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Everything posted by jct

  1. Why that's exactly what I did this morning too...small world huh...I got the garboard and one plank per side and then started back at the deck edge...establishing a foundation for my faux timberheads to attach to, more little stuff in my log. OK so you're gonna have two Jumbos? sheez...Oh...thats right yours is Andy so will you have Andy II??
  2. Hello Phil, first off very impressive workmanship, an outstanding model, thanks for posting the link in Denis' Agilis build, I'll be following along the rest of the way
  3. Hey Popeye...you are way ahead of me...I just got the gaboards and 1/2 plank on, may get 2 more on today, LOL, I surprised to see you working from the top down
  4. Making a bombing run on Agilis I see, very fitting Nice bird
  5. This one is going to have a fully painted hull...probably black, very light ochre wales and dark green trim...white stuff for the bottom, typical merchantman colors, based on Ship Modelers Shop Notes. Least ways that's my current thought, I'll probably fill the entire hull and then sand it all off of course Started on planking, garboard is on and started on the 1st course Sneak peak at the colors
  6. Ya not surprised...mine come in at about 4.7 mm close enough to call 5, leaving the garboard at 10 though
  7. Yea you’re correct, got at least one ugly spot there... spent the morning cutting planks. I normally would as well but the twist throw me off a bit, so I’m working bass ackwards From the looks of it the garboard on Andy and Jumbo may lay right out front to back
  8. That's a good book, relied on it alot when I was rigging the Hannah, I think there is a companion book too Gonna try to lay some planks today
  9. Hey D...got my copy of Chappelle’s Search For Speed Under Sail and was just leafing thorough and came across the attached, the lines look really similar and she carries a horizontal bow sprit
  10. Afew odds and ends...started making the new transom support, curving the stock and cut and pinned the faux timberheads
  11. All's well that ends well...the technique I used to straighten the frame and deck worked well, she is dead flat...maybe too flat, but better that then warped and twisted... only problem I see is that somewhere along the way I lost frame #10...no idea where, searched high and low and nojoy...might have joined all the single socks in the black hole! Oh well a new one is easily made. Thanks for the likes and comments
  12. Thx Denis...I believe you are correct. the culprit appears to be the main spine/keel assy. Has a really bad twist to the center, I've got the 9-5 glued in so far and it seems ok, wont know for sure till it comes out of the clamps though...fingers crossed
  13. Well...Pirates are losing by a bunch, 7-3 only the 2nd game of the year, and hope springs eternal...so here we are... The observant among you may notice a significant difference in the pic above and one from my previous post, if you're familiar with any of my builds you will know that there is usually at least one major fubar that results in a big redo...well here we are! While completing the deck finish I noticed a severe twist had developed at the transom you can see some of it here, this shot is of the rear deck edge...nothing I tried would remove it...so I tore out all the bulkheads and the cut reliefs into and sanded the deck plate much thinner...with everything braced and square I'll glue it all back in... bracing at the bow to keep it verticalditto here at the stern additional clamp to keep the deck flat gluing in the #8 bulkhead with wood glue and ca after assuring she is plumb and true to the underdeck...doing things little different. I'm securing the bulkheads to the under deck while the attachment to the keel floats free, I lock this down last pulling any warp out off the keel at the same time. this will continue until everything is back where it was, I'll probably have to refinish the deck after all this
  14. The deck fill is completely sanded and the deck smoothed, after all the sanding I'm fairly certain that this is oak...50 year old oak at that,sanding took awhile, with power tools. I want a lightly weathered look to this ship, like most of my builds, so I mixed a light gray acrylic with isopropyl to make a stain, then just layed it on and wiped off the access, did a couple coats to get a little depth and eliminate most of the beige...I may go back and accent the caulking lines as some have disappeared. May even give it a light sanding to bring back more grain...trying to avoid the painted look. Well that's all for this a.m. not sure if I'll get to the table this afternoon...the Buccos are on this afternoon from spring training, we'll see if the new staff makes a difference this year.
  15. Speaking of decking it is all but done... I cut down the kit wood that was intended for the second planking...had to score it all about half through its thickness before it would run through the bandsaw without running out. Then cut it to length, about 60mm, just did a two plank stagger Once it was all laid down there we some fairly obvious gaps so I filled the entire deck...it will all be sanded down to the wood surface tomorrow or Monday That's all for today, thanks for the likes and comments
  16. Hey CD how you been...good to see you here again...Hi Denis, When I stocked up for the Hannah I ordered 3 mm ply from Amazon it was wonderful stuff to work with, if memory serves it wasn't that expensive either. I stuck some balsa blocks down it the hold space to hold the masts...may beef them up before closing the hull. Planking the deck now, I'll post pics in my log...probably tomorrow. I thinking I'm just gonna do a noname generic clipper...this is gonna be a gift for a friend and they won't care if there is any historical background or not
  17. Ya I thought about just scabbing on, but decided to just cut them off, will make deck planking that much easier
  18. Hi Phil...I'll have to remember that...LOL...I've a copy of The History of the American Sailing Ships, and like yours mine has very small graphics, I think the last I calculated I'd have to bump one up by 211% to get up to 1/96 scale, still may be worth it as that text has some very interesting vessels. I agree with your assessment of Rigging Fore-and Aft Craft, I only wish it covered more than the three ships it does. I'll have to look into Chapelle's The Baltimore Clipper, AbeBooks always has great prices and free shipping. Yes the old plywood is quite unworkable, I'm doing glue ups of the kit planking to get some wider stock from which the plywood parts can be replicated, still trying to salvage as much as I can
  19. Well bit the bullet and finished the faring...what a pita, the kit only has 9 main bulkheads and 5 had issues, 4 of those had an easy additional 1/8 inch that needed removed. That would be chore enough but with the old plywood any amount of cross sanding caused a lot of delam tried gluing some of the worst of it back you can see how much excess there was on frames 4&5 in the pic above...that was typical, but the deed is done. but boy is she UGLY #3 still needs tweaked toward the keel, you can see here I whacked off the timber heads, they sucked anyway, new ones have been made, my plan is to plank the deck then attach the new timberheads with pins in predrilled holes. It's a technique I've used on previous builds and it works ok. I took some time and clear coated the paneling and deck for the hatchway and painted out the ladder in it's finished color, after clear is applied the orange wood looks like fir to me...hard as old fir too! Well that's it for today...thanks for the likes and following along
  20. Wonder why that is...would be easy enough to cut a notch in it, I'm assuming since you mentioned a foredeck you are reproducing the Clotilda...your way ahead now, I won't get the timberheads cut off till tomorrow
  21. Hi Denis...the ink stamps have all sanded off on mine, hope you have the same luck. She will look good as a schooner, all I've decided so far is Jumbo will have two masts, I've yet to decide how I'll rig them...I ordered Chappelle’s Search For Speed Under Sail that Grandpa Phil mentioned, I want to review that to see if it sparks anything...As to the boat I may just cutdown the stern and display it under a tarp, cheating I know.
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