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Everything posted by acaron41120

  1. I have read a number of articles and books about planking the hull and that's probably what is causing me to be confused. When planking the hull, is the first plank installed with the top of the plank aligned with the top of the Main deck? OR is the first plank installed the Wale. And just what does the top of the wale align with...top of main deck or where? And don't ask Google or Bing. Neither of them can give a simple answer to a simple question.
  2. I have built a few ships but this is my first with a, how to say it, a blunt bow. I can get the plank to fit at the deck line and all the bulkheads are fared. What I don't know how to do is how/to what to secure the plank to the stem post. Do I use a clamp, push pin or what? All my other ships had a pointed bow and securing the planks to the bow was not an issue. So far the blunt bow is being a bear! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh! Wood glue or super glue the plank to the steepest as well
  3. I have several books about ships that discuss various areas of ship building, be it model or otherwise. The problem I encounter is I have to look through several different books to find the definition of what I want (Rigging is in one book, Sails another, etc. etc. etc.) I have found "The Modelers Glossary" on a members only website in Canada. I prefer holding a book in my hand to read rather than searching various sites on a computer all day. Is there any one source book like this that anyone knows of? It would be greatly appreciated.
  4. I have seen a number of holes in the decks for the masts. What supports the deck planks underneath the hole? Is something added under the false deck for support or is the false deck strong enough? Thanks.
  5. My Santa Maria bulkheads are spaced out as well and I didn't feel like adding more false bulkheads. When you did you deck planking, did you start with the center )King) plank out or from the edge (Margin) planks out?
  6. Great work so far. Keep it up. I'll be ofllowing your build as my ship is just a wee bit behind yours. I do have one question on your deck planking. Did you have a false deck below the planks that you planked over? Or did apply the planking on top of all the bulkheads?
  7. Thanks everyone. May see about finding a kit similar to this.
  8. Looking for an image/photo/drawing of the 1813 HMS Carron. It was purchased by a British captain and renamed the HMS Duncan. Any info or what the ship looked like would be really appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Getting back to working on my Santa Maria build and have a question about inner planks. Did the Santa Maria have planks on the inner side of the hull from the deck to the railing? Was this not the norm from way back then? Thanks.
  10. Cool. Guess I should look at the home page more often lol. Thanks Michael.
  11. I was just surfing the net and found a company that carries about all wooden ship model kits. To name just a few I saw Mamoli, Ochre, and a lot of others. Many of you know about them but in case you didn't check out Ages of Sail. And no...I'm not promoting them, just providing a site to our members.
  12. Interesting question that I've actually never thought of. Each to their own in this case. In all my builds I've used the etched deck as the false deck and planked over that with the planks supplied in the kit for the deck. I use a wider planking strip for the margin planks and a slightly thicker plank for the king plank.
  13. I'm about to fair the bulkheads. I have the main deck (false deck) in position and temporarily secured with push pins. Before I start sanding to fair the bulkheads two questions come to mind. The first is should I secure ALL the decks or just the main deck? Second is the batten that I want to add along the top of the bulkhead to keep them in position.What thickness should that batten be? Would 1/4 inch square be too big?
  14. On deck planking I've heard of some people using sewing thread between the planks. But that is way to labor intensive for my liking.
  15. I've heard of and used the pencil method on both my later period ship models. But only on the deck planks. Never heard any mention of simulating caulk on the hull planks before. Interesting idea and I guess on the real ships of those times some sort of caulking method was used. But I've never have read anything about it. I too would like to see a photo of a model ship with hull caulking.
  16. Thanks to all who replied. And thanks to this site I found yet another book on planking. Well...more of a pamphlet than a book as its only 16 pages with illustrations. The title is "Planking Model Ships" A step by step procedure for beginning and advanced modelers written by Richard Mansir. Looks to be a series of workbooks by Moonraker as it is workbook number 1. I'll have to check out Moonraker to see if there are more of their books on line.
  17. Posting this update for new builders to show how important a template can be when building their ship. These photos show the port side half of the main deck. The first is the deck showing where to mark the cutouts for the bulwarks. The second is my fitted template with the cutouts where they belong. The third shows the deck with the template showing how much the marked deck can be.
  18. I've seen this section and really haven't figured this out. It sounds interesting but just what is the purpose and idea behind a group project? It really sin't explained.
  19. PJ. Here is the link to my build log.
  20. Welcome PJ. Je suis Allen Caron from Warner Robins, GA. You have come to a great site and as said before please do a model blog. I am building the Santa Maria by Billing Boats. It will be great comparing your ship and mine as we do our builds.
  21. Welcome! If you need assistance this is the place to get it.
  22. Artesania Latina has a 1:50 San Francisco Cross-section on eBay for a little over $100. Most others I've seen come from China and I'm not certain to their accuracy.
  23. Not sure if this is the correct title but there are kits out there of, oh say, the HMS Bounty, where the kit is just the section of the ship at midship and when complete it is displayed on a wall shelf etc. I know its a personal preference/liking but I'd like to know what the builder of these thought and were they satisfied with them. Allen
  24. Well had the build going and while checking for everything being square I found that the stern (Bulkhead in this kit) was improperly installed by myself. So today I carefully removed the bulkhead 5 and 6 and made the necessary corrections and dry fit it to recheck. So far so good. What follows is the misalignment and repair photos. I believe that I was paying more attention to the placement of the opening for the tiller than the plans. Lesson learned. This is how the stern lined up. I don't know how to edit the photo but the notches on the top of the bulkhead should line up with the notched second deck. The plank shows where the top of the bulkhead should fit. This meant I had to remove the stern bulkhead and associated lumber. This is how it looked after the stern bulkhead was removed. Still had some cleanup to do but I didn't have to fabricate two new pieces. Everything came off nicely. Just a final cleanup then I'll do my first dry fit. This is the stern post after the bulkhead removal. A little more cleanup and then start reassembly. This is a dry fit to make certain that all lines up as it should. Final dry fit. Now I have to plug the opening for the tiller and move it where it should be.
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