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Retired guy

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About Retired guy

  • Birthday November 6

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  1. Learning lots from a master modeler, brilliantly done Gary, I like the way you made a template glue the planking together off the model, then drilled the holes 👍 perfection. Regards Richard
  2. Thanks very much for your very nice comment Gary 👍 I couldn't have made the parts without the use of Jim Byrnes machines, they just give the accuracy as you say. These will be painted and then will need to weather them. Going to ask Chris Watton if he can do some different scale fishermen 🤔 Forgot to mention I did add the False Stem which was 7/8" thk, scale size .014" x 1.2mm then once glue to Stern knee I sander it to outside profile of planks. Before False Stem False Stem installed Here is where I am now, next post will be when they are all done. Thanks again for all who have commented, left a like and all who have looked in. Until next time. Regards Richard
  3. Thanks Keith not sure I would want to be in the Atlantic Ocean with a boat full of fish and a storm coming. Regards Richard
  4. Thanks very much Keith, will try and get the other seven to be the same. It amazes me that there were so many different thickness of wood to make these Dory’s. Regards Richard
  5. Next up was to make the Gunnels these were 1 3/8" thk so sanded some pear to .021" thk width was 1.1mm. Made a jig so that I could bend these to shape, took shape from my drawing. Just before putting the Gunnels on both sides I added the Stern Cleat, these were 1" thk so .016" Then I put the capping which was 7/8" model size .014"x 1.4mm wide"on top of the Gunnel, bent wood on the same jig. Time to add the Risers which held the Thwarts thickness 3/4" x 5 3/8" model size .012" x 2.13mm, made a jig so that I could install these risers easier. Then made the Thwarts which were 1 1/8" thk x 6 1/4" model size .018" x 2.48 mm Very pleased how the first one has come out. Still to make/do Tholepin holes which are 7/8" then make the Tholepins, oars which are 9'-6" long and all other miscellaneous fishing items, then finish of the other seven dory's. Thanks everyone who has looked in and all who hit the like button and last thanks to everyone who has left a comment do appreciate very much. Regards Richard
  6. Thanks very much Keith, small items which hold the side walls firmly. Regards Richard
  7. Only thirteen spots to repair Brilliant planking Keith. Regards Richard
  8. That's a cracker of a job Keith very well presented, and doing the extra shading has made it pop 👍👍 Regards Richard
  9. Got the floor Battens made, these were 7/8" thk and cut a couple of stern knees they were 2 7/8" thk. Also got a 2nd dory planked. Now have started the timbers, these where 1" thk, sanded down some pear wood to .016" laid out and cut to shape with my Turbo Carver, had to be very careful because size of them, side tapered from 1,2mm to to 1,1mm and the bottom width was .8mm. once rough cut they were then filed to shape. Each station had a different angle. From the side shot you can see the planks overlapping. Looking at this picture shows the difference between the new and the old dory which is made from the Model shipway drawing. Until next time, Regards Richard
  10. Thanks Rick. Now got the (Shear strake) fourth planks made which is 8" wide which equals 3.175mm in 1/64 scale, here it is just bent and laying on the plug This is how it came out of the plug. Did make a jig to check the angle so using the old template I remade it to the new plug Then made another jig to make sure It came out to the shape as per station 3. Now need to make battens to go on floor, battens for sides, timbers and Stern knees. Thanks to everyone who has left a comment, likes and all who just visit much appreciate. Until next time, Regards Richard
  11. I remember back in the day in England in our house close to Poole Dorset we had fire places to heat all the rooms, and in the kitchen we had the stove which was always burning with wood and coke (the gay colour) it was the cheapest. My chore was to cut the wood into kindling and bring up the coke and make the fires up. The stove in the kitchen heated up the water tank. Those were the days eh. Regards Richard
  12. Way to go on the roof Keith, just wondering if you should put a metal plate on roof where the smoke stack goes through, one wouldn't what a hot pipe near wood roof 🤔 Regards Richard
  13. Thought I would make all planking, sizes where taking off Station 3 these planks are all parallel. Picture below is the plank just laying there ready to glue. Now glued and starting to mark out the bevel for third plank. Next was the third plank, all I had to do is bevel and bend between fingers, so I did not need to drill holes in plug and put brass pegs in. Thanks very much for all the comments and like and for all who are looking in. Until next time. Regards Richard
  14. Hi Eberhard, Great write up, which made me go to chapter 1 "A search for the beginnings" on page 19 n the Dory Book, I read that small bottom, dory- like boats were native to the British Isles, and they could have existed relatively unchanged in isolated fishing communities in the west of England adjacent to Bristol. Then under this he is saying they could go back to 1427. Regards Richard
  15. Amazing that a Grand Banks fishing Dory is in a museum in France, thanks for showing, it looks really neat to see it all laid out like that, are the other planks on the floor 🤔 Glad you like the tilting build jig I find it helps a lot with laying out where planking goes, sanding bevels and also gluing the planks in place. Did make a tilting jig when I planked the Bluenose. Regards Richard
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