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Everything posted by Papa

  1. If you look through the build log you will see that i made the boats many months ago. The’ve been patiently waiting in the boat yard until now. Also, to be honest I cheated on the davit lines. The plans call for a double block on the hook and triple sheaves on the davits. I found that it was impossible to drill a triple sheave; the tip of the davit got so weak it broke off. So its a single sheave and a single block on the hook.
  2. Than you for the offer. I will look into the build log. I never expected that someone on MSW would have built that ship
  3. Thank you. I did see that plan. But that would be a very ambitious scratch build for me. I doubt that i would live long enough to complete it.
  4. In researching my family history I determined that my 8th great grandfather, Thomas Hamilton, was in command of the HMS Charles in 1673. Now I need to make a model of this ship. Attached is a painting I found of her on-line
  5. I was unhappy with the engine compartment, so i took it apart for better painting and positioning. The engine was canted a bit toward the left. Not too noticeable but I was obsessing over it! And the wheel well pieces were not positioned correctly. So progress has been set back a tad. i was using CA glue for assembly so for the most part things popped apart easily. I did need de-bonder on a few joints. The brittleness on the CA also led to other parts popping off. I am switching to solvent glue to put stuff back together. It is a slower process which is a good thing as i have a tendency to rush things.
  6. I decided to scrape off all of the moulded on "chrome" trim. It is a time consuming task but i think it will provide a classic custom look. The body is sitting on the frame just for the photo. The rear wheel openings had to be enlarged for the slicks but fortunately the outline of the new opening was moulded into the body on the inside of the fenders. The instructions make no mention of this and I only discovered it by accident after I started cutting out plastic!
  7. All the rigging is done save for the whale boats and tidying up the lines.
  8. Thanks. It has been a challenge
  9. Ready to add 2 radiator hoses and then the body. We are leaving Florida on May 3rd so it will probably be a week before I get back to it. All in all I think this is a poor kit. Too much flash, very few positive attachment points and poorly fitting parts
  10. Thanks. As a kid in the 50s i knew almost nothing about cars except the outside. I could name almost every make model and year during that time. But under the hood 🤷‍♂️. Never knew it was called a “stove bolt”
  11. She is coming together. I had to remove the pipes in order to mount the engine and then thin down some of the pipes and the frame to get them to fit. A few hours of test fitting and some super glue and you wouldn’t know I cheated
  12. Next stage of the Chevy build. The blue is actually white 🤷‍♂️
  13. Actually it didn’t hurt much; it just wouldn’t stop bleeding. The stitches stopped the bleeding but eventually the flap of skin they stitched back just fell off. The slicers have a special holder for the vegetables so you don’t get hurt. I thought i was too clever for that! Slice, slice, slice, ouch!
  14. Preparing vegetables is dangerous business. I needed 2 stitches after using a mandoline slicer
  15. Another welcome from a fellow Virginian (but still a Yankee at heart.) I once worked for retired admiral Luke Capone at Booz Allen. He was a submarine driver I believe. Any of you navy/boomer folks know of him? He passed away in 2005.
  16. I haven't looked at this thread for a couple years. 😐 To open the link above one needs to sign up for the Telegraph. I guess the paper needs to make a living. Fascinating story about the Mary Celeste; we may never know what happened.
  17. Finished engine. I am going to drill holes in the ends of the exhaust pipes or paint them black to simulate holes.
  18. By the way. The bent tweezers seen on the work table I have had for over 50 years. Good tools last forever. I purchased them from James Bliss Co in Boston. Bliss was mainly an outfitter for real boats but they did deal in Model Shipways “Yellow Box” kits, hobby tools, and some other ship kits whose brand I no longer remember. I purchased Young America, Newsboy, and the Essex there. Sorry to say the Young America and Newsboy were badly damaged after several house moves and are no longer around. By the 1970s Bliss moved outside the city and eventually closed up I think.
  19. i am learning the hard way that I should have left all the whaleboat davits and paraphernalia until after the masts and yards were rigged.
  20. In the early 1960's I had a 52 Plymouth sedan that my parents purchased from an uncle. It looked a lot like the Chevy. I seem to remember that they only paid $25 for it but that seems ridiculous now. I had to cover the holes in the floor with plywood. Anyway, it lasted until I finished college and it even made a round trip from Massachusetts to Washington, DC where i had a 3 month summer job with the DoD. I purchased the Chevy kit planning on making a custom car version. Eventually I realized that such a job was way beyond my skill set. So it's "out of the box" Dragster version. Papa
  21. Taking a break from rigging the C.W. Morgan with this car kit I’ve had in my stash for a while. The dragster engine is almost complete.
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