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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Great Ian thanks. I just found this similar picture as well. I am going to experiment with putting a small battery operated LED light in both the captain’s and Admiral’s quarters. The glazing will be a nice compliment to that if it works.
  2. OK my friends I am seriously considering putting the glazing in the 7 hatches on each side of aft as shown as an option in the instructions. I think it will add some additional visual interest. In this case the guns are positioned in behind the glazing. I researched the few reference books I have to see if this was ever really done this way but can’t find reference to it. If you are familiar with this option how is it done? Are the glazing windows used instead of the hatch covers? Are both the glazing and the hatch cover (open) put in place at each hatch? If just the glazing I am assuming there is no reason for the hatch cover ropes?
  3. Thanks Daniel. I was just thinking about your etched plates this morning. I need to go through my instructions and cross reference it to my plates. For every etched part I need to find it in the instructions and make a note. Maybe Dafi in red ink or something. That way when I get to that step I will be reminded to look to your plates for that part instead. With there being so many different parts included on plates 3 and 4 I could see myself easily forgetting I have a brass replacement for certain pieces.
  4. So over the weekend I jumped ahead to a task I have been looking forward to. Painting the very recognizable stern. I think it is beautiful and I have been anxious to paint it, especially with Daniel’s balusters.
  5. Kevin that is exactly what finally brought me to the decision I made. I was showing my progress to a good friend who is very interested and I had to point out the bashed rigols as a step I had taken. They did not notice on their own. And finally when I saw the photos of John Reid’s ship that is going to the museum I spoke about earlier, I saw he has the chains and fittings for the shrouds still brass. I thought I like that and may leave all Daniel’s parts brass. On a side note: Daniel I think this is a huge compliment to you! The quality of your brass etched pieces makes me want to show them off not have them hidden among all the rigging and paint!
  6. Ian I will have to put those places on my list as well. Spent a little time up your way a little over a year ago. Crossed over from Detroit and then headed east to Niagara Falls on the Canada side. Had to keep reminding myself the speed limit signs were not MPH! Could get in trouble that way. In other news I went rogue today! Hope I am not voted out of the MSW club! ☹️ I kept wondering what it would look like if I had left Daniel’s rigols brass instead of painting over them. Finally I got a glass of good Kentucky bourbon, built up my nerve, and stripped the paint of of them. I then repainted my black and yellow ochre for the third time. Admiral Nelson is probably turning over in his grave but I like my Victory a little pimped out! I actually I am going to leave in my parts from Daniel brass! Might be crazy.
  7. Ian have you visited The Doran Bay Model Ship Museum? I think it is in Kingston. John Reid, a name you may recognize as an accomplished model ship builder, has a Facebook page devoted to building the Victory. I read on his page that he is donating his model to this museum. That would be cool.
  8. I thought that is what it might be. Did not think it would look as good as thread. May try making some eyebolts with them.
  9. Ian is your model displayed where both sides can be seen? The display case I will build for mine “years from now!” 😀 and where I will place it will make only one side visible. Will be able to take it out and turn it around from time to time if I want. So which ever side I plan to display I will have to decide which guns to display and which hatches to close. Either way a bunch of these 102 cannons I spent so much time on building will fall in the “because I know they are there” category. By the way, do you know what the group of thin wires about 6” long that came with the kit are far? I searched the instructions but can’t find a reference to them.
  10. Ok guys I am just looking for your opinion and what you like. The instructions show the option of putting glazing (windows) on 7 of the hatches on each side at the stern end of the ship. In that case you position the gun back from the hatch. I guess the option is I can glaze some openings if I want and have guns extended out others, or do all either one way or the other. How did you do your’s? Not seen example of hatches glazed.
