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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Never mind Marc my question about the Evergreen thickness for the port engagements. I reread your comment post and see you said 1/16.
  2. Great advice guys. I am going to give it a try. I am not a defeatist but if I can not get them to look nearly as good as yours Marc I will abandon the idea and go with the bulwarks as every other builder has. I really like the extra touch it adds, and I will gold leaf them as I plan to do the other ornamentation on the upper bulwark. Marc do you remember the Evergreen thickness you worked with? The great thing is that I only need to get one really good carving, or two if I do the bottom piece as well, because I will then use it to mold and case all my pieces. I know once I get into this carving my progress will be slow so my post will be less frequent but I hope to keep you guys up to date on my progress. Along the way as I am working on these are there other bashings to the UBs you like? I already added the Evergreen along the top rail. I know I could still do the skids on the hull and UB and that is something I could also tinker with. I really like them as well. However I am really pleased with my hull paint job, and like the carvings we discussed here, if the skid fit to the hull was not perfect I think the addition of them might look elementary and possibly ruin how nice it looks.
  3. Ok Marc with that complete it is time to turn my full attention to the upper bulwarks. I am ant to try my hand at the upper and lower ornaments you made for the gun ports. This will take time to get the carvings just right and then cast them. Any advice you could share will be gladly appreciated.
  4. I just used one ladder and glued it to the grate coaming I put in. I did not cut off the bottom two steps as the instructions directed so it was perfectly long enough. I have it glued to the starboard side since I plan to display the finished ship showing the port side. That way you will see the step not the hole in the deck.
  5. Thanks Ian and Marc. Marc I plan to paint the whole stripe down the center red as you did. Ian I must do some very careful masking of my deck so as not to mess it up with red overspray when I airbrush the red stripe! Wish me luck! Will share my result tomorrow.
  6. Right, wrong, or indifferent I decided to raise my grates off the deck level. I cut 2mm wide strips of .02 Evergreen and then added an additional strip along the bottom of each a distance down to equal the thickn as if the grate. Then with this stock material I framed in each hatch. I then glued in the grates setting on the tiny ledge. For the forward hatch I modified the idea to use the side of one Evergreen frame piece to border both the long and short grates. I also took artistic license and modified the ladder installation. I only installed one ladder and it reached the top of the Evergreen frame by not cutting off the bottom two steps as the instruction directed. Now a little touch up sanding and painting and it should be good.
  7. Thanks Henry. I looked through your build for a picture. I can see that yours are raised a bit. It looks lovely me maybe the thickness of a grate? I seem to remember that now about the Constitution. I am curious if my Constitution model has the grate displayed that way. Will have to check.
  8. I know I am asking monotonous questions about simple steps but this one really seems odd. In the steps where I put in the grates the instructions show the ladder coming up from the deck below through the hatch opening. However in these instructions, different from other model ships, it shows the ladders put together like a step ladder with the apex of the step ladder in the center of the opening, rather than two separate ladders leading up to the edge of the hatch opening. Is this correct?
  9. Oh OK Ian I did misunderstand what cambered meant. When I googled the term I got the attached picture and an explanation that the hatches were cambered to raise them above deck level so water on the deck would not run down through the hatch to the lower deck. That is the idea of what I thought I was trying to accomplish.
  10. Marc I guess I may be confused as well. Looking at your picture I see that your grates are raised higher than the deck surface. I understood this meant the grates were cambered (raised higher than the deck surface). From the description of what you said you did to accomplish the height of the grate, I understood that you simply stacked two matching grates. Thereby making the grate cambered. It also appeared in your photo as if you made a basic frame that the grates set in since they are not even with the deck surface. I assumed the edges/sides of the grates would not have been exposed. So with that assumption as to how it should look I will as going to make a frame of Evergreen, maybe 2 mm high, to go around the hatch in the deck. Then mount the grates flush with the top of the Evergreen. This would make the grates 2 mm above the deck and framed in. Thereby making my grates cambered. Or Marc, as I expect from your confusion above, are you thinking “no no no Bill that is completely wrong and not what I meant!”😀
  11. Very interesting Marc. I want to paint mine red as well and since your research verified its accuracy I will proceed happily. I will also make coamings from Evergreen to raise the grates and paint them red. Would you care to recommend the to scale height for my coamings? My online research said they were about 4”high. Does that seem correct? At 1/100 scale that would about 1mm or nearly the thickness of the grate. So double the thickness above the surface of the deck would be fairly accurate? Or am I completely wrong on my height calculations?
