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Everything posted by Wahka_est

  1. All those hold edge good when done properly. Ayc is easist to shape from those 3 i would say. All those spices are offered by Modellers sawmill. Not sure about postage cost in US but maybe they can provide you with some samples if you ask and pay for postage. Its best just to try them i would say. Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  2. Hi Finally found holly supplier who sells from home(US). I just finalized test order of 50 pcs of 1”x2..3”x20….25”. Should arrive in 3-4 weeks…maybe. Will inform when its available to order. Probably i also offer them as blanks also. If someone is already interested you can email me and i will mark down the intrest and reserve needed qty(no deposit required). Heres also photos of few samples of the shelf-i hope my eye is correct and sellers premium is really premium . Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  3. Tnx Helge. But no need to open extra topic. There is “what did you receive today” tooic where members can make a post with photos ehat they have received or you can post at traders/dealers area under hobbymill.eu topic. Vahur
  4. Hi all, Small update as modelling season is coming I have added few new spices (strips and sheets): 1) Hornbeam - nice light color. Still looking for stabilized black, blue, red and yellow. 2) Dark pink Swiss pear - quite few photos added below where dark and light are together. Nice contrast between them 3) Ebony I have also made quite good contact with one possible Holly supplier and probably will make order for smaller batch. Development: I also offer strips with caulking already done. Attached are photos with test done with swiss pear and AYC. Email for quotes and more info. Those are not listed on web yet. Vahur https://www.hobbymill.eu
  5. Lego duplo works really well
  6. Hi When i was thinking about cnc (finally decided to make laser instead) i was looking far Stepcraft. Ofcourse much more expensive as 3018 etc but seemed to be high quality German made. https://www.stepcraft.us You can also buy additional head for laser engraving but it really wont work for cutting. Vahur
  7. hi Nice to have people with same area. I work daily together with ukrainians, nice bunch. Vahur
  8. Hi Thank you all for input. I went teough all my EU suppliers today and feedback is big no. I will contact US suppliers and see what they can offer. It all comes down to price in the end but i hope to get as near to the original source as possible. It would be awesome if i could offer that. Vahur
  9. Hi, Does someone maybe have source in EU for American holly. If not Eu then maybe US but not retail or small shop so its close to the source. As you imagine its almost impossible to find "holly wood" supplier in google . Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  10. Hi all Web is operational now and new products added constantly. Please contact me there for orders etc. Https://www.hobbymill.eu vahur
  11. Love Sweden! I go there every month at least once for work trips. Sandly dont speak any Swedish as English is more common now to sort stuff out. Small world. Vahur
  12. Hi all Small update on shipping times to US. Package i sent 2nd of September arrived today so about 2 weeks with normal postal service. Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  13. Hi all, Hope you are doing well. Summer is basically over and modelling season can start again . Little updates Different species: - we can offer also strips/sheets on woods not listed on web. Example we just made teak strips and sheet to one of our members here. Pm if you need something not listed on web and i will sort it out. Shipping: - We also ship to Australia. 1-2kg ~ 26 EUR 2-5kg ~ 51 EUR 5-10kg ~ 80 EUR With best regards, Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  14. Looks really good. I also tried at first to get it symmetric but saw that its impossible. At least my strips provided in kit are with quite big tolerance thickness and width. Also im sure real ships are not so symmetric also . It looks really good. I had tough time to get that "cutout" done around gunports. Finally i bought miniature chisels that worked perfect. Next big headache is doing the hatches middle the wales. Its impossible to get them done after planking but i see that you also have left them open and do them afterwards. Would be so much easier to plank around them with hatches already glued to place . Really nice job. Keep us updated Vahur Hobbymill.eu
  15. Hi If you are interested i can offer you castello boxwood blocks cut to size. I have 50x100 and 50x150(maybe even 200, have to check) i think. Lengths up to client. Price would about 17 -18 eur/kg plus shipping. Ships to US, Canada and Australia also (inc. EU). Pm if you are interested. Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  16. They are based in China. You should ask if its really Calycophyllum multiflorum (castello boxwood) or its something else. Its hard to say based on photos if its real…. Real looks like this. You can pm me if you are interested as we also offer carving blocks sizes based on request. Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  17. Hi all, Small update on shipping. I have gotten really good prices for shipping to US, Canada and UK from Estonian postal service. Its based on kg (please also include 0,5kg for packing). United States (mainland): 1-2 kg - 28 EUR 2-5 kg - 40 EUR 5-10kg - 65 EUR Canada: 1-2 kg - 28 EUR 2-5 kg - 45 EUR 5-10kg - 70 EUR United Kingdom: 1-2 kg - 22 EUR 2-5 kg - 30 EUR 5-10kg - 35 EUR EU: 15-35 EUR depending on the size of the order. We also offer sizes suitable for US market, pm/email for request. With best, Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  18. As it wont be seen then it fall to category where only person truly influenced by that is you and everyone else that you show that thinks its supposed to be like that (not here ofcourse). But like said before - it wont be seen . But upper part looks really nice . Keep it up! Vahur
  19. Hi, In agreement with Syren Ship Model Company, Chuck Passaro, we offer HMS Winchelsea stripwood package. Made mostly from Alaska yellow cedar with few boxwood strips. Package is available at www.hobbymill.eu or by email/pm here. Price per package: 262 EUR (VAT not included). MSW members get 5 % discount with order presented by email or pm here. Vahur Hobbymill.EU Wood list Winnie.pdf
  20. Hi all, Thank you for the warm welcome. As promised here are price lists for planking strips. Note that planking strips chose so that nice grain runs trough the visible side - please see the sample done with Proxxon KS230 :). Pricelist will be available also on website soon. Min order per size - 10pcs for planking strips. Regarding overall shipping price indications today are following: 1) US and Canada: - 1...2kg - 70-80 EUR - 2...3kg - 80-90 EUR - 3...4kg - 90-100 EUR 2) EU - 2-3 kg - 20-30 EUR - 3-5 kg - 30-40 EUR 3) UK - 2-3 kg - 60 EUR - 3-5 kg - 80 EUR Im contacting few companies next week for better pricing. Vahur Hobbymil.eu
  21. Thank you! I will check the availability for it and will come back to you. Please pm requested sizes and rough amounts. Vahur
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