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John Ruy

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Everything posted by John Ruy

  1. No need to apply pressure, I have put enough of that on myself, what with two other builds started and two recent purchases. But then, what else have I got to do, with Winter coming. ❄️ The Admiral things I have lost it. 🤪 Onwards… 🍻
  2. Last of the railings… Finally 🤪… Those fiddley railings are completed. Cheers🍻 Time to start building the Pilot House. I have used Alan L Bates Steamboat Cyclopedium as my guide. So many details… Onwards… 🍻
  3. Yep… Forgot to mention that. 😆 Your jackstays are looking good. 👍
  4. Yes I did… Fortunately, my conversation regarding the adoption went much better than yours. Build Log coming soon. Thanks Rick 😎
  5. That’s a lot and the view through that port is all you need to make it worth it. Very cool Yves 😎 You might want to print up some build photos for a build album to put on the shelf with you finished display case. You have got to preserve these pictures of the lower deck details. 👍
  6. Yes it is… wish I could afford his work. It’s just a printed copy off the internet, for my personal inspiration. 😎
  7. Don’t think I haven’t considered it. 🤪 That would be a huge undertaking. Dioramas aren’t my thing, yet. I’ll stick with finding good art for now. My favorite so far… Wouldn’t this scene make a great diorama?
  8. Life Boats… Davits… Life boats mounted and rigged. Considering the number of passengers aboard one of these steamers, it would seem to me these would be considered more a rescue boat 🛟 as they were probably deployed to pull survivors out of the river and ferry them to the shore. Just a thought. 🤔 Time to finish those fiddley railings. 😆 Cheers 🍻
  9. Life Boats and Work Boat… Found these metal boats on eBay… Painted the hull flat white… Painted inside gray and fitted seating… carved out some very small oars… Ready for mounting. More details and still have railing to build for the Hurricane Deck. Cheers 🍻
  10. These pics might be helpful as well… I laminated two 1/32 x 1/32 strips and cut out the spaces.
  11. Here is the price sheet for Northeastern Scale Lumber. Find the material on there web site is very confusing, as they list everything in HO and O scale. A quick email to them will get you what you need. 1/32x1/32 basswood strips are listed in the upper left of the sheet at .37 cents for a 24” strip. My build log for the CWM shows how I scratch built them. Hope this helps. John https://www.northeasternscalelumber.com/uploads/2022 Retail Price Sheet.pdf
  12. Try…. https://www.northeasternscalelumber.com/ I built mine from 1/32 x 1/32 basswood strips. They are relatively local and ship quickly. John
  13. Actually, it seems to come naturally. I use acrylics and it brings out the wood grain. As long as I don’t over do the perfection. 😆 Thanks for noticing and calling out the perfect imperfections. 👍
  14. Curved Railing Sections… Hand carved Drape Arc… Soaked and bent top rail… Painted railing sections and stained top rails. Boiler Deck Railings completed. 😎 Cheers 🍻
  15. One heck of an attempt Tom… Fortunately I had a metal casting for the transom to work with on my CWM. Nice job on that “suggestive” Eagle. Holds up to photo magnification. Looks Great! 👍 Good luck with your parents move, that can be a difficult situation. 😔 John
  16. Stern Railings completed and painted. Boiler Deck Railings continue… Railing frames soaked and bent. These will need to dry prior to adding the stanchions, then paint. Cheers 🍻
  17. Stern Railing 2.0… After taking another look at last nights work, I decided another railing tear out was in order. Much better… OCD wins out again. 😆 Cheers🍻
  18. Thanks Brian, I will hit the one year mark the end of November. Lots and lots of small bits to come. 😆 Every time I take a look at the prints there are more details. Not to mention derricks, rigging, a work boat and life boats. She is coming along… Cheers 🍻
  19. Some close ups of completed work… Top of the Grand Staircase as seen from the Boiler Deck Saloon Entrance. Grand Staircase as seen from the Main Deck, ready for arriving passengers. Main Deck Boiler and Fuel storage. A peak into the Engine Room. Cheers 🍻
  20. Railings continue… Completed mounting forward railings on the Boiler and Hurricane Decks. I will have to assemble more to do the same aft of the paddle wheels. Started installing horizontal railing on the stern. A bit tricky gluing these rails in place. Progress is being made, more details to come… Cheers 🍻
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