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  1. Good evening Lester,


    I was browsing the thread from Roy (New Bedford Whaleboat) and you offered some photos from Whaleboats. 
    I am in the process of building the Whaleboat too. Would it be possible to get some photos?





  2. How much will you charge for the patterns you made for bounty stern? I am having a real problem trying to figure it out. Can you help me with this I am using Hahn’s plans my email is. here are some pics of what I have done please pm me as i REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS...this is first time i have undertaken a project this big.
  3. I got the plans from our club library. I’ll have to look and see if I have all the sheets. I think I do and I do not see a plan view of all the transom frames. Where can I buy the plans? My email is *removed*.
  4. I am finishing up framing the 1/48 bounty hull. next will be framing the stern. Has any one used Hahns plans? i am having trouble visualizing the stern framing and could use some help with this. I am a retired mechanical engineer but i am new to reading ships plans. this is my second scratch build. first one was a 1/16 Bounty Launch which came out pretty good. I really could use some guidance on this. bounty launch.
  5. harpoon i did while working in the shipsmith at Mystic Seaport Museum. I was on the Charles w Morgan restoration for 5 years for the 38 Th VOYAGE. took over 3000 pics of the restoration plus i sailed on the Morgan during the 38th. need any referencce pics email me... lesterpalifka@gmail.com
  6. need whale boat info? I am a volunteer at the Mystic Seaport Museum. i worked for 5 years on the Morgan restoration took over 3000 pictures during the restoration most pics are taken with modeling in mind. I have worked on the hull deck . spent 2 years in the rigging loft re-doing the rigging. if you need pictures of any thing let me know happy to help. also covered the whale boats also. i built the model ship ways whale boat. here is my email lesterpalifka@gmail.com let me know what you want to see..... Lester
  7. I am a retired mechanical engineer retired after 49 years. i have draftsight and solidworks on my home computer. willing to do drafting work for those who need it... email me: lesterpalifka@gmail.com
  8. John, would it be possiable to get a piece of that slab say 2 inches wide by maybe 6 inches long? it would be cool to have a piece from the restored bow sprit as I am good friends with Trev who was the ship wright who made the new bowsprit...I never thought to get a piece of it when he was making it....let me know if it is possiable. alsso would love some outdoor pictures of the Morgan that I can send to Dick Wing.. the Wing flag looks great...Lester
  9. John... I don't have the words to describe what I am seeing. only some tears in my eyes for a job well done on a ship that is so much a part of me. just an absolutely fantastic job. I look at her and I see the real ship in every way.. thank you for posting all your work as this will be a source of reference when I build mine. again thank you for such a fine interprertation of the Charles W Morgan.......
  10. oh by the way I have the actual plans of the hurricane house and tryworks for the Morgan if you want them
  11. Your model of the Morgan looks great. If you need reference pictures I have thousands if you want. most of what I take are with modeling in mind. I worked on the last restoration in the rigging loft... also got to man the helm under full sail for a half hour on her 38th voyage. anyway my bragging aside.. I would be more than willing to send you any pictures that you might want to do your model. I have all aspects of the restoration at your disposal.. ask john about me...my email is lesterpalifka@gmail.com email me anytime.. ui am going to get back on my morgan as soon as I finish my whaleboat.. hope to hear from you.... Lester
  12. to all who read johns build and are building the Morgan I worked on her during her last renovation. I have close to 9000 items on her in my data base. I took thousands of pictures and am willing to share . email me at lesterpalifka@gmail.com. ask John about me.....
  13. wow that sucks.. its really visiable too...when I do mine I will make a protective cover for the copper by putting clear wrap around the hull cut a box down to size so it is just above the copper and then spray in foam sealing .. it will expand and dry that way I have a cradle that will hold the ship up and also protect the hull from that sort of thing till it gets put in the display case... sorry I didn't think of this earlier for you...i'll draw it up and send it to you maybe you can post it for your followers... also when you make the harpoons use twigs of the right scale so they will look authentic. I believe that they used straight sapplings about 2 to 2-1/2 inch in diameter for the shafts...rig them up and you have a really good looking harpoon....
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