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    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks John..........I can't say that about my other builds.......I got too many          oh....well,   I'll get 'em cleared up sooner or later     I can say though,  that I know what I'll be doing for .....let's say..........for the next ten years!     I guess,  in a way.....that this is a good thing.   I'm seeing more......learning more.....and experimenting more.  as they say.........the next build always seems to look more enhanced.   it's a great thing to tell someone who is just starting out.........they have so much to look forward to      never give up the ship!      
  2. Like
    edmay reacted to captainbob in Lettie G Howard by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - POB - schooner   
    When the Lettie was discovered after being abandoned the masts, bowsprit, and the windlass had been taken off the boat and mostly disassembled so I am not completely sure this is the correct windlass.  I got this design from Chapelle’s “The American Fishing Schooner”.  I think it will do.  It is mounted on a temporary base and I will be taking it all apart and painting some of the parts before mounting it on the boat.  I have to admit I had a lot of fun with the linkage.  I wish I had kept time on this I figure somewhere between 12 and 20 hours.





  3. Like
    edmay reacted to hollowneck in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    Thanks for the update and all the contributions, including some new studio pics of your excellent prototype.
    I am looking forward to Amati's release of this kit. What good news it is that you've completed the plans and instructions - and that Amati is now working on the components. 
    As you've seen here over the last few weeks (since you "popped back-up" in this forum), there is still considerable interest in your new Vic. Your explanations of some of the models' details are much appreciated by many. Seeing an in-progress shot of the "New" Prince is also encouraging.
    Great to know you're working on keeping fit. Chipping away at the “stones” is good - and we Watton-Watchers are eagerly awaiting the additional pounds that will inevitably show-up in the Amati Victory kit box!
  4. Like
    edmay reacted to Morgan in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    There has been a lot of debate on this forum of recent regarding the practicalities of developing kits and consequent costs, sufficient to say you take your choices based on affordability for each member and what you want out of it. I for one see this Victory as a premium level once in a lifetime kit, and accept it may well be the most expensive kit in the market, but also accept it will be a compromise between cost and quality, given that I will purchase a kit but fully expect to pay more to enhance the kit. Each to their own, let's just welcome and applaud the opportunity and aspiration it offers.
    I'll get off my high horse now, I feel a touch of vertigo coming on!
  5. Like
    edmay reacted to Malcolm Greig in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    Excellent answer from Chris as to kit quality and he makes some great points. He's the expert after all.  Very encouraging as expectations will be very high of this Victory. Might the quality debate be a situation where 80% quality is good enough and to reach close to 100% quality might cost 80% more? Does that make sense?
    Particularly good news about the cannon's.  
  6. Like
    edmay reacted to chris watton in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    Me too! I have always said that I design the kits how I would like to build them, just from a modeller's perspective. Because of this, they do take longer to develop than bog standard 'block model' kits, but I hope are more fun to make.
    I admit that my favoured material for castings, especially for large stern and figurehead decoration, is resin - much easier to bend/manipulate and sand/file. The only castings that are on Victory are the figurehead parts, the stern and side galleries are pre-cut wood and photo-etched parts. I prefer this as I know that every photo etched part will be exactly the same as I used for the prototype, no shrinkage and nothing malformed like you can get with cast parts, plus I can draw the minutest detail for the etched decoration.
    I have mentioned before that even all of the gratings are PE so that I could make each grating the exact scale size, and not have the size of the 'off the shelf' gratings dictate the size of the hatch opening. The quarterdeck gratings have a slight taper, which is also reproduced in the etched gratings.
  7. Like
    edmay reacted to Keith_W in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    With regard to fittings, I would much rather have the non-replaceable parts of a kit to be of high quality. This includes: all castings (figureheads and stern decorations especially), cannon, and all photoetched parts. Parts like blocks, rope, dowels, grating, and even planking can be replaced if you felt like it. 
  8. Like
    edmay reacted to chris watton in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    I actually turned the 4 sizes of cannon barrels myself, on my lathe from brass to fit the scale carriages. these will be cast metal in the kit and specific to the Victory kit.
    The blocks/deadeyes will be standard and are perfectly acceptable in my view. Higher quality wooden blocks made from boxwood by more specialist small companies are a) prohibitively expensive and no small scale manufacturer could produce the amount of blocks required for a kit like Victory.
    I have always used Amati thread for the rigging and have never found any problems with it. What you see on my prototype model of Victory are the cast cannons specific to the model, standard Amati blocks and deadeyes, and standard Amati rigging thread (as well as standard wood strip stock, the same that's used in all Amati kits).
    I have never used any 'special' materials or fittings when building the prototypes, but always standard stock. If no standard fittings will do, or I do not think will be good enough (whether slightly wrong in size or not enough detail), I will make brand new masters.
    That's the way it has always been.
  9. Like
    edmay reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    OK, I'll make a start on my next build log.
    The 1/350 Tamiya (new tool) Yamato with Pontos upgrade set and numerous other bits and pieces.
    Those of you that have watched some of my other builds have obviously figured out I like the aftermarket stuff.
    That being said the kit is enormous, compared to my last build.
    I also got a cheap old took kit off ebay for painting practice when I get around to buying an airbrush.

