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Everything posted by Long9Ron

  1. Here are a few of the pictures that I believe were missing. Just an update for now.
  2. Yes, I can do that i think. Give me a little time and I will post the pictures.
  3. Yes, I'm back after about two years. I will start to post some pictures as I go along and post any missing ones also. See you soon. Have fun building.
  4. Thanks Anja for the welcome back and for posting the link to my build. I will try to find the missing pictures and post them again.
  5. It's been about two years and I'm now in the mood again to work on my H. M. S. Triton (cross section). I want to get it finished. I got very discouraged about the build after I started it because I was being a bit of a perfectionist. I now realized that I don't need to be a perfectionist. I just need to be me and to have fun with the build and want ever the build turns out to be will be alright. Anyway, I'm back and I'm glad. I can't seem to find my build now. I guess I was away to long. Anyway, I will dust off the spider webs and get busy. Ron
  6. Wow. Just Wow... Came across your build and starting reading it and I love the way you have added your own ideas to make it your build. You build fast but nice (very nice). You have inspired me to get back to building my cross section. Looking forward to seeing your completed build, and I believe that will be very soon. lol
  7. I saw your build and have decided to follow it, but I'm not familiar with the Royal Louis. Is there a little history on the ship that you can past along? It looks like a beautiful ship to build.
  8. Al Just came across your build, and have read it from the start. I find it very interesting and will be following. Keep up the good work and thanks for all the good information on CNC. Love the quality for your photos, I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  9. Welcome back Randy. I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures on your build.
  10. Nice progress Learner. I can't wait to see more photos.
  11. Wonderful work Grant. Love the work you did on the display platform. Barrels and anchor also look great. Nice job.
  12. Great job on the build Grant. I also like the display stand.
  13. I must pop in and say "wow" your build is looking very nice. Been following it for a while, nice work.
  14. The drill that I use is an old Sears variable speed drill. It's range is from 0 to 1200 rpm. Running at 3 amps. It's not very fast, but will do in a pinch. It is also hard to hold a square piece of wood in a three prong chuck. When it runs for a period of time it does get a bit hot. Higher speed, with a capability of controlling the speed, would be a better choice in my opinion. I made this when I was first starting out with ship modeling and saw some DIY lathes, so I decided to make one. There are a lot of better DIY lathes out there. I hope your DIY lathe project turns out the way that's best for you.
  15. Marius Congratulations on a job well done. I can only hope that mine will turn out half as good as yours.
  16. Paddy I think you're doing a great job. The framing looks very nice. I think that I will have to start getting some more books on ship building. I didn't know about the copper spikes at all. I will have to start doing more research on the building of wooden ships before the 1800's. I'm learning so much from all the builders on MSW, it's great.
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