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Everything posted by Kikatinalong

  1. Young people would blame climate change Steven. More than likely the wrapping was made in China. We all know nothing from there lasts long. Having said that, look at COVID-19 it's continuing to work. They must be improving. 😂😂
  2. I have been clearing out my parents house and came across 77 issues of Ships and Ship Models Magazines. Im guessing they belonged to my great grandfather and my grandfather must have brought them from England to Australia when they migrated in 1948. They start with the very first edition in September 1931. ( only 4 editions in 1931. Sep/oct/nov/Dec). 12 issues 1932 12 issues 1933 12 issues 1934 12 issues 1935 12 issues 1936 1931 issues have a print of Ships in them. All other issues come with a lift out. Either triple, double or mostly single print or sectional drawing. In my opinion they are in a good condition for their age with some rust affecting the staples. Single editions seem to sell for around $15 Australian. As sets I think they could be more valuable. Im not chasing top dollar, as I'd like someone who would really enjoy them to take them off my hands. I want to sell as 1 lot. All reasonable offers will be considered. Please consider they weigh 5 kilograms for all 6 sets. Cheers. Peter.
  3. The most enjoyable log to follow Steven. The model improves every with every post. The shields look fantastic along with the benches. Cheers Peter
  4. The model is looking absolutely amazing Steven. Something anyone would be proud to put their name to. Hats off to you.
  5. I came across these magazines sorting through my fathers belongings. im guessing my grandfather bought them from England when they came to Australia in 1948. There is every edition including the first from 1931 through to 1937 and some from 1938. 79 magazines in all. My question is what have I really found and what should I do with them. To be honest I'm sure there are people that would get more enjoyment than me from owning them. cheers Peter.
  6. Hi to all. I haven't had a lot of time to work on my ship the last few months. All of my spare time has focused on visiting my dementia riddled father after we placed him in a nursing home, and cleaning out his garage for my mum so she can downsize. Aged 92 she's one determined woman. Dads garage was full of model trains, electric and two live steam models. We should all be glad that once we pass, we don't see what happens to most of the things we have amassed over a lifetime. Having said that I managed to Aquire some great things he owned. I must post in ( what did you receive today) section once I've set it all up. So this is just a quick update on minor progress. Ive managed to complete the walnut planking from the main deck down fully on one side, and I'm about half way on the other side. The stern above deck is starting to take the desired shape I have decided on. Hopefully in the next month I can complete the outer planking and move to the next challenge. cheers Peter.
  7. Beautiful precision work Steven, cant wait to see it again, hopefully soon.
  8. Looks like your off to a nice start. Would be nice to know a little more about the model .
  9. They look fantastic Steven, it's a shame they will be mostly hidden. I think the acetone at Bunnings is a 750 mm bottle and very cheap so maybe it's a bulk buy for the leader of the opposition. 😁
  10. Welcome to MSW Having completed one wooden model places you ahead of a lot of people on this site. Its easy to be inn awe of some of the work done by people in here but most of us are just trying to do the best we can because of the love for the hobby. You should definitely start a build log, because at any turn you need advice the great people on this site are more than willing to advise and help. Thirty thousand heads are better than one. Good luck with your build. Cheers Peter
  11. Brilliant Steven, and they look great. You might need to be careful or it wont be long before the Chinese start manufacturing your poor man's lathe and you will miss out on the royalties.
  12. Hi Jo A little CA wouldn't hurt, but you could also just place a strip or two of planking or similar underneath using some elastic bands to hold it in place until it is connected by other parts. Good luck with your build. Cheers peter.
  13. The Great Harry returning to its former glory, it's going to look fantastic Steven. And the cannons look really good from here.
  14. Thank you Steven, that solves the little mystery. I'm hoping to visit Tasmania next year so I may get to see the ship. The company Mineralogy that had it for a while is or was owned by Clive Palmer. I read the other day he intended to restore the ship when they finished with it, just like he intended to replicate the Titanic. He's another flog politician who is full of crapolla.
  15. Hello to all. My Carrack is moving along a little quicker than I thought, so I had to finally decide on the changes to the stern galleries. A decision was made to completely remove the bulky slanted stern gallerie and just stick with a slick tapered rear and a simple hand railing along the top stern deck. As it begins to take shape the more I think I made the right decision in this regards to the changes. As the kit is possibly as old as forty years I've come across a problem with the 1.5 mm lime laths, I've ran out of them and the new ones I bought are a completely different colour. The advice I received was it's as simple as the old ones have just aged. I intend not to stain any of the timber and leave everything natural I will probably have to line the deck sides on the inside so I end with the one colour of natural timber. I don't think it's a big deal, just added work. The age of the timber must be why I have colour discrepancies in the deck planking. So far I've added the cannons, the cannons themselves can be glued in later once the first layer of planking has been covered in Walnut. The top deck has been added. And I continue to work my way up with the planking, towards the forecastle and the new stern handrailing. Im making a few errors as I progress but as long as I learn along the way and every error is fixable then I'm happy as I go along. I do have one question. Is there anything I need to do to the first layer of planking before I start laying the veneer walnut on top of it ? All the hard work is very rewarding as the Carrack starts to take its real shape and I start to think only a natural disaster could stop me now. Cheers. Peter.
  16. This model of the M.V. Wyhuna was built by my non paternal grandfather in 1955. Its a beautifully crafted scratch built model and hard to believe its 65 years old. It was built to enter a competition run by the Argus newspaper, which was a daily newspaper in Melbourne, Australia. Established in 1846 and closed in 1957. It was the general Australian newspaper of record for this period. Im told he won three competitions, this model is at the family home, another went to a sister and a third went to be displayed at a modelling club. The Wyhuna is a former Port Phillip pilot cutter and Australian Maritime college training vessel. Built by Ferguson Shipbuilders of Port Glasgow, Scotland. Its main task was to lead ships through Port Phillip heads renowned for being a very dangerous stretch of water which claimed many ships and lives. In recent years it was apparently saved through donations and returned to Melbourne, but I can't find a lot more about where it is today. I grew up with this ship always sitting on a mantle piece and never really took a lot of notice of it. But now at 53 I've taken to modelling wooden ships, I've no doubt that now I have some time this was actually my inspiration. Cheers Peter.
  17. Looking great Steven, your persistence with the decorative painting is paying dividends.
  18. Latest update. Ive managed to complete the first layer of planking. It's very daunting to attempt this part of the build, so much to learn beforehand and during the process and I'm sure like most modellers I would do it differently the second time around. I'm reasonably happy with the outcome. I definitely would have added a few stealers if I had my time again. Maybe I'll have to on the main outer layer of planking. I used an 8x5 mm plank for the garboard plank, it's a little thin at the ends but it is what it is and I'll learn from that. A little filler here and there before I move to the next stage of planking above the deck. I will now need to finally decide on the above deck stern area before doing attempting this. I salute every first time hull planker, it really does make you feel like a first year apprentice who could do with an experienced tradesman to guide them along. As an idea Ive taken about an inch of each side of the piece that slides in just above the hull at the stern to gain the shape I want. Where I go from there I'm still not really sure but I have a few things in mind. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Phill, welcome aboard, congratulations on a great decision to return to modelling Peter.
  20. Welcome to the tribe cheers Peter
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