  10. Like
    edmay got a reaction from Piet in Cape Cod Catboat by Marcus Botanicus – FINISHED - BlueJacket Shipcrafters – Scale ¾”=1’   
    Hello Marcus, nice paint job ,thks for the book ref,will look for a copy on amazon ,Edwin
  11. Like
    edmay reacted to chris watton in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    Thank you guys (and girls)
    Here are a few studio shots of the completed Victory, with figurehead and flags..






  12. Like
    edmay reacted to Anja in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    Hello all
    @ Allan
    Thanks for the tip. I checked Linkedin, but I am not a premium member.
    I just received an answer from Chris.
    He is fine and has been busy working on Victory instructions and plans (which are now complete) and a small modeller's manual for Amati, which he has also just finished.
    Chris requested a change in his email for MSW, as his old address is no longer available.
    He will post an update once the re-activation of his account, due to the email address change, is done.
  13. Like
    edmay reacted to Sjors in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    We have send Amati an E mail to ask about Chris but still no respons.
  14. Like
    edmay reacted to WackoWolf in MONTAÑES by Amalio   
    Why can't you type it in English for the rest of us?
  15. Like
    edmay got a reaction from marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Hello Mark, In awe as usual,she is a" masterpiece" thanks for your log .Edwin
  16. Like
    edmay got a reaction from md1400cs in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Hello Mark, In awe as usual,she is a" masterpiece" thanks for your log .Edwin
  17. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    A little more progress - first thing I did was determine the best position for the figureheads,then pinned & glued them in place. Next,the middle & lower head rails were bent & cut to fit,painted,& glued in place.After that,I drilled the hawse holes & finished adding the bolsters. The upper cheek rails were then filed & shimmed to fit,painted,& glued in place. hard to see in the pictures,but a curved block was added to the underside of the cheek rail to allow for a more gentle curve to glue the decorations to. Next will be to add the bow decorations,lower cheek rails,& head rail support timbers. Thanks for looking in & all the likes.


  18. Like
    edmay reacted to Ulises Victoria in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Outstanding! Is the word that comes to my mind. So neat and clean. Hats off to you, Mark. 
  19. Like
    edmay reacted to piratepete007 in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    OK Mike, I will repeat what I said but which disappeared ... your work has a high level of 'impressitivity' (if there is such a word). The skill in forming those long and twisted peices of metal is amazing.
  20. Like
    edmay reacted to Keith_W in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    You AREN'T working at a snail's pace! Compared to VinceP and me, you are a rocket! You have already overtaken me in the build, despite me having a one year head start! 
  21. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Thanks J.P. & Edwin. I feel that I am working at a snail`s pace,but progress continues.
  22. Like
    edmay reacted to Ponto in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Some very fine skills and exacting workmanship are being demonstrated here!  
  23. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Pete - thanks for your compliments. Your responses showed up in my email,but didn`t make it into the forum
  24. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    During the bending I did not let the metal cool too much. When I felt I could start the bending I just backed away from the heat gun - the metal would stay hot, but not too hot. I didn`t want it to cool too fast in the middle of trying to make a curve. I did the heating several times because I had hold it up to the ship to check the curve & it would cool down. Re-heating several times did not seem to affect the workability of the metal. It was a trial & error kind of thing,but it seemed to work out ok. I probably spent 30 minutes bending each piece. Even after all the filing I had to do to make them conform to the curves of the hull,I had to tweak the bends I made earlier. Just have to be careful not to get the metal too hot - just enough so it can be bent. The temp at the nozzle of the heat gun is about 500 degrees,so it wouldn`t take long to overheat the metal & destroy it. I held the pieces close to the gun only about 7 or 8 seconds then backed away. When I could feel the metal not wanting to bend anymore I moved a little closer to the gun to warm it more. Kind of hard to explain - I just did it by "feel".
  25. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Pete - many thanks to you for your kind words. You are so right about requiring time,patience,initiative,interpretation,research,& time,PLUS a bit of help from you. This is the most difficult kit I have done,but also the most enjoyable.
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