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Everything posted by FlyingFish

  1. As ever, wonderfully precise and clean work. I wondered when that big match would appear!😄
  2. Over here the 'frills' and the bright orange livers are sometimes kept - they are great hook and pot baits. Scallops fried quickly in salted butter with chilli ginger and garlic are a favourite meal in my household. Yum.
  3. Very interesting introduction - and a perfect choice - looking forward very much to the log, Gary!
  4. If that's for me 😊 .... No - windows PC, and the printer is an Epson inkjet. I see now that you have 'cut marks' ticked which is probably the same thing. Happy sellotaping!
  5. Some national ones do A0 for £1.20 a sheet, folded A4 which seems ok (though I come from Devon which may explain it). I think the issue is more that they will charge more to post in a tube. No doubt you know this, but just in case - my print settings box has the option to print 'cutting guides' for posters which I have found helps greatly with aligning the whole thing.
  6. Incidentally my father had a Triumph 2000 TC with an overdrive switch on the top of the gear stick. It was exactly the colour of Cangarda's hull - mallard green.
  7. I have pulled up a sunlounger and poured a G&T for this - what a lovely looking boat! I'm sure you are up to the challenge Keith - and I look forward to following along!
  8. Thanks Keith for sharing a very accomplished and well presented build. The final pictures are a great testimony to your work! Looking forward enormously to the next build, but agree that a little 'pause for thought' is always a good thing.
  9. Another approach might be to use thin UV resin to cover the flat area. The surface would need to be horizontal to avoid pooling at one edge. I've used this on instrument panel faces before. Seal with a thin clear nail varnish as it can remain slightly tacky otherwise.
  10. Thanks Roger and Wefalk - thats very helpful, I have found myself turning to hotter finer tips on the iron, so I'm heading in the right direction - 950f is a little above my set-up which I think is 450C . I'll get myself a bottle of Bakers Fluid. I see 250ml (a little over 8 oz) costs about as much as a good bottle of wine, but no doubt will last a great deal longer!
  11. A question for you Roger - I find when working in metal that if parts needed to be soldered close together that it is easy to melt previous joints when adding new. You seem to have no problem here - I've tried various attempts at heat sinks, but not with any great success. What's your secret?
  12. Great subject for a build - especially if you can take the wife cruising in it.
  13. Sorry to hear of the setback - its a bleedin' nuisance eh? Take it easy, and spoil yourself.
  14. Its only when close up shots appear that you begin to appreciate the level of detail and complexity of this tremendous model. have you kept a log of the hours invested so far? Looking forward to the gallery shots!
  15. Jeez Keith, for a man who nearly had to saw the top off his mainmast you sail very close to the wind, my friend!
  16. Glad to hear you are on the mend and well enough to recommence light duties. Your capentry skills are wonderful; such clean tight joints, and not a bit of glue on show! Tremendous!
  17. Just worked out that here in the UK we pay $6.79 a gallon.... wonder if she could make it across the pond; we could share the profits.
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