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Everything posted by FlyingFish

  1. Love the attention to detail. As you say these things can multiply up later. Great work!
  2. Quite extrordinary! Well done on your research Cort, and your tenacity in finding all the right props.
  3. Like you I mostly use hand tools, and improvise with home made jigs for other tasks - I enjoy the challenge! Well I am researching boats similar to your ketch - there is a long tradition of fishing ketches here in the south coast of England. I'm interested in the fact that they were built for the task longlining or trawling - powerful and able to work in big seas, yet fast to get the catch to market. I hope to choose a suitable boat for a build soon.
  4. Now you're talkin'! Looks aren't everything, as I frequently tell my bathroom mirror.
  5. Bloody Nora (a British term meaning 'I cant believe this') Vareriy - even the famous match is too big to fit in this photo! Stupendous.
  6. No false modesty now - you've done a cracking job! As Keith says you have 'saved' the boat for the future.
  7. Now this looks very interesting... I have been researching a similar style of boat recently, so I'll pull up the workshop stool and watch along Tony!
  8. Hey Hakan, she's looking good! Remember that every day modelling, like flyfishing, is added to your life. Very best wishes from me too.
  9. I was just thinking that... as a fly tiers we are fortunate to have available synthetic and natural threads in a huge range of sizes and colours, from 18/0 (VERY thin) to 6/0 (you'd tie a button on with this) and everything in-between. I'm sure any modern braid could be replicated on a rope walk machine quite easily. I must say to my (inexperienced) eye the scale is spot on Keith, and whether it's the reflection or not, it looks just great!
  10. I'd like to know how you make the cowl vents Valeriy? Were they cast?
  11. You are the Nijinsky of model making. He was born in Kyiv - (I looked him up!).
  12. Just catching up...tremedous progress Haken - both the build and yourself! That photo down the frames gives a real sense of the shape of the hull- very elegant.
  13. Mark's advice sounds very good to me. I know exactly what you mean Keith; had the same problem myself. I used the Admiral's Lumix to take some of my shots, and on automatic focus or flash I got the same results as you when close-up to the subject - (well actually yours are a deal better than mine to be fair). Then, under patient tuition, (as I am clueless on this really) I was shown how to put the thing in to 'aperture priority mode' and increase the indirect lighting (reflecting my anglepoise lamp off a white sheet) whilst making the aperture smaller. After a bit of trial an error I did get a passable improvement. Here's a snap taken on auto... ...and one with 'the method': If yours has the same button, it might be worth a go. Failing that others who really understand cameras will surely chip in!
  14. As this log continues to have folks viewing it, I thought I'd post a link to the Louis Sauzedde 'Tips from a Shipwright' channel. He has begun the build of a full size replica of Orca, with a new post today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYuVwXPwcy0&ab_channel=TipsfromaShipwright
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