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SigEp Ziggy

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Everything posted by SigEp Ziggy

  1. Jo, I am glad to see you working on your Billings kit! Hope to see more soon. I will do the same very soon. Your friend, Shane
  2. Thanks Alan, In 2012, I was in southern Idaho visiting a military museum and saw two ship models there. One was the Idaho and the other was the Boise. Well, I was hooked and decided I would build both. Now, many years later, this dream may come true. Shane
  3. This is just for fun and I do not have a time frame for this, but this is the list of ships I plan to build. I have these models. I needed the Hobby Boss USS Arizona to kitbash into the USS Idaho, I received it on Saturday. I had plans that I was able to download from another modeler and here are the plans for the kitbash. We will see how many years it takes me !?!
  4. Thanks for the kind words, strange times we are living in. I hope 'we', meaning yours and mine families, come thru this without complications. Cheers.
  5. It's looking good OC! I would think this confined to quarters would give plenty of time for modeling, however 'honey-do's' keep getting in the way!
  6. Hi Jo! Glad to see you on the forum, I would be lying if I said I haven't missed you. I hope to see some more posts. Just about all my builds have stalled, mostly because I am reluctant to use my airbrush.
  7. Yes Denis, the props are weak, one was broken when I opened the box, but the piece was there. Then one just ended up missing, don't know when, where or how! So, I just ordered a cockpit interior to add to the props and wheels. Now I have to decide how to deal with the windows.
  8. Thanks for the comment, OC I will try my best to make a decent replica of both a B-17G and the 'Liberty Belle'
  9. Working on the 'Belle'. The interior is weak and the crew members are blobs of styrene. I will replace the gun barrels with wire. The main issue is the windows. I may have to make my own. They are way too thick and I'm having fit issues with them. I got the wings together!
  10. Thanks for showing interest Denis and Ragove. This will be my first attempt at a metal finish. I have a Mig 15 and F86 Saber waiting in the 'wings', so this will be a learning experience. I also have another B-17 in the 'stash', it's a Revell Model Masters version.
  11. This Revell kit looks like a petty good kit. Denis, I'm sure you will do a great job on this one. You have motivated me to build my B-17G. I was check out your posts, over 13,000 to my under 200, I need to catch-up.
  12. This is a really old kit. The date on the parts is 1962 and the date on the box is 1986. It's hard to believe that was 34 years ago! The decals were toast, so I ordered decals for the Liberty Belle. Too bad about the Belle, she was a survivor and airworthy to boot. She caught fire I believe at an airshow and was completely destroyed. And with that I will paint this model in her colors and markings. The wheels and props were bad enough that I will replace them with resin parts and try to improve on the kit as best I can.
  13. Finally started scratch building the airframes for the DH2. I will use .032 inch (0.8 mm) piano wire for the frame, reshaped .080 x .080 styrene for the spares and a high E guitar string for the wires.
  14. Jo, so glad to hear from you, I warms my heart. Ragove, it has been a challenge to keep my builds organized and keep my sanity! The two big ones I keep in their boxes. I only work on one at a time. I have two with their own containers. These three have their own drawers. The last one has the top drawer of the tool storage three drawer container. Oops, there are nine counting the little 105 Howitzer in the baggie at the top of this picture.
  15. Experimenting with the pounce wheel.
  16. Thank for the comments guys. I am trying to come up with a plan to add rivets. I think I will prime first, then rivet and then paint. Wish me luck!
  17. Patrick, you have done a phenomenal job on this build! You have taken an average kit and made it a show piece. I will refer to this build often as well as your other builds. I am almost sad that you have finished, I look forward to your next build.
  18. I have eight builds in the works simultaneously, so here is one of them. I received the paints I ordered from Micromark. I cleaned the parts.
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