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Everything posted by FlyingFish

  1. Tick strips are the marks made on the outside of each frame denoting the plank widths. Made by dividing the outside frame length by the number of strakes. You seem to be managing just fine without them!
  2. It certainly doesn't show Hakan! Already we see some very nice lines. The last plank has a good 60 degree twist! Beautiful work. I don't see any tick strips, and so I wonder what your method is here?
  3. When our first was being born I was thrown out of the maternity room by the midwife for trying the gas and air.
  4. Given the many hours you have invested this is a most generous gift. I do like your excellent hand drawn plans. I have spent some of the summer learning a simple CAD programme, and I do miss the drafting which gives so much more insight.
  5. Bob and Phil - too right! I've spent too much time 'calibrating' my printers. I recently changed to and Epson ecotank inkjet, and I have to say it's the easiest yet. Yes, and the culmulative error thing is a problem. I seal mine in a lamination which seems to help. That's true Craig, although knife cuts with a steel rule can be super accurate, and scissors can cut a pencil line in half with a steady eye - the trick is knowing where to cut! Exactly - imagine if they came in thin steel with an adhesive backing for attaching to building jigs? Now that would be exactly what I'm after! Thanks all for your helpful replies.
  6. Prints straight from the pdf to correct scale. Nice job Craig!
  7. Craig, that's very helpful - thank you. I'll fiddle with the print settings.
  8. Thanks Bob, couldn't see a 1/32 scale rule in your links... was I missing something?
  9. Congrats Keith, lovely news. Have you a yacht in mind for his first birthday?
  10. Does anybody know of a good source of printable scale rules - in particular I'm after a 1:32 scale or 3/8th" /ft scale?
  11. Great work Nils. The 'taper' works well. Not aware of any tapered brass tubes, and tapering a rod would be expensive on that scale.
  12. A very handsome boat - that sheer line is very perky. Your skills shine through!
  13. Hi Marty, Wow! I'm delighted, and very flattered to hear from you - thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It's particularly pleasing to have the original 'Orca' builder complementing the process; I guess you have seen many many models of your work - which is of course the best complement we can pay you! You have inspired so many of us to have a go at recreating the boat, and we all enjoyed (or were terrified by) the movie enough to get involved in the story. You did a great job back then. I'm very pleased to be an honorary member of the crew - I must get a T shirt printed now! Of course you can print the photo - message me with a contact email and I can send the original if you like. Thanks again!
  14. Just spent a very enjoyable time catching up on your build. I do admire the way you have gone about the research, and been prepared to go back and change things when needed. The result is spendid!
  15. Blimey Nils - you are cracking on with this - great work! The director would have hired you for the movie progress like this! The sheet metal work looks spot-on!
  16. Great start Gary, like the lines - she looks like she could turn on a sixpence. Like you I am on a building pause until later this year, too many things to do in the summer! Looking forward to hearing from you in due course.
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