  12. With the beakhead bulkhead in place now, I am working on completing the steps that pertain to items on the deck. Once that is done I plan to set the ship aside on a shelf and spend quite a bit of time working on the upper bulwarks off the ship. The grates that cover the hatches in the deck is part of my next step. Marc and Henry, I of course looked through your build, as well as others, for inspiration. I was mainly looking for ideas for the color to paint my grates. The instructions designate a light brown color. Marc I see that you painted your’s red as well as the decking that runs the length. I like that. What was your thoughts in doing that? It also looks as if you may have raised the grates. Did you or am I just mistaking the picture?
  13. That is nice. Maybe your future grandkids will call you PawPaw. Looking at how mine spell my nick name and how they pronounce it, it should be spelled PapPaw! Never noticed that until you wrote PawPaw. 😊
  14. Same here on sports schedules, but mine is grandsons. Four involved in basketball, indoor soccer, and archery. Schedule posted on refrigerator so I can keep up with it. So far none appear to conflict so I expect “papaw” will be there to support the each of them at whatever their sport is! Life is good here as well.
  15. Oh OK Marc. Now I understand. There would be two sets of steps. One for each door. I was misreading the picture as showing one step in the center behind the beakhead bulkhead. Now that I understand I see it is too late. Not sure how differently Heller could have shown this step step 😊. I was reading it as if you did it after step 42, and that the steps were on the next deck up. Oh well. Live and learn. Thanks again. Hope all is going well for you in Manhattan.
  16. Marc do you have a photo of yours in place? I am still scratching my head. I am thinking the step looks like it sets on the middle deck and up against the back of the beakhead bulkhead, but there is no opening that the steps lead to. Then will this ultimately be covered by the forecastle deck?
  17. Do any of you understand what step #43 is instructing me to do? After I completed step #42 I don’t have an area at the beakhead that looks anything like this or area to put the steps. 🤔
  18. Beakhead bulkhead finished and attached! Made he doors and used some left over pieces from other builds to fabricate hinges and handles. Seems to be a pretty good fit. Added a second anchor rope for possible use later. If not needed it is easier to take out than put in later. The two gun decks are now closed at the bow. Debated long and hard about adding LED candle lighting to the two gun decks while I still had access, but ultimately decided not to. So I closed her up.
  19. Thanks Henry. It is interesting about the casting. I made a cast of the same thing that you did for the area we filled in between the knees. Yours appears to be narrow enough that it nicely fits with a small bit of space on each side. My casting of the same ornament actually touches both knees. It looks way to crowded. I have the two knees mounted correctly so I am not sure why mine are slightly closer together than yours. Going to have to pick some other ornament to cast to go in that space.
  20. Still need to make the door hardware and then attach my doors. I have tiny fleur-de-lies made to go below the middle rail but am waiting to attach them. They are gold leafed and I don’t want to damage them during construction. My ornament is just setting between the hatches. Not glued in place yet. You may notice it is a bit crooked.
  21. Marc I went with your idea of the second rail. Wife’s recommendation😊! Followed your process. My upper bulwarks and beakhead are going to be blue so I have started with a blue and ndercoat. Will do the reverse of your’s and paint the sections below the middle rail red and adorn each with a gold leafed fleur-de-lies. Also made a casting of the ornament (I know it has a name) and gold leafed it to go between the gun ports after painting is finished. I am curious about something. Did you guys make your own doors? I checked and there is not a molded part included with the kit.
  22. Marc looking at your’s closely that is fairly close to what thought you did. Will add that to my list of fun things to tinker with. I have selected a few ornaments to cast a mold of to place between the gun ports. Will see how they come out. The first one I am experimenting with is the one on the UB between the gunports. Will see how it comes out.
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