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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Rob im going to check Mr. google if there is any site selling commertial copies od this particular paint poster. id be interested
  2. Thanks Rich. very improtant piantings i guess. i like Montagues Dawsons glory. though all three rerpesent different painting style my fave is probably 1st as well. is it original ? framed? im not good at piantings recognition but with its almost 2 dimensional overdetailed painting and colour depiction is reminding me of prerenesance italian tempera painters ...although done far far after...but beautiful all of them. stylishly very different. now im going to google - Samuel Warren.
  3. here you can see highlighted in green. centerline is sanded ( whitish) as it protruded above deck curvature just a little for about first 7 bulkheads. it was old raised sheerline i did correct on holes for bulkheads - but not in centerline heights itself. ...as bulkheads corrected it. V.
  4. Rob I see i scared you but there is no need to...its pretty simple when you assemble bulkheafs and push down to the limit so they touch, from the half boat towards bow rise there will be centerline slightly exceeding out from the deck floor... about 1 or 2 milimeters. i just sanded it off. bulkheads should sit fine. pelase note that it doesnt changes any measure or value for bulkheads etc. it just simple old centerline upper curve ididnt rework - all new measures went to sheerline so corelation between touching point of bulkheads and centerline holes.... just follow bulkheads deck curvature on top thats it. i hope it makes perfect sense when you assemble kit. i can take a pic as well.
  5. Thanks for nice words Rich.Well its garden shed or gazebo or whatever they call it. winter is quite cold here so we like to gather and spend all summer outside, around table...working in garden etc....just to provptect from strong sun and rain.... speaking of it, im very much into timberframing, traditional way of mortise tenon and pegs...probably very known and common in usa, and my grand grand dad was a carpenter himself built oak roof structure in own hands etc. unfortunately in europe wood went to asthray and classical beauty of timberframing and wooden houses as well... it is bricks only culture and if wood with screws and nails. people forgot these wooden fastenings without nails... i did it all myself from drying pine logs etc... this shed has 6 meters in longitude so with few more and land i could easily build an insulated house of timber frames..im into this stuff a l lot. barn doors etc....
  6. wow this is helpful Rich. thanks so so much indeed. ! youre folks on the spot and hand with whats needed the most you certainly dont want estimated "rubbish" to walk out of your hands.
  7. im so curious Rob. you will notice there is slight overhand in centerline from center of the boat towards bow t obe sanded off as bulkheads goes littel deeper but that is nothing. i already did on mine. this appeared as reault of older drawing with even more elevated sheerline and i was a bit lazy to rework it all again. apart of this, Im nurturing hopes Vlad
  8. This will have speacial place in my book library, as book has in my heart- now even more. Thanks a milion Rob.
  9. Thank you Chuck. The thing is, hull is baswood varnished by the experimental tone i am not able to mix again same. Thankfully enough i realised that 2 times applied liberon shellac privides 97 per cent same tone. After hell and nervousness by repaunting captain cabin i decided its no time for color experiments amymore and i could not wait i ask friend to cut upper beams for me ahead of project so i know where to move further as greenwich prototpype became colorwise my natural prototype...and I applied shellac. Those beams will be one of very few i wont purchase / not sure if part of entire chapter but doesnt matter now/ though as i already have those cut. This is what is looks like together with darker pear deck. I must admit if i had realised sooner shellac ca provide hull color, i would have gone with same as hull but amyway , upper deck will be decision to ask for. If to follow lower deck - pear or going with shellac. But that is future. Even applLying even shellac is tedious work as ut can blilotch quite easily if appying with brush - i dont recommend. Best is i think applying by some moisture absorbing cloth doing bites to the wood. I am quite satisfied how it turned out and its finally even so it is approved by my eye sight after taking pics with mobile phonem what to you think going with those? I think humbly it goes pretty consistent even and suporting overal being same tone ad hull...thst what i wanted. Thanks for any comment etc. Vlad
  10. Deck sanded finally. m moving along with things over pear deck....from now on i plan going with natural installations in hull color/ basically french polish over sanded wood. Capstan and columns as well. Maybe no red at all. Best thing i ever did was byuing black wire. I always sgruggled most with blackening wires. It takes time. Still i have to install various things, ladders, etc... Any comments appreciated. V.
  11. yay, I think than Chuck plans those peculiar curvy instalments around catheads leading towards figurehead to complete what was started in chapter 6 seems will be in chapter 8. Amazing.
  12. Rich, it looks i will really start in september. Time is scarce commodity these days and time is money as well. I will have no time till than. But I will enjoyably watch Robs progress. Speaking off I had little time to play with her. Rob. please run some strip thru planksheer in abaft to adjust smooth line of the planksheer. 2 or three bulkheads need to be raised i think. look at photo pls.. looks like 3 bulkheads need to be adjusted slightly . dont glue those before adjusting. rest should play handsomely. and slight offtopic, i did little 7 inch tmberframing, and with the fine smell of beautiful pine and oak, one can close eyes and be easily transformed right to the boston shipyard of bygone era, chiseling out those timbers. been quite a whole different experience than miniature modelmaking. more closer to actual ship building though....by the way i got book building of american clipper ship..so I can educate myself more. cant put it down...:) all good V. th line of the planksheer. 2 or three bulkheads need to be raised i think. look at photo pls.. looks like 3 bulkheads need to be adjusted slightly . dont glue those before adjusting. rest should play handsomely. and slight offtopic, i did little 7 inch tmberframing, and with the fine smell of beautiful p th line of the planksheer. 2 or three bulkheads need to be raised i think. look at photo pls.. looks like 3 bulkheads need to be adjusted slightly . dont glue those before adjusting. rest should play handsomely. and slight offtopic, i did little 7 inch tmberframing, and with the fine smell of beautiful p
  13. Hasnt yet but stay calm Rob :)), . it depends on many factors as frequencies of flights and we are country like quarter of texas it might have arrived just there is overload at custom entry due pandemic ets ...i sent it within trqcking number so it surely sped it up ....
  14. Rich wow . arrived? great ! that was quick for todays standard ! . Im glad it came. ! cant wait to reach Rob and see him building. V.
  15. Thanks Rich. I take this to consideration & assume carving angling designing and instaling & measuring knightheads will be one of the most important tasks/ challenge to get right considering overall aspect of look. it will certainly take time. V.
  16. @Rob, fyi trackable parcel was sent to Rich so he will resend your half within states. officially should be 6-9 days but im sure it will be longer nowadays ...we will see. Hoping for the speeď V.
  17. i cannot imagine bending ends on these wonderful cedar planks. I had enough with lime wood :)) but Rons undertimber is excellent on both sides and nicely massive enough to accomodate planks fairly comfortably. fantastic work.
  18. Oh Mike astounding.i love kind of dry color of it very much matching carving statues. this is modeling porn level:)
  19. its wonderful Ron.thisis Chucks level to me. photography included. soon hull will be ready.hay ho:)
  20. Im having blast watching whats materialising on deck and Chucks speedy progress. Looks like we are going forward standing aft. deck is getting lovely busy. im anticipating the final black rail most. but ill zave to wait tillend i guess:))). from the start :). thank you.
  21. Rob, Richard, too much of good things i see - i didnt have time to study your posts will check it over weekend though, just FYI both sets have been cut and already on the way to me! meaning next week im sending them to you guys. apology for taking it longer he apologized for being very busy. V.
  22. Thanks scrubbyj ,exacty what im doing with bigger flat board with glued sandpaper on to keep surface even. wood is quite firm. ill post pics soon . appreciated.
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