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Everything posted by Papa

  1. This is what I am finding on the Nautilus. I found that the JCS card model had much better instructions.
  2. Latest status. Note the small round port. This port (and its mate on the starboard side) are shown nowhere in any of the “instructions” or illustrations of the model. Moreover, the blue lens is significantly smaller than the marked cut-out and required careful application of black marker to blend in. Finally, the internal circular support is too large for the actual diameter of this mid section. I think it is about time to assemble the stand, rather than balancing her on a coffee mug.
  3. The instructions did not say how one was supposed to use the circular pieces that look like internal supports. They weren’t even to be printed on card stock. Eventually I decided to glue them to 1/32 thick bass wood and cut them out. I inserted the first few after having assembled 4 of the sections. Now I do them as I proceed. Also if one cuts the windows out as printed there is no gluing surface. ( discovered the hard way). Reprinted the windows and cut them leaving extra card around the windows so there was something to glue to. Hopefully the attached pictures will may some of this clear. Also to get a better fit, rather than gluing the cylinders and then attaching, I wrapped them around the glue edge to get a perfect fit.
  4. I decided not to reprint and restart. I am continuing with what I have just being more careful in fitting. I should have more pictures later today. It has been a busy week with several medical issues. There are no directions for the kit, just a few pictures. So I am just guessing at some of the assembly.
  5. This model is more difficult than it looks. I am getting some unsightly gaps where the sections are joined. I am going to reprint the affected pieces and start again.
  6. Getting the fourth truncated cone to conform to the previous required a few clothespins
  7. From Wikipedia: Ron Miller (born May 8, 1947) is an American illustrator and writer who lives and works in South Boston, Virginia. He now specializes in astronomical, astronautical and science fictionbooks for adults and young adults.
  8. This link https://www.vernianera.com/Nautilus/ provides a vast catalogue of interpretations of the Nautilus.
  9. The Disney artists designed a great Nautilus, but it was nothing like what Verne described. I guess his wasn't photogenic enough
  10. This is a card model available for download from ecardmodels.com. It consists of an introductory page, 2 pages showing how the pieces go together (but leaving out a lot of detail) and 7 pages of parts to cut out and assemble. This is the only model of the Nautilus I have been able to find that is true to Verne’s description in the novel. So here we go:
  11. That’s a keel clamp to hold a ship model under construction. I will probably just get some brass pedestals but I do like launching way mounts.
  12. Finished. Just need to add 2 name boards and decide how to mount her.
  13. Nice work. I am glad that I found this log as I am waiting for my own 14 bis . This build log will be a great help. Ron Gove (aka Papa)
  14. My drill bits must be dull. It took about 30 minutes to drill a hole in the pulley at the top of each davit! I am also adding detail to the prams which were simple castings.
  15. The rigging is about done. Next up are davits and the boats. I learned the hard way on the Morgan that installing davits before rigging is an invitation to break the davits.
  16. Thanks. She has been done for a while. I just neglected to post a photo.
  17. The Morgan is essentially finished. One little line to trim when I get around to it.
  18. I have one last belaying point to tie up and put a rope loop on. The model has been in my study for months now and I just can’t get the enthusiasm to clean up that last pin. It looks great as is and one has to look closely to see the loose line. Also I should probably add some more gear in the whale boats. I just totally lost interest. ps, the untied line is for the cutting stage.
  19. We had an oopsie while rigging the main braces and knocked off the dolphin striker and associated rigging. One step forward two steps backward. A new striker is in place and waiting for the riggers.
  20. Boom and gaff are in. Now I am tying ratlines, my least favorite part of rigging.
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