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Everything posted by Long9Ron

  1. Beautiful work Bob. I look forward to seeing more of your build.
  2. Thanks for the link Kevin.
  3. Just an update on the build. I replaced the Douglas Fir beams that I had already made and bent to the proper camber with Oak ones. I believe they look a lot better and are stronger. I have cut all of the carlings and ledges and have managed to install the pillars and beams for the lower deck. I have started to work my way across the deck by cutting the joints by hand using an Exacto knife ( thanks to Rusty for the tutorial ). It's a little awkward but it can be done and I think it doesn't look too bad. Not worried about the gaps too much as I will be planking the whole deck.
  4. Garward Thanks for the info. That's a good link.
  5. Rusty Thanks for the tutorial. I'm at the stage now of installing the carlings and ledges and this information is just what I needed as I have already glued the pillars and beams in place for the lower deck. I was just sitting back and doing a lot of thinking on how to cut them and then I saw your post and went Wow, just what I needed. Your work is wonderful and a delight to follow. Please keep posting little tutorials like this please. Thanks
  6. Pete It's looking great. 1/32 looks to be a great size for the Triton. I like it. Also like the noodle. I will have to make Oodles of Noodles
  7. Garward Excellent ideas. Thanks
  8. Beautiful work Rusty. Looking forward to seeing more pictures.
  9. Bob You're frames are looking great. Leaving some meat on them was a good idea. I wish I had left more on mine, but I didn't and I have a few spots that are a little thin. That was good thinking on your part. Keep up the great work.
  10. Snowmans Just dropped in to say hi and see where you were at. You are about the same place as me. I have cut all the pieces for the decking and now trying to figure out the best way to tackle building it (off or on the ship). Will check in later.
  11. Thanks for the info Larry. I will have to go to a hobby shop soon and check it out.
  12. Nice work Pete Why is it that I always find out the best way to do something is after I have already done it the wrong way?
  13. Beautiful work Larry Might be a stupid question, but can that flat brass metal be purchased somewhere and if so what size is it?
  14. Bob Nice planking. Show us some pictures after the redo.
  15. Toni Just looked at your build of the Atlanta. Beautiful work.
  16. Just an update here. I have replaced the limber boards with new ones and have drainage holes on them. I think they look okay. Also I have now finished all the toothpicks (treenails) to this point and have applied one coat so far of Antique Oil to the planks. Will have about 3 or 4 coats in total. I have also decided to redo my deck beams. They were made of Douglas Fir and now they will be made of Oak. The Knees and Carlings etc. will also be of Oak. The Douglas Fir in my opinion is too soft to use, the Oak will be better for the joints. Working on cutting the knees etc. now and sanding and setting the camber on the new beams. Will update later.
  17. Rusty Your build is looking very nice. I haven't made any knees yet and I'm not looking forward to making them. But, when I do I hope that they will turn out to be as nice as yours.
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