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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Shouldn't all the shrouds be in place before you start the ratlines?? Or am I totally out of it with that ????????????????????????
  2. Cheers Popeye I thought fitting the painted strakes on the painted hull would be easier I am not sure whether I am a messy worker but there will be a lot of touching up Maybe even a spray of the red
  3. Aaaah, thanks for that Kip I must admit I was a bit surprised and wasn't over fond of them They will not be fitted then That saves a job Thanks again Kip
  4. Started fitting the strakes today It looks as if it will be a long job :mellow: I hate using CA on paint but I couldn't see an option Maybe I should have got some more contact adhesive Not sure Anyway that's the top strake on one side It took ages to gently bring it round and get it where I wanted it There is another strake below the two side boards That will be very slightly thinner and white Above the black strake at bow and stern will be white and between the two strakes, black On the actual barge, below the strakes, there are portholes The model does not have them I suppose really I should have them They are very basic portholes Do you think a simple hole in the hull with maybe a painted ring around it ??? Or should I go further ???????? Remember I do not have fancy kit to make good looking parts
  5. Well I have found an image showing the deck of the Will at one point in her life As you can see the planked part is coloured blue and the rest of the deck a similar colour to the lower hull I think then that I will paint the planking the same as the upper hull and the rest the same as the lower hull What do you think ???????
  6. Managed to get some spraying done It's so difficult to get the consistancy right Didn't do too bad this time though I think the colours look quite nice What do you think of the deck that colour???? Club day tomorrow so should be able to look at the stakes or whatever on the outside on Thursday
  7. I am not sure the Will instructions have a lot of info on actually fitting the sails I would have to say the from the photos of the barge with the sails furled I don't think they can be sewn I will have to see if I can get some hi-rez photos to get a better idea That is unless anyone knows how the sails should be fixed
  8. Well I was going to do the spraying today but we went for a Christmas dinner round the local pub Result, I am stuffed beyond stuffing
  9. Nice work Tom Did you have a pattern for the sails ??? For the Will there is a cutting/sewing pattern for each sail as there is for the Endeavour What neither of them show are the ropes that hold the sail furled that I don't know the name of Did you have to work those out or were they on there ????
  10. As they all say Adriaan it looks a great job I hope you have a good time away and I wish you a Happy Christmas ❄
  11. Getting a few pointers here Sjors Keep them coming
  12. I thought I had better shake myself out of my laziness and do something The physio has me doing exercises and the like that do drain me a bit :mellow: But I did manage to do the filling I wanted Obviously it is not easy to see but here is what it looks like after being smoothed off with the wax filler Very little sanding should be required You bring it to as perfect as you can by smoothing with your finger and scraping with a sharp knife Tomorrow I hope to give it a few coats of paint
  13. Sounds good Adriaan Can't wait to have a look Have to admit I have been very lazy the past few days
  14. I am working on the Will now until finish so I can get practice at sail making and fitting I am hoping I will get some inspiration from the forum
  15. Ok great Thanks all So that's the colour sorted The filling wax arrived today Here it is This is light pine They do loads of colours What you do is take a sharp knife and take a few shavings What you do then is take the shavings between your fingers and roll them into one lump softening it slightly You don't want a lot at once unless you have a huge hole I was using bits the size of a sunflower seed or smaller You then rub it into the hole, split, whatever Rub it in firmly trying to get it as good as possible Then depending on the area you can gently scrape it with a blade to get it nearly perfect and use a very light paper on it I tend to use Nyweb but 400 to 1000 grit wet and dry worked fine depending on how much you want to get off What is really great is you can get it exactly where you want it Also it doesn't seem to pull out very easily like wet filler can I was very pleased with it The amount you use it should last forever I should be able to get the hull properly painted soon and fit the strakes and stuff that go on the hull
  16. We all make mistakes and I would imagine using the wrong size/part is a common one At least you caught it as you did it as it were Just take your time with the dismantling
  17. It looks fantastic Grant The quality of the whole build just stands out
  18. I think I have said it all Adriaan A superb build made even better considering the problems A bittersweet moment perhaps Now she can take her rightful place and you can move on Well done Adriaan Well done
  19. I mixed a little bit of the Hull Red to see what it looked like I didn't bother masking it It is a little darker than I expected The Admiral though it looked great I am, at the moment, on the fence What do you all think ????????????????????? Loads of responses please The more the better
  20. She looks lovely Adriaan I have said it before but I will repeat myself You have to be very proud Congratulations
  21. Glad to see you are still keeping it going David Are you sure a PS4 was a good idea I am bad enough with my iPad It's coming along very nicely though Good work
  22. That looks a nice ship mobbsie Quite a vivid blue on the deck I think I will paint my deck Maybe the hull colour Maybe slightly different The hull paint arrived and I am very pleased with the colour However it really really shows up that I need some very delicate filling if I want it to look good I have run out of decent filler so there will be a bit of a wait again I may just spray the very bottom of the hull to see what the red paint I have got looks like May have a go at that tomorrow
  23. They do look nice Theo I wish mine looked half as good Great work This will be a stunning model for sure
  24. Nice job on the barrels Tom They should look great when in position Just as an aside, OcCre contacted me the other day to let me know that their version was now available I may do it in the future but with the Endeavour and the Will on the go now and Stevenson's Rocket waiting in the wings it may not be for a while I am really looking forward to seeing yours come together
  25. Really wonderful job Adriaan From doing my version I know they are not an easy build Yours looks very fine indeed Well done How much longer do you think???
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