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Everything posted by Long9Ron

  1. Pablo When you laid out your frames for cutting, what type of wood did you use? The grain on it looks like some of the wood I'm have, but I don't have any idea what it is. It came from an old recliner chair that was taken apart and given to me. I was thinking of using it for my frames. The thing is I don't know if there is enough of it and after ripping the wood down from the recliner chair I found out there was three different types used and the grains are all different. I don't know types of woods very well.
  2. Interesting topic. It looks good now. Hope it works with your stains. It would be nice if someone could post something in the way of "Methods on how to treat different types of stains on various types of wood." or something like that and have it in the database. Just a thought.
  3. Garward That's putting the mind to work. I like the saw guide and the thickness sander. It has given be even more ideas on how to improve my tools. Thanks
  4. Thanks for the .pdf file Pete and thanks for the nice link Steve. Good information to have.
  5. Yes very clean cut. You must have good eye site and steady hands, unlike me.
  6. Thanks for the input Rusty, Pete, Russ and Larry. Seeing that this is my first build I don't want it to get too complicated with stains and such, so I have decided to go with the natural look for now. I think it looks better myself. More experiments to come in the future. Anyway, I have a few more pictures below. I have made my jig and have mounted the keel. Also made a revolving table from a flat screen TV stand that I had laying around. Keiko the cat wanted to get into the picture. Next step is to find some timber to do the frames. Also, had to reinforce my thickness sander, I had to much vibration in it. The board wasn't thick enough.
  7. Russ, Grant, Bob and Mark Thanks for all the nice comments. I have been busy in the garage making the keelson and trying an experiment on some sample pieces of timber. I was thinking of making the keel, false keel and keelson a darker color. I stained one piece with a dark walnut stain, but I don't know if I like the looks of it. It shows every little grain mark and flaw. Another piece of timber I used Canola Oil (thanks to the Admiral) and it looks very natural, but not as dark as I would have liked. I have loaded a couple on pictures below and would like to hear what you guys think, or if you have any other suggestions for making the timber look darker. Or should I just leave it natural looking, which is pretty light. The camera quality may not be great as it is from my cellphone cam.
  8. Rusty I like that method of bending the beams. I may try that with may build.
  9. Looking great Larry. I will follow your build log.
  10. Grant Glad you re-posted. It's looks fantastic. I will be following your log.
  11. Pablo It's looks great to me. I'm on my first build also. I'm sure I will make some mistakes as I go, but that's how I will get better at it in time.
  12. Nice work. I like your mini saw. Is that a piece of angle iron you're using for the fence?
  13. Please be gentle with me as this is my very first build of any kind in 50 years. Okay, I have made most of my homemade tools such as a wood lathe, drum sander, thickness sander and table saw, http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/126-my-homemade-wood-lathe/ http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/449-my-homemade-tools-long9ron/ Now I'm ready to go. Except that I would like to make a mini table saw soon. So I got some old wood that a buddy gave to me from an old broken down recliner chair. I don't know what kind of wood it is, but we think it may be Oak. I ripped it down to size and put it through the thickness sander and I think it looks pretty good. I have made the Keel and the False Keel so far. I used the homemade scraper shown below to scrape out the rabbet on the Keel for the Garboard Plank to sit. The Keel shown below is my second attempt, the first one was not good at all because I used a utility blade to scrape the rabbet and made a mess of it. More updates to come in the future; Ron
  14. Thanks Sinan The black boards are removable so I can do deeper cuts and the blade will tilt to 45 degrees also. It's good for cutting larger stock down to a workable size. I will be adding a board on the front and the back so I will be able to clamp down a rip fence. Will have to build myself a mini saw so I won't have to do as much sanding. It's nice to have the security wrench within reach instead of searching for it all the time. Ron
  15. Well, when the site was down I was in the garage building some more homemade tools. I already built my Wood Lathe http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/126-my-homemade-wood-lathe/ . Here are some pictures of my homemade Table Saw (not mini) and my homemade Drum Sander and my homemade Thickness Sander. No plans or anything, just built them as I went along. I think I put good use of the time spent during the change over, and they work too. Ron
  16. Hi Bob Nice work. I like your idea of the extended False Keel to hold everything in place. I'll be watching your progress. Ron
  17. John I built the lathe around the drill. You can make it any size you would like. The plans were in my head as I went along. Just used old lumber that I found in the garage and some screws I had. Didn't cost me a thing to build. That's the good part, cheap and works. Ron
  18. I like the razor blade cut. I will have to try that also. Is the blade held in place with hot clue?
  19. Thanks Bob and Michael. I have been busy building some more tools while the site was down. I will post them later. Ron
  20. Nice job. I like all your tools. I have also made some tools. Will post them later. My homemade lathe is here. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/126-my-homemade-wood-lathe/ Ron
  21. Rusty Glad you re-posted. I'll be following the build. It's looking good. Ron
  22. Snowmans I was watching your build before the crash. How I will be able to continue watching. Thanks for re-posting the build. Looks good. Ron
  23. Just thought I would re-post the pictures of my homemade wood lathe.
  24. Prodas your build is looking good. Hope to see more pics soon. I'll be starting to build the Triton Cross Section soon myself. Ron
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