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Everything posted by FlyingFish

  1. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Hakan. Morphine can cause hallucinations, so be careful who you chase around the ward.
  2. So that's how you do it! Another peice of the puzzle solved. Thanks Keith!
  3. Masterful work Gary, great weathering effect on the wood!
  4. From the research I'm doing for my next build I understand these rounded counter ended-sterns were among the hardest to frame - even the old shipwrights needed 'proper' plans. Looks to me like the stern post was measured to the sheer line not the deck line. The plans I'm working up didn't include a deck line, so it's a 'gotcha' you have helped me prevent down the line. It's an ill wind etc. Hope you feel better soon, and the therapy of reshaping a beam will help, I'm sure!
  5. Had to find 'Altair' to see what this was about... now I have another wonderful build log to read through. Tremendous.
  6. Wow! Couldn't do without mine... a 40 year old dewalt 16". Cuts to about 5 thou tolerance. Go on. spoilt yerself Keith!
  7. Just noticed this; I must pay more attention. Lovely work Gary.
  8. Have you considered the compromise of lowering the floor? I recently agreed to this in order to get my renovation plan for the kithcen passed by the chair of the planning committee. Needs must, you know.
  9. That's some very fancy joinery Hakan. I'm always impressed when close up photography looks flawless. Particularly like the steel 'treenails' great idea!!
  10. Great Job Keith's Missus. I think she may have the basis for a lucrative business there! The rest of the boat ain't bad either! Very nice joint effort!
  11. Thanks you Vareriy for sharing this with us. I look forward to your next build, and of course wish you a safe and peaceful New Year.
  12. You just fractured the bah humbug thing I've been saving up for Christmas. Santa will probably sail it awaile before he delivers it. Just perfect.
  13. What you have built there will last, and be wondered at, for generations. I hope the peace that will surely come one day will do too.
  14. Me too. The remarkable thing is that as they grow up we get younger. Strange that. Great Picture Tom; you could almost field a football team there!
  15. Good to see the loose ends tied up. Will you be ready for the grand reveal by Christmas?
  16. The tension as you sprint for the line is showing (literally) in some very neat rigging. Looking forward to seeing it all come together.
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