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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Thanks Ian. I took your advice and scrolled through the mentioned forum. Interesting the product I mentioned is talked about in one of them.
  2. Ok gentlemen, those who have used Daniel’s etched brass sheets (and you as well Daniel). Now that I have my sheets talk me through how to blacken them. Daniel suggest a product from Knick that you just soak the item in overnight. I can’t find that but I can find a product called Brass Black. Left off the brand name since I am not sure if that is OK on MSW. Seems like a similar product. Do you need to rub down pieces with very vine abrasive first, or can they go right from Daniel’s packaging to the liquid?Do you need to blacken those pieces that will be painted later or just leave them as is?
  3. I am doing the rigols but I don’t think I will do the side entrance.
  4. Thanks Ian. I wondered about the extra ships in your picture since my Heller only came with three. I will most likely just leave the size as is but am going to use Evergreen to make the floor boards. Finished my first 100 eyebolts.
  5. Spending this nice Sunday afternoon in the recliner with my feet propped up making eyebolts. Don’t have a goal of how many, will just keep making them till get tired. Will have to blacken them before I use them.
  6. Ian I was looking back at your build blog. Post #16 you show pictures and comment about how you bashed the lifeboats. I really like what you did with the boats and would like to duplicate some of what you did if you do not care. I wonder if you would mind sharing some tips on how you did it?
  7. May have to see if I can find a plan for building my own.
  8. Thanks Ian. I started serving threads on my last build. Not real good yet, but getting a little better each time. I don’t have a serving machine so I try to do it manually by stretching the thread between two alligator clips and then gradually wrap the serving thread around the desired part.
  9. Great. Now to figure out exactly what you tried to explain to me. Finished the last of the guns today (102)! Wow! Going to need a little of my Kentucky bourbon supply to get my eyes to focus again! 😀 Got all my anchor parts together now and getting ready to paint them. Need to look over everyone’s build blog to see a really nice painting scheme. Any recommendations?
  10. Ian this is what you are talking about, right? This book is fantastic! Thanks to everyone who recommended I get it. Bill
  11. Ian. This is some great work! Just as simple that you have given me a new idea. I really like the Evergreen in the bottom of the boats.
  12. I agree Kevin. I know I could not be doing it. I am sure there are many Victory models built, including Heller’s, by people right out of the box with no knowledge of how to get help from sites like this. I am tremendously glad I found MSW. I even liked a Facebook group for building the HMS Victory.
  13. Thanks Ian for all the great tips. Will research all of them. Hope the cottage trip was good.
  14. That is me exactly Kevin. I have I think four blogs saved on my computer that read through over and over again hoping to copy some of the work. Then it starts running together! I have to ask myself who did what and how did they do it. I have often thought it would be so cool if you could print your most frequently visited blog(s) just to have on hand at your building table. Excited about a book I got in the mail yesterday.
  15. Ok all my friends here on MSW. Today is my one month anniversary of starting my Heller Victory. To date this is what I have accomplished: 1. Used Evergreen to increase the width of the hull at the gunports. 2. Primed the hull for future painting. 3. Painted and assembled the thirty 32 pound guns and carriages. 4. Painted and assembled the thirty 24 pound guns and carriages. 5. Painted the carriages for the twenty two 12 pound long guns (still to have barrels attached). 6. Painted the carriages for the twenty 12 pound short guns (still to have barrels attached). 7. Painted and weathered all the deck sections. New things I learned since I began. 1. The fantastic and versatile product Evergreen! Never knew of it before. 2. How to make my own eyebolts. Something new I am practicing. 3. The term Bashing is in fact a positive and something once you feel confident doing is very liberating. 4. I knew before but have had the knowledge that MSW builders are incredible and very generous with there advice. New stuff ordered I did not have before: 1. Daniel’s etched sheets. Should arrive next week. 2. The Anatomy of Admiral Nelson’s Ships. Thanks everyone for your help and advice. Anxious to see where I am at my two month anniversary! Bill
  16. Sixty guns finished and ready when the time comes! A little more work to do on the other two sizes to finish 102. Woo Hoo. 🤪
  17. Ian I went back into the MSW vault and reread your Victory build blog. Congratulations on a very nice build. Reading it I realized what those little loops the instructions wanted me to put on the side of the hull were for rigging of the chains and shrouds. I was dumbfounded what they were for. But mow I know since I bought Daniel’s etched sheets I don’t need those little loops. Woo Hoo. Another mystery solved! Bill
  18. Ian I went back to read your build blog again. Want to again compliment you on a beautiful job. Bill
  19. Continuing gun construction! The thirty barrels and carriages for the 25 pound guns are ready for final painting. The beginning of the assembly of the carriages for the twenty two 12 pound long guns is under way!
  20. Ok guys I think I am an accomplished model ship builder, as all is us on here are. I can usually build a nice model, and even bash a little, AS LONG AS I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING. While I work on my cannons and wait for my package from Daniel, I am reading ahead in my instructions. I am starting to see what you guys talk about reference the rigging of the Heller 1/100! What in the world? You have all seen the instructions so you are familiar. As an example in Step 8 (see photo) it says I am supposed to “put ropes E50 and E55 through holes in the hull”. It does not say if these pass through and out the other side or if they are individual ropes on each side. On top of that there are no pre drilled holes in the hull where it hey go! Several of you have recommended I get Longridge’s book The Anatomy of Nelson’s Ships. Does it do a better job of showing how to do all these extra little rigging steps? I do love this build and am excited to spend many months working on it. No step is to difficult nor will I shy away from the more complex tasks. However I do struggle when I have no idea what I am supposed to do.
  21. Any of you guys have a good process for making your own eyebolts. The kit comes with about 60 2mm plastic eyebolts. I know I am going to need plenty more if I am going to do much bashing, especially if I add them to the visible gun carriages. I have looked on line to simply purchase some but don’t find them this small.
  22. The first 30 cannons (the 32 lbs) are completed! Now on to the next group while I anxiously await my package from Daniel before further work on the hull.
  23. Ian that is exactly how I did the lower deck guns on the USS Constitution as you might be able to tell in the picture a few posts back. The instructions had me put an eyebolt on each side of the inside hatch and then lace a thread through each eyebolt , around the end of the cannon, and on to the next, and then I tied the thread at each end. I will most likely do the same here. Probably will need to by a whole bunch is scale eyebolts.
  24. Ian I guess that would include all the rigging of them as well. I will need to decide what falls under the “because you know it is there” mindset that Kevin talked about. I may skip some of you guys won’t accuse me of being a slacker! 😀
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