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Everything posted by Kusawa2000

  1. Sjors: And experience has taught me Im still not even at the half way mark! oh well.. its been fun so far! :-) MIKE
  2. As they seem to be charging a high amount for this book online, I would be interested as well to see if its worth the money Mike Draper
  3. Everyone: It has been awhile since I have posted but I have been making some progress (slowed down by work and some play outside!) but I am getting through the gunport lids and channels. I have been working on getting the gunport lids, channels and Deadeyes done on the port side first. I have also added a set of braces on the channels that I have seen on some plans and models of 64 gun ships so I took a educated guess that the Agamemnon had them as well. I will finish off now with the deadeyes and then work on getting the starboard done. Once I get this done I will finish on the bow details and the rudder and then take a small break to build a Woody joe kit I bought in Japan of a Japanese temple I visited in Japan (Horyu Ji). I figure it will take a month to get it built and after its done I will get at the rigging of the Agamemnon. But I will post some more pics when I get the hull work finished,, Mike Draper
  4. Chris: I do appreciate the work you are putting into the Bellona. It will definitely be a treat to have a different approach to kit construction. More internal detail would be a interesting addition to a kit. Most of us add that through "kit bashing". My Agamemnon has slowed in its progress with all of the extra "add ons" (as well as all of lifes interruptions). As you know from my posts in the past, I am keen to see this model released as a result of your work and if there is anything us lads and lasses can do to help please let (me) us know! :-) Mike Draper
  5. Chris: Appreciate the update. While it doesn't appear that the Bellona will be making a appearance anytime soon, I hope you don't mind me in asking.. :-) Sounds like you will have your hands full for the next year or 2. Keep the updates and new kits coming... Mike Draper
  6. So Chris: Now that you are finishing up this project what is next on your plate. As a member of the "I sure like the Bellona prototype" you developed I was curious if there is any new news on the release of her as a kit. If not, what is next for you for kit prototypes? Appreciate any information Mike Draper
  7. Everyone: Its been a while.. have been busy getting the deck furniture finished off and I am now working on the lower gunport lids.. what a repetitive chore that has turned out to be.. Took a pic outside for a change as we are getting some great weather north of 60.. I have the lids finished on the lower gunports on the port side and Im halfway through on the starboard. Once they are done I will work one level up. then it will be the channels and chainplates.. this hull will never be done. Its good to see other lads out there taking up the Aggy challenge. She is a big beast for sure and takes a lot of your time.. Im really hoping I can get at the rigging by the fall and be somewhere near the progress that Mobbsie is making.. Enjoy Mike Draper
  8. Mobbsie: Great job on the fighting top rigging.. While Im nowhere there yet with my Aggy, I remember my Model Shipways rigging of the fighting tops and remember how picky that rigging job can be.... Keep up the great progress. Are you planning to rig her with sails or keep her without sails? Have a good one Mike Draper
  9. Mobbsie: Thanks for the answer on the ratlines. I agree that the contrast is something that gives a neat look.. at the speed of my progress I have lots of time to decide on my Aggy.. And.. don't have too much fun with all of those toys.... Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  10. Chris: Again..as always... thanks for sharing these great pics.. Its great to see the efforts taken in the detail on the prototypes.. I hope you keep the pics coming.. any news yet on release dates for any new kits? Just curious to hear if the Bellona is going to be out there on the shelves anytime soon.. again. thanks for the great pics Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  11. Hey Mobbsie: Congrats on the progress. I am somewhat jealous as Im still toiling away on the gunport lids on my Aggy. One question I have for you... are you planning to darken the ratlines or leave them in the colour in your pictures? Its a issue that Im going to have to decide on.. again.. congrats on the progress. I am planning to post some pics of my Aggy soon.. been busy with life these days so not a lot of progress... Have a good one Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  12. Mobbsie: I share your frustration in waiting for the Caldercraft kit.. especially when there has been a completed prototype out there. I do hope they release it. I have to admit the first challenge I will have with the project is what version of the Surprise I will build.. I have been on the Surprise several times when I have been down in San Diego. I was hoping to see her sail last November with the Star of India sail at the museum but she has some structural problems that will require a serious hull restoration. I did see her sail a few years ago and it was amazing day (my profile pic is one pic I took that day) Anyhow.. keep at the Aggy project. I cant wait until you can get some spars on her... Have a good on Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  13. Mobbsie: Just catching up on your postings and admire the progress you are making. As a fellow Aggy builder I can really appreciate the work you are putting into your Aggy.. congrats on a fine job and also that you haven't lost your mind in the process. As far as the Surprise is concerned.. Im still holding out that Caldercraft SOME DAY will release the surprise kit.. its on my list of have to builds.. and the big question will then be what version do you build,,,, the one for the movie, one based on plans of the L'unite or the one floating in San Diego harbor (formerly known as the HMS Rose) Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  14. David; I would believe it if you kids were beating us in cold weather... you kids down in central Canada and US have been getting pummeled this winter...we had a warm spell that made us the warmest place in Canada.. unfortunately we were paying for it this week with temps around -38c. But its breaking this weekend so we can emerge from our houses and hang outside for more than 5 minutes... Thanks on the comments everyone. I am glad I have this part completed as I had some trepidation on how it was going to look. Now get the catheads done and move onward to the channels and gunport lids! Mike Draper Whitehorse
  15. Everyone: I have managed to now complete the stern ornamentation on the Agamemnon (it has been easy when you have had 4 days of -30c). I found it went easier than planned. I had concerns that things wouldn't line up properly but I found out that if you took your time everything fit in nicely. For some reason I seem to have more room on the upper stern gallery so I took the liberty of adding some scroll work just to fill in the stern gallery. My next step now is to get the catheads on the bow and then start working on gunport lids and then channels.. Enjoy the pic Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  16. wow.. I bought the Mantua kit of the Titanic at 1:200 and I thought I was going to build a beast. Do keep use posted on this kit Mike Draper
  17. Sjors: Yes.. I noticed that after the picture was taken and posted.. I was hoping no one would notice but I should have known better with a forum full of ship modelers! :-) Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Cnada
  18. Everyone: Posted the wrong picture in the last package.. shows that I shouldn't do this without having my morning coffee.. enjoy the new and improved pic! Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  19. Everyone: Managed to finish the deck furniture on the Agamemnon. Still have to add the pinrails but I have managed to finish the deck planking, fife rails and the big stuff. I plan to work on the stern ornamentation for a while for a change and then get back and finish the pin rails. Still have channels and cat heads to finish before I can start thinking about rigging. So much work still ahead... Wish me luck Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  20. If you want to get rid of the shine I often use steel wool -just gently rub the hull with it until you get the finish you want.. be ready with a vacuum cleaner as the steel wool sheds as you use it Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  21. Thanks everyone... Im quite happy on how she is looking. It was a bit touch and go for a while as I didn't know how the ochre colour would work but Im glad I went that avenue. Onwards! Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  22. Everyone: Not a lot of progress in this bundle of pics but I have managed to get the rear poop deck planked, treenailed and have the railing capped. It took a bit of work but I can now finally say that I have finished decking the Agamemnon. Of course I have to fill in the details. I also noticed I haven't installed the steps on the port and starboard side of the mid hull so that is my next small project. A lot to still do before I can even think about rigging her.. Enjoy the pics Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  23. Cnemo: Thank you for the great news! I will definitely be waiting for that release. Definitely keep us posted with any new information. Thanks again. Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  24. Sjors: I should add that after you seal the wood with Polyuretane, quickly sand it with 400 to 600 grit sandpaper.. that gets rid of the fuzz and leaves a clean piece of wood. Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
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