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Everything posted by Wahka_est

  1. Small update: 1. Shrouds done 2. ratlines done 3. ships wheel rigged 4. bowsprit blocks done and bowsprit fitted to place Small bits and pices missing from different areas. Rigging causes a lot of questions. Thunder did his own rigging so i cant follow that. Drawings raise more questions than answers . I pit on drawing on a wall so from time to time i just watch them and at some point you get some answers-there must be logic in that. Books about rigging dont help much also as it seems to be rigged little different-probably simplified. Decided to stick to Jotika plans on rigging and to get it done. Sry for bad photos. Off to stays now.
  2. Looking forward for your build! Good choice. Im currently in middle of finishing ratlines for my cruizer.
  3. Hi, The drawings itself shouldnt take more than few days. Only question is how good are scanned documents and what precision is needed. What parts would you like to cut - bulkheads? Do you also need exact locations of chainplates, quater galleries also?
  4. Scanned drawings can be used base for dwgs and then its just time. Agree with AON-need to see drawing first. After seeing that maybe i can help. Vahur
  5. Hi Great idea-modelling tools! Hard to suggest this stage. Is he new to modelling or he allready has workshop? What would be budget? From electric tools without knowing anything-proxxon mini lathe, disk sander and bench drill. Maybe some book with more detail drawing on Victory? https://www.amazon.com/100-Gun-Ship-Victory-Anatomy/dp/1591146372 Vahur
  6. Some progress. Foremost mast ratlines done. Main mast shrouds done, off to ratlines. Have to finish bowsprit at some point as a lot of rigging goes those. Instructions are not so clear to understand, hope to get my answers from Thunders build.
  7. Lower ratlines done. Started with upper ones and deadeyes there. Learned for mistakes done before and now the upper deadeyes came out better than lower i would say. I guess proves the the saying “you learn from experiences” (me being smartass ) All knots and seizing have been treated with pva and water mix(titebond quick and thick). Happy how it works there.
  8. Tnx. I also see that i need table with adjustable height in order to do it more comfortable. Also noticed little flaw. Spacing between ratlines on other side of ship is little different - one side has 12 ratlines and other 14 on same distance....not sure if i should redoing. To be honest noone notices but I KNOW and it creeps inside
  9. One side lower ratlines done. Off to other side. Amazing how after 100+ knots you get hang of it . At some point i also have to finish my last bits and pieces-last cannon, rudder rigging to wheel etc....for some reason i have postponed it. Probably the reason might be as im too impatient to see my ship partially rigged Admiral also asked when it will be ready, said February maybe and reaction was ohhh so soon... Question-easiest way to clean off all the dust besides brush-compressed air meant for keyboards?
  10. First ratlines coming up-those are timeconsuming... Havent been able to do more as was on business trip(yeah during corona ). Assistant oversees the build.
  11. Congrants Thunder! Really good you. You have been my Mentor with Cruiser build. I will probably ask politely some more pictures from specific places of your ship to help with rigging. Bowsprit is really unclear for me as info is on multible drawings. Also little afraid or running rigging for yards.
  12. Ok tnx. Thenni will just go with black rope as i tend to mess it up.
  13. Hi Im about to start ratlines. I seems your are black but instructions say natural. Any reason for change? I also see that others have done all them as black 0,25 rope. Vahur
  14. Tnx for kind words. I used only 15mm brass wire and only inserted that 1 hole of the dead eye. Guess i did quite well. Also looked at real Victory photos and they arent 100% at same line so small offset is fine. One mistake i did, seizing of shroud should be done with black thead. Will correct that.
  15. Its been tough with shrouds and deadeyes. Half of the i had to redo. Cant get them to align perfectly. Heres the progress so far. I hope after 1-2 days i can see if they will stay as i put them and i can seize the ropes. For next update they should be done
  16. Tnx for feedback! I change rigging rope to Amati ones as they look much better. I will keep lines under tension for a while before securing it. Question - how much tension should there be afterwards? As long as its straight or more? Vahur
  17. Masts are in place. Didn’t glue them as they fit quite tight and thought maybe there is a reason in future to remove those then its easier. before that i went trough once again all rigging drawings tonsee if ik miasing something-found few blocks and predrilled holes for eyelets. Will add those little later together with blocks. Started with shrouds and then ship really started to become alive. Also put 2 deadeyes to test how it goes-real time consuming. But henerally good for first try i would say. QUESTION: how stiff should the shrouds be? Like quitar string and just a slight tension? Admirals orders were to clean up shipyard - did that also. Looks much more nicer now Any feedback appriciated about shrouds etc.
  18. Thunder dis you put eyelets on deck around the masts? Rigging drawing shows them but deck plan does not...
  19. Finally got cannons to gunports. Glued and breech lines attached. So proud of myself . Also deadeyes and chainplates done. One stip wood came loose so have to fix that. Other than that Last fixing during the rigging. Now starts hard work to check that all deck pieces, eyelets etc are placed so i didn't miss something-impossible to add something later. Tackle lines for cannons require some hard work to be done but im sure i can add those partially during rigging as they are with hooks. Stumbled across problem- if i put on masts then i dont have any place to store the ship so that cat dosent reach it.....talk about a problem Other than that mast should raise soon
  20. Love the quality of your build! Really good looking deck and arnament.
  21. Nice job! I see quite improvement from 1st kit. Love to see you working on next ship.
  22. Cc Diana might be the choice....but also love Chris Wattons work on Victory line also so maybe Pegasus. I also have many standing on self from Model Shipways as they had so good discount i could not leave it so got: Confederacy, Essex, Constitution, Flying Fish, Benjamin Latham. Also have Occre Beagle but somehow i it dosent call me at all so i will give it to my uncle. I have unfinished Terror (my first) but i dont like it at all as my wuality there is so bad. Allmost close to rigging there. Master Korabel Polotsk has hull ready so at some stage will finish that but really small details are headache with that.
  23. Havent updated for a month but work hasnt been stopped. Still working on cannons. Yesterday received last blocks for tackle. Did first line and i love the added detail. Just winder how to get rope “more loose” so it would look more natural. Also i will probably tie it up - transport state. Also deadeyes almost done. Last fixing when ropes are attached to get right line. This was sort of an headache as i cant close the “chainplates”. Also tried soldering deadeye iron bands-sry but cant do it so used epoxy to close it. About closing cahinplates-read that others also left it open as it near impossible to do it. Im trying to find 1mm brass tube (yeah good luck with that) so i could so call overlap it. Other than that im close to glue the mast and start rigging and doing yards. Some are ready for blocks, some not. I feel that im really close to ending this chapter of the build and getting to next one (masts and rigging). I fear rigging the most as drawing are Sometimes hard to under stand. Thunder definitely helps with his build but he researches his rigging so im hard spot little bit. Probably some part of rigging will be unlogical and total ship also when finished but still-first one hopefully done soon
  24. Haha i just noticed i posted my uodate under your log. Sry for that
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