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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. That is some work there Grant If they are anything like the ones in my kit I can barely see them never mind trying to work on them or make them I have made small stuff in my doll accessory making phase but nothing that small or accurate You have my admiration Keep it up Mick
  2. Sjors You can't run away when you do the shrouds and the ratlines and any other piece of knitting or crochet the build needs I will need someone solid behind me when I do mine Be Rock Steady Ready Keep it up Mick
  3. Hi Steve Thanks a lot for the offer I think any help or ideas would be a step forward I have just spent a bit of time inspecting the replica Endeavour and realising I can't copy that as they probably shaped most or every plank to fit :mellow: I have looked carefully at the OcCre instructional photos and there are a lot of points but I can't see a way round that without having shaped planks and I don't really have the hardware to do that accurately enough I am doing a bit of experimenting as I put this layer on but unfortunately my knowledge in this area is just not high enough to see a way round it I am intending to finish this layer as I wait for the Beech and Walnut to arrive and then start the top layer when I get back from my week away in about a fortnight I will definitely appreciate any help going I can see the Beech going on quite well as the top 12 or so planks do not go through any nasty angles It's the walnut As you know bottom half of the planking has several nasty angles so as I keep saying any help or advice will be well received Be careful with some of the terms though as not having the knowledge there it could just fly over my head and hit the wall with a very soggy slap Thanks again Steve Enjoy doing your carriages Keep it up Mick
  4. Hi Steve Thank you for your comments on my build I am following your build as I am fairly certain now that the OcCre kit and the Eaglemoss parts kit are as close to being the same kit as possible I am very interested in how you will alter the ship slightly I have to admit I am a bit lost when you start talking about the different plans for the ship I was going to follow OcCre instructions and I am afraid that finances do not permit me to buy different parts No doubt I will get a good looking build eventually I have to say I am now a little more worried about getting the planking right as I have been reading the tut here about building bluff bows like the Endeavour There was talk of using wider planks, hooking and other stuff Makes my poor old withered brain spin :mellow: I will get there though somehow I just hope it's half as good as yours Keep it up Mick
  5. Love the boat Sjors Are you going to make a few oars now Keep it up Mick
  6. Coming along real nice Slog Really pointing the way for me I am not sure I have the necessary knowledge to notice problems like you do but I will be happy if it looks anything like the picture on the box Does your build have sails???? I have not done a build with sails and I am a bit hazy on the issue I am also hazy on building the masts and riggings from plans but that should be ok as I have done that before Keep it up Mick
  7. Thanks a lot all I was hoping it looked a lot better It is so different working on such a large hull I have seen several people on forums saying that the Endeavour was their first build I am certain I wouldn't have wanted it for my first build I think the Sergal Racehorse was perfect Anyway A question I have drilled the bores out a bit on my cannon so it looks like they do have a hole to stick the cannonball down I have also put them in a metal aging, brass blackening, or whatever you would like to call it, fluid This is how they look at the moment What do you think??? Do they look ok or do you think they need a bit more time in the fluid Or should I just paint them black I don't really want to do that as I shouldn't think a used cannon would be a smooth colour, but if you say that would be more realistic I will take your thoughts on board Right back to some nice steady planking Keep it up Mick
  8. Such a shame Adriaan I do hope you will be able to uncover them before too much time has passed I have cleaned up my computer table/work bench but my reason was it was an absolute mess and covered in rubbish Get well soon though Adriaan, we want you back Mick
  9. Today I grabbed the hull and a large selection of sanding instruments Oh and my little hammer and went outside and sanded like a man posessed I got the bow coming round as smooth as I could and then reshaped the hull I am hoping I got it right now :mellow: I came back inside and did a bit of planking It seemed to go on pretty well but I am now determined to do another layer with the beech and the walnut when they arrive Anyway here she is now Take a good look at the stern and you will see the shape has changed totally I am hoping this will be ok now I imagine it will be so much easier to put the top layer on as I will be working with a good layer anyway rather than the now so good first layer I did I must learn to get those frst layers much better I will probably slow down a bit now leading up to our week away and then get my head down on the final layer when we get back Keep it up Mick
  10. Thank you Sjors Yes I suppose you could call it triple The top two layers will only be 1.1mm between them though I am going to change the wood as well Instead of it being Lime and Sapelli I am going to finish it with Beech and Walnut The Beech will be stained anyway and I think the walnut will look a lot more natural than the Sapelli First job however is some sanding Keeping it up Mick
  11. Well I promised a photo of the Taxi when it is finished so here it is It actually amazed me just how difficult it was Anyway it is finished other than maybe a bit of touching up on the black One more just to give you a view inside before the doors went on I have made an executive decision about the Endeavour I am going to plank it twice I don't know whether it's a good idea or not but I need the practice and I want it looking perfect I will start on that tomorrow but we are off on a weeks holiday soon so I will be able to have a rest No! I am not taking it with me I am going to try and get a bit of fishing in We are staying in a luxury chalet within spitting distance of the Avon just outside Stratford upon Avon We went last year and enjoyed it so much we rebooked Anyway back to the Endeavour tomorrow Keep it up Mick
  12. Hi Alistair Looking at Slogs build, especially with the rudder on, I can see I have totally the wrong shape and I could be having problems with the rudder as well as the planking I will get my build of the Taxi finished and then sit down with some sanding blocks and maybe even the Dremel Thanks a lot for the comments and help everyone I will soon be back to work on this Keep it up Mick
