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SigEp Ziggy

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Everything posted by SigEp Ziggy

  1. Very impressive work, can't wait to see all the aircraft on the deck!
  2. I've been working on the cannons, twenty OOB and ten modified, these may be seen thru the spar deck.
  3. Ccoyle, ever since you re-named my build, it only shows as a search, not as a build log for subjects 1901 to present. Can it be restored or do I have to repost?
  4. Thanks Guys, the 'box scale' Revell kits are old and tired. This is the perfect kit for this build, as well as the Arizona kit choice for that wreck diorama, which I will have an update on soon.
  5. I have been following a youtube tutorial on building the wreck in 1/350 scale, I will use the Revell kit I have in my stash to build the same. In addition to the tutorial, I will use these books. The bow section is only 470 feet of the 882 foot long Titanic, in 1/570 scale that is under 10 inches! So far, I cut the hull at 470 scale feet and started the forecastle, the boat deck and A deck. I did get the Tom's Modelworks photo etch set for the cranes and railings.
  6. Thank you Heinrich for the kind words, I have been working on the small boat and one of the canon carriages.
  7. Thanks for the info Denis, I have followed your build from the beginning and purchased the kit because of it. I will build it different than the instructions show by installing the the gun deck first, like the Revell Constitution kit, and the upper deck later, we'll see how that goes, wish me luck.
  8. I am going for this look as far as the paint scheme goes. I'll start with the boats and canons
  9. I have been out of touch with everyone, I'll work on that. Looks great Jo!
  10. Well I am going to try 'Start a model and finish it'. I got the Lindberg 'Jolly Roger' at Hobby Lobby with a coupon for $17. I will make some changes to the kit, add details to the gun deck, improve the masts and spars, make my own sails, and decide on which color scheme use. Improvements: add birth deck under ladders add hawse holes add gun deck capstans add officers quarters add galley stove Hope to make some progress soon Ziggy
  11. Patrick, I always learn from watching your builds, great job on the Bounty, looks fantastic!
  12. Jack, I did watch your build and will get PE kits for both. Lou, $350 was too much, I do have excellent plans, so I will stick with the kit bash. I am considering the resin kit for the USS Nashville to bash into the Boise, other wise it will be from scratch. I am shooting for 1946 and some ships underwent gun upgrades, so I will use the end of the war guns and radar.
  13. I need some working drawings, so I cut and taped together the plan drawings using a light box. Next, I needed the correct size drawings, 117.5% did the trick. Now I need to correct the main deck and adjust the hull. I will use the line drawings shown here.
  14. I did find pictures of the museum and the models that inspired me to build the Idaho and Boise, they are both 1/700, but I will be building in 1/350 scale. Also, I my fleet has grown to include the Trumpeter USS The Sullivan's, which I will build as the USS Laffey and the Trumpeter USS England built as the USS Ruben James.
  15. In 2012, my family and I traveled from Post Falls to southern Idaho, about 450 mi (725 km). My oldest son, 14yrs at the time, was participating in a state wide football tournament. We did sight seeing, Craters of the Moon, the State Capitol, the Boise Zoo, but what I wanted to see was a military museum. The one we found was somewhat small, tanks and armor vehicles outside and military 'stuff' inside. What caught my eye was two model ships, USS Idaho BB-42 and the USS Boise CL-47! I vowed to build both, however the only kits available were resin and way out of my price range, $350 and $225 respectively. So, I said 'someday' and left it at that. Fast forward to 2019, one of my fellow modelers suggested kit bashing the Arizona into the Idaho and he sent be some plans I believe are Russian printed in Polish/English! And now Covid-19, you would think I could get a lot of modeling done with working from home for over a month now. Not the case, however, my wife did let me purchase the Hobby Boss 1/350 USS Arizona! Let the kit bash begin!
  16. Patrick, you do such an amazing job of building models! I would love to see more of your Vasa. Shane
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