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Everything posted by Moltinmark

  1. If you have a couple of scraps of the thread you can try a fabric shop
  2. And if I'm going to understand this thread of conversation should I be removing the name sea witch off my current build as nothing is known about that ship other than a couple of paintings as I understand from my research.
  3. Thank you Bob for a further explanation of building ships to standards in relation to our quoted conversation. It's been really interesting and I think it should be a regular thread for newbies . Are there other standards where you just build from a kit and must use just the kit ? Also I'm curious and would like to ask how often is it that a historical ship's new information is found ( when nearly nothing was previously known) in that a new historical model can be built ? Plans are found or a wreck is found well-preserved and maybe laser scanned
  4. I just got the POB kit also. I will pull up a chair and follow your build. I have a ship to finish soon and will join you building this kit. I am looking to as they say kit bash mine into a great lakes Schooner if I can find one from the early 1800's since I live in Michigan.
  5. Installing a storm door for a friend and had to shim the frame so I used wooden yardsticks and had to trim them down and realize that they would be good for making Masts
  6. Thanks Gunther it's always good to have a second pair of eyes. Yeah I'm a little nervous about getting in there being so close the end of the build and Wrecking something and having to redo it
  7. Very nice. I didn't care for the tool bins either. I like the cannon ball racks and barrels nice touch
  8. Read thru above posts and you'll see that its a gray area
  9. For me the hull planking was the most difficult. I would do a plank at a time each side. then work on something else to let the glue set up. Its just the nature of the beast and required me to take my time. I think I spent a week on just planking.
  10. Sails are on. Just have to finish some deck details and the running rigging. She's coming alive!!
  11. I would wait. Work on the deck furniture. Let it rest for a while til you get your wood
  12. I have a chart at work that converts drill sizes. You can also stick the 8mm rod in the drill holder to size. My guess would be just under 3/8 inch. My chart which I'm not in front of presently converts mm to decimal. 8mm= .315 " = 5/16 (looked up a rapid conv chart)
  13. Thank for a very well explained answer. I am currently working 1/96 which makes drilling a single block very difficult. I've dropped several and have yet to find one in the carpet.
  14. I agree totally I'm just finishing up on 1/96th scale sea witch. My first build was Le Renard and that was in 1/48 scale. I like that a lot better. Were you going to build the kit as is or make it into an another ship, kit bashing I think they call it
  15. Thanks Steven and ccoyle. Thought thats what it was but wanted to make sure I was picking up the lingo correctly
  16. Is it making another ship than the kit? Looks like my next build will be the pride of Baltimore. I am thinking of making a great lake war of 1812 Schooner. Also saw a video where it warns of bulkhead warpage after assembly. Anyone familiar with this?
  17. Dri-Fit of the sales. as I was doing that I realized it's going to get very tight on the deck to add rope coils and sailors and the like so I started adding all the sailors. I have them unfurling the Mainsail and getting ready ready to deploy the four main sales
  18. Dry fit of the sails. Realized its going to get tight getting back on deck for details before the last bit of rigging. Started Added sailors ect deck details. This picture caught my eye !
  19. Thank you Rachel. This is my 2nd build of a ship. 1st plastic build. I saw this in a outlet store and thought it would be helpful learning rigging a mult mast ship. My first ship I did during the initial lockdown last april may before I knew about this website. Lots of helpful people and resources.
  20. Take a look at the top of the main page in the gallery. There are some pics of a deck that I think will put your mind at ease! Ever watch Bob Ross paint? His famous line is" there are only happy mistakes" what you think is a mistake is actually a happy out come
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