  13. Hi Rob As Alistair says, the Endeavour is not the easiest ship to plank because of its shape As to filler Sometimes your first planking may not be good enough and there may be depressions Lumps can be sanded out Depressions must be filled A high quality fine wood filler I have actually made the mistake of giving the stern too much shape now I realise it Also on the bow there is too much of a line between the hull planking and the balsa fill That has to be rounded out so it doesn't show through the finish planking There is always the option if the top planking doesn't look right of going over it again It is only 0.6mm so you can normally get away with it I did it with the Spirit as I wasn't happy There are normally ways out Don't be help back Rob Keep it up Mick
  14. Right I was waiting for paint to dry on the Taxi so I sat and stared at the Endeavour I stared at the photos of finished models I put Sjors and Alistairs words to work in my brain and slowly I began to see the problems When I have finished the Taxi I will get to work sanding Thank you both for pointing it out Keep it up Mick
  15. Hmmmmmm. You have all got me worried I am actually following the lines from the instruction photos getting my planking to look just like asin the photos I am having a day or three off to finish the Taxi When I have done that I will return to the Endeavour and see what problems I come up against Thanks for the warnings Mick
  16. Hi Sjors Can you explain 'Be careful at the bow' and the sentence after please Yes it is the second planking It has three sections Where I am now has the cherry stain, just below the gunwales for three or so planks is French Blue and underneath the cherry the strips are Sapelli and varnished or polished I have been using contact adhesive and I am afraid I am a bit messy so sanding will be necessary I am afraid As to filler there is a fair bit all over the first layer to get it as level as I could and it still wasn't good enough IMO I checked it all round with a strip and it seemed good until I had a few strips on Hopefully it will look good when finished Mick
  17. Great Rob They are very good quality I can tell you that Today my Taxi parts arrived so tomorrow I will get back to work on that and get it finished My mother in law has apparently put her name down for that But I did do some work on the Endeavour I started the final planking I have to admit I am finding it difficult :mellow: The Spirit went very easy and I don't remember the Racehorse or the Thermopylae being this difficult I thought I had it fairly smooth but I am coming up against slight problems but hopefully everything will look good with a light sanding I tried the cherry stain on a bit of the stern and I thought it looked real good but I won't really know until I do the lot Here's what it looks like anyway Not sure how long it will take to finish the taxi When I have finished it I will stick a photo of it on here if no-one minds so you can see what I was up to It will be days rather than hours I would guess, but you never now Keeping it up Mick
  18. LOL I used to be a bus driver before I lost my licence through arthritis Sjors A great job, I really enjoyed it I can't remember aircon though We did have windows and occasionally if we had no passengers I would open the door That was all a while ago though Still, gives me all the time to build Keep it up Mick
  19. Hey Adriaan It will all be good mate Antibiotics are brill I have them sometimes and they always do me good Take care and look after yourself Mick
  20. Sjors, try contacting Merce from OcCre on merce@occre.com and get him to quote you for the kit and postage All the kits I have had from them I have saved a fair bit on the prices here Just a thought Mick
  21. Yes Sjors The Montanes is a lovely ship She is I think if not the most expensive OcCre kit in this country at €522 (£450) certainly in there in the top 2 or 3 She hasn't the guns of the Trinidad but at 1:70 she is a lot bigger kit and a lot more expensive than the Trinidad, in fact nearly £100 more and 1250mm as opposed to the 1060mm of the Trinidad One big build Is that the size of the Ildefonso?? Keep it up Mick
  22. Great work Sjors Tell me, is that all from the kit or did you play with anything? I keep looking at the other Endeavour builds and they seems fairly similar but not the same I keep saying I will get a book and study it but then I say that that is what we pay OcCre for The research It's obviously the deck furniture and the other stuff on deck that works everything that may be a bit different What I am always surprised at is the different order things are done on the models This build is a sort of present isn't it and not normally available ??? I know the OcCre club was mentioned but I can find no reference anywhere to an OcCre club It does look a cracking ship though and it's being built very nicely Keep it up Mick
  23. Afternoon all Especially Bankie Late start today as I had to nip to hospital for my diabetes eye screening When I got back the paints had arrived so I thought at least Bankie may be interested on what they look like The paints are the Caldercraft Admiralty series WATER based We have French Blue - Dull Black - Walnut stain - Cherry stain The top of the two is two coats and the bottom one coat The first photo is taken in natural light, the second with flash The photos were then cropped in Photoshop and given auto tone and auto contrast that I do with all my photos All the colours look perfect I think I will definitely use the walnut for the yards And I am very happy with the cherry as I think that will stand well for the "Yellow/Orange" It will give you an idea what they look like as well Bankie I hope it helps Keep it up Mick
  24. Ok Sjors Thank you I was just looking at the instructions and thinking they had it right I didn't think of the glue interacting with the paint You have a very good point Mick
  25. I know a lot of the day was spent waiting for filler to dry...But It was a really hard day The stern was really wierd Comparing it to the photos in the instructions it didn't look right at all The parts looked totally different and it looked as if it needed filling not sanding Here it is rough finished Compare it to the stern view in the last log post When you look carefully yuo can see that it needed filling so that is what I did The bow as you could see was a big saw and sand job and that came out very well There is still a bit of work I think to get it perfect for final planking A bit of sanding here and there and maybe a little bit of filler to get it spot on But I think the hull's nearly there I do hope the parts for the Taxi come soon so that can be finished and clear the table and toolbox Right Question of the day I am going to use masking tape and stain the hull direct But The black rubbing strakes Paint them first and then fit????????????????????????????????? I am presuming that is the best bet but please give me your views Thanks Keep it up Mick
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