  11. Thanks Veszett. The picture is perfect for guidance.
  12. Hubac I was looking at that. Is it OK to glue them onto the hull in advance of attaching parts 356 and 357? I was not planning on adding 356 and 357 until after I assemble the hull and decks together. The instructions say to glue to the hull and to 356 or 357 at same time. Will it make a difference if I glue the hawser entry hole pieces on in advance of the half cutwater?
  13. Exactly Hubac! One more to the big 7 0! Repair painting completed!
  14. Your right Michael. I sanded it down and it does look better. Hubac I think you and I have birthdays coming up here pretty soon. You on the 11th and me the 15th! Of course I have 21 more years! ☹️
  15. Not sure either Michael. This is what I have always used over Vallejo acrylics. I don’t think it was a reaction to the acrylics because I also had areas of white on the newspaper I had under the hull sections. I think it was a defective spray can. Either way I am undertaking fixing it. The port side was not affected to much and the repair was easy. The starboard side, which was the second section sprayed, fared worse. I was able to repaint all the lines, still have some fine tuning to do, but did end up with some unwanted build up near the middle. I am sanding it down and will make it right. Very little, if any, cracking as I go toward bow and stern. It is kind of funny. I wondered if it were not for my friends here on MSW if I might have just lived with the cracking. Now that I have several friendly judges I decided I better fix it, and I am glad I am. Thank you guys for keeping me building at the quality level this ship deserves.
  16. Wow! What a mess up today! 🤯 As you saw in my previous pictures I have both sides of the hull painted with the black and yellow ochre stripes. Spent many hours getting them as smooth as I could. Today I decided before I scratch or in any way mess them up I was going to put a flat clear top coat on it. Purpose was to provide a hard protective surface. I have always used a clear spray can product from a well known spray paint producer. Never had a problem in the past. Again I emphasize IN THE PAST! Set both halves on my work bench in my garage (where I spray paints that are not good to spray indoors). Gave the starboard half a nice thin coat. Looked nice. All good. Then gave the port side a simile coat. WHAT THE &$@(%> IS THIS? Across my beautiful painted stripes on my hull half was what appeared to a light white paint! 🤯🤯. All across my black and yellow lines! No idea what caused it. I sprayed a few places on some news paper and there was a little more white then went crystal clear again. Heart broken and saying a few not very church like words I let it thoroughly dry then started the process of repainting my lines to cover the mysterious white residue. As a result my paint layers are a little thicker than I would have preferred. But I am not going to strip it all off and start over. Checked on line later to see if any reports of similar issue. Apparently high humidity can cause this. But the humidity was not that high today. Will forever be a mystery. Not a mystery that I will never spray my ship with this product again. I did not take picture of disaster but below is a photo of my repair work and you can see a little of the white on what will be the copper area. The picture also shows in some areas I am going to have to sand it down because the paint thickness caused it to crack. You will notice I have started painting the inside edge of gun hatches red.
  17. Wow. Pictures don’t lie. I can see in my photo that on the port side below third cannon hatch I need a little work on black line v
  18. Both sides of hull exterior painted except for copper bottom! Dry fitted to make sure bee lines flow together. Much more to go on hull halves. Paint copper at the bottom, cannon hatches red inside, and all the inside of the hull painting to go as well as drilling all the tiny holes for the hatch ropes.
  19. Thanks guys. So you think good to go as is? On to the black then.
  20. Yellow ochre stripes painted! This was more time consuming than it should have been! Gray color is undercoat where black will go. Then the copper bottom of the hull.
  21. Thanks gentlemen. I hope to finalize my masking lines tomorrow. Downloaded a few more pictures from other builders to further cause my analysis paralysis! 😊
  22. Thanks Daniel. Always appreciate your advice. In the below picture (if you zoom in) you can see how nicely the rigols came out. Have a bit of primer on them.
  23. Oh no Ian. That’s great. I understand from your photos now. Is that your Victory you included a photo of. Beautiful job! I do see what you mean by the stripes lining up smoothly with the windows in the quarter gallery. I found these stock photos that help as well.
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