune kit comes with some hideous brass letters to mount in the stern. I have tried to find any reference on how it would have looked on a English cutter from that period, but have failed to find any. From paintings it looks as if the ships only had decorations in various forms - but no name. Is there any "proof" that small ships like Sherbourne actually did have a name displayed? //Mikael
  11. Hej Jörgen och tack för ditt stöd! I suppose you mean "The Naval Cutter Alert (Anatomy of the Ship) "? I have ordered a used copy of "Skeppet" by Björn Landström from a second hand bookshop, I will study that to get some more in depth knowledge in the ship lingo. Meanwhile and most likely in the future too, I will rely on google.
  12. Thank you for your input Tony. You are correct in that the planks would go over the edge of the transom, and it will, with the second planking. 😉
  13. I am also thinking of buying a Proxxon handheld drill/grinder but am uncertain which model is best, there are many to choose from. Anyone got an advise?
  14. Hello and thanks for all the replies and support! Here is a small update on my slow progress. I fitted the middle sternposts first after the first planking was sanded. At this point I noticed that the outer stern timbers where in the wrong angle so I removed them with the help of some methylated spirit (technical alcohol in english?), which dissolved the PVA glue like a charm. Then fitted them again with the middle stern timbers as guide. Next step was to plank the stern. There was a gap between transom and the planking which I covered with a bullnose batten. Would that be historically out of line? I dry fitted the stern post to achieve a snug fit for the stern planking. I will fit it permanently after the second planking (which I am a bit afraid of) I hope my writing is comprehensive as I have to learn what the parts of a ship is called, not only in english, but also in Swedish 😉
  15. I must say it looks very nice! So you would recommend a pin pusher then? I was thinking of buying one but I got the feeling that people think it is a waste of money. Did you use it for your second planking too?
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