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  1. Hi there John, pleased to e-meet!
  2. Thank you all for the warm welcome! Happy to be a part of this community!
  3. I have been meaning to make a follow up post all week but was unfortunately unable to do so. Alas, I would like to share the progress made over last weekend. I have began fairing the frames on my longboat - a process which turned out to be more time consuming than I originally imagined. However, I understand this step to be vital for the aesthetics of the completed model, so I have been taking my time, but fear that I am overcomplicating things. At this point I also have questions - so many questions! I really want this part to be perfect, as the planking is visible from inside the boat, and I don't really want any filler to be visible. I decided to only focus on one half of the hull at a time, working from amidship to the bow, and then again from amidship to stern. I began by soaking one of the strakes in hot water for about 15mins to make it nice and flexible. I then lay it down on the frames, beginning at the keel, gently bending it along to the bow to observe the extent of the fairing required. Thereafter, using a fine needle file, I would file a bit of the frame and check again. It was at this point where I had my first question. "Where does one start the planking?" Does one start with the garboard running directly on top of the keel, or do you start with it overlapping halfway as below? I then had my second question: "How common are stealer planks, and am I doing it wrong?" Given the approach from the above picture, is it normal to a) add stealer planks on the keel, and b) would this particular model require it, or am I doing it wrong? I repeated this process while making pencil marks on the frames to indicate where each strake would go. The end result is looking something like this: At this point I have not yet completed the fairing, as I am hoping to gain some insight from others who can assist with the above questions. As mentioned, I understand the importance of proper planking, and really want to do a good job here as it will be harder to hide mistakes than to just do it right in the first place. Any guidance would be much appreciated!
  4. Hi Lapinas! That is very neat planking for your first build. Coming from novice like myself, I hope my Santa Maria will look as good, as it is the next kit I want to build. What is your Boston's name? She/he is very cute and makes for a good matelot 😆
  5. Hello everyone, This will be my first wooden model build - I am super excited and equally nervous. I have chosen the Endeavour's Longboat for two reasons: Artesania Latina kits are more readily available in South Africa I thought it to be a good beginner kit while not being overly simplified in terms of detail, rigging etc. I have gone through the existing build logs here, which will prove to be invaluable. I can only hope that my completed work would look as awesome as other's models, and I may even "borrow" a few of the ideas featured in their posts (with crediting the author of course). I really hope that more experienced modellers my notice my humble post and alert me to potential problems, and also suggest better alternatives as I go along. Last weekend I began the build by pretty much following the instructions and carefully removing the required frames from the plank template. Knowing it was not entirely necessary, I still filed all excess wood from the parts, just because it would bug me if knew it was not 100% flush. After dry fitting, I proceeded to glue down the frames and bow/stern strengtheners. I also placed the main decking and side brackets to help with ensuring the frames are level before grabbing the glue. The following day I proceeded to glue down the decks and the thwart. I specifically did not glue the topgallant bulwark, as I was afraid of nicking it while forming the bow strengtheners, which is what I began doing next using a medium grit file. As mentioned in other build logs, the instructions unfortunately do not clearly show how it should be formed, so I took my time with this step. This was where I had left off for the time being. Once I have completed the filing, I will post more detailed pictures to hopefully help others in the future.
  6. Hello everyone! As my screen name suggests, my name is André, and I am from sunny South Africa. Whilst thinking about a title for my introductory post, I stumbled upon an article which outlined the U.S Navy ranks. Applicably, I immediately identified with the lowest rank, Seaman Recruit, which is characterised as the following: Apprentice in training being the key take away as I seek to learn about this wonderful craft, and to draw upon the wealth of knowledge from users on this awesome site - as I am new to this hobby (discounting a few plastic aircraft models I built in my youth). I have been lurking around this site for a few months whilst doing research on tools, techniques, kits etc. and I finally settled upon AL's HMS Endeavour's Longboat as my first kit, of which I will begin a build log soon. Glad to be aboard, and will see you around. Stay safe!
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