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Everything posted by Kusawa2000

  1. Chuck: I will make sure I bring some moose jerky to keep your energy levels up while you provide your shuttle service MIKE
  2. I am also waiting for the Bellona kit as well. I know the last time Chris had corresponded on this newsgroup he had other models in line for release before the Bellona but I do hope it gets released sooner than later. the combination of the level of detail and scale of the model made it a perfect kit of the Bellona and leaves it open for any potential detailing as well, Mike Draper
  3. Everyone: Its been over a month and I was wondering if anyone has any new info on any new releases by Amati either than the Revenge model. I know they have a few new ones in development and I was wondering if they have materialized yet... Any new info would be great! Mike Draper
  4. John: Like you I am glad to see ANCRE carrying on the tradition of amazing sets of monographs. I have the Le Belle Poule monograph so with ordering this one I will be really torn when I make that plunge and actually build a model using the detailed plans Mike Draper
  5. Mark: I feel the same way about taking on a project like that but I always say.. "cant build her without good plans" so Im just increasing the chances of me building her by buying the plans! :-) Mike Draper
  6. Mark: I couldn't resist.. especially watching the adventures of the Hermione sailing across the atlantic this summer on facebook. Mike Draper
  7. There is actually 2 books. One is the monograph identified above and a second book on the history on the Hermione. According to the ANCRE website they will be released sometime early 2106. Definitely worth checking out Mike Draper
  8. Ron: I think I will bring down a 6 pack of our local micro brewery Yukon Gold but they also have a nice IPA called Ice fog.. decisions.... decisions.... MIKE
  9. Kurt: No pickled moose lips on this tour. I would bring down some caribou jerky but the lads at the border get all pernickety about that stuff.. I could bring down some of the local ale if there are some beer drinkers coming to the conference! :-) Mike Draper
  10. I would like to add I will finally be able to get myself down there for the conference from the Yukon. It will be a long day travelling down but I think it will definitely be worth it. Just make sure they have lots of Samuel Adams on tap as there is nothing worse as a thirsty northerner! Looking forward in catching up with some old friends and getting a chance in meeting some new ones! Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon
  11. Ron: Thanks for your tips.. Your mileage meter (6 pack) is one that we use for those long distances across the tundra... Helps pass the time when you are waiting for the herds of caribou to pass. :-) While I do get in around 8 in the evening, I will make that final push on Tues evening. Keen to get down to Mystic and check out the sights.. Besides I have a few NRG members that have promised me that there will be a cold Sam Adams draft waiting for this parched northerner when I get to the hotel. I will make sure to find you at the Conference.. and make sure you remind me to tell you the story about the sour toe cocktail... MIKE
  12. thanks for the heads up Henry MIKE
  13. To Bob and Henry: Thanks.. Looking at the maps it looks a bit intense but I suspect the exits are clearly marked and as you mentioned, I cross the bridge its a straight route down. While Im getting a GPS with my rental, I have never driven in Boston so the first glance at the maps was a bit intense. Thanks MIKE
  14. Everyone: I have my plane ticket bought, my Conference fees paid for, hotel reserved and car rented and now I need some wisdom from local Bostoners. I have checked the Google maps and I was seeking some wisdom.. I will be driving from Logan intl down to Mystic and I was wondering -the google map recommends that I go from the Logan down I-90 to I-93 and then to I-95 -the description of the route sounds intense. My question is that I looked at the alternate route of taking I-495 through Worcester and then down I-395 as it looks less intense. Am I over-reacting with the !-90, I-93 and I-05 route or is the more westerly and southerly route a longer and easier route to take? I will be a tired puppy after flying all day and will be hitting the road around 8:30PM so whatever is easiest is my preference. Any advice would be appreciated Mike Draper
  15. Thanks for the heads up on the new release. I have collected Winfields books for a couple of years and they are worth every penny. glad to see he is getting into the French ships.. Mike Draper
  16. Great news that they have released a English version.. definitely will purchase it in the next few days. Its one of my "get around to its" as far as the next model projects. Mike Draper
  17. Everyone: Updated pics of my "diamond in the rough". I am making progress on my Agamemnon. Getting the chainplates and channels installed. I have put additional braces on the upper side of the channels which seems to be on a lot of the navy style models of 64s and 74s. I have also finished getting copper plates on the rudder but it isn't going to be installed until the deck work is all done (ie hammock netting). Some things are not painted or completed but I am finally making progress and the weather is nice enough to take a pic of my Aggy outside! Have a good one Mike Draper
  18. totally agree that it was a bigger format it would cost more.. that would be a good case to keep it at that size..
  19. Just got my copy today and all I can say its worth the purchase. The only thing (and I think its been said before) is that its a mystery why the made the book small in its dimensions. With the amazing pictures of ship models that it possesses I would think they would have made the book bigger. Either than that.. I would highly recommend buying the book. There is a pic of every ship you could imagine. A excellent cross section and detail photos of the things you would like to see Mike Draper
  20. Chris: Appreciate the update on the progress of Amati release of kits. While Im still holding on hope for the release of the Bellona kit, the Prince kit has me tempted.. Keep the pics and updates coming.. and thanks for keeping us in the loop this far in the process. Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  21. Have this kit sitting on my shelf on my list of "to do's" and your amazing work has inspired me to do the kit bashing that I had planned.. Incredible effort on your part. Keep us updated with pics and postings! Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  22. Augie: Been busy with the holidays so I have been slow to reply but I wanted to say that you are really getting me torqued to start my MS Confederacy. From what you have been posting the kit is a pleasure to build which will be something to look forward to once I finish my Agamemnon. Thanks for sharing the pics and posting your observations.. Hope to hear more from ya in the new year! MIKE
  23. Mobbsie: Thanks for the reply. I agree a larger size model does provide a whole new set of challenges. For me it introduces a new level of detail that you have to consider. Personally I really like working on larger battle wagons but it does require more of your time. Pat yourself on the back that you have survived the Aggy experience. For me.. while Im nearly done the hull construction I know I have a lot of ratlines ahead of me! :-) MIKE
  24. Mobbsie: Congrats on a job well done. Seeing her completed is giving me that impetus to finish my Aggy as well. A lot of work and lot of focus in that model. My hat goes off to ya Again.. congrats with the completion of the Aggy Mike Draper
  25. I checked Amazon.ca and for whatever reason the earlier pre-order release is no longer available and they re-issued another pre-release so what I would recommend is order it again making sure its for the December release. My order is still valid but its for the December release Mike Draper
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