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Everything posted by Flypast

  1. A couple of pics for now, Bulkheads are now all glued. Decks are dry fitted only to check for alignment. I suspect that this is the "easy" part and things will get interesting from here.
  2. Thanks HOF, I am always looking for more reseach material. At this stage I'm leaning to no sail, just rigging but that may change. All comments / opinions and advise are welcome and appreciated 😎👌 JR
  3. Nothing too exciting, finally started gluing. Given this is the first time, for me, working with wood, its a little daunting to make the first step. Slow and steady....😉
  4. Thanks OC Errr...there are more...embarrassingly so....lol JR
  5. Of course....its a nice little book.. published 1903...I have a closet fetish for the smell of old books. HaHa.. JR
  6. Kind words thank you Peter....the hull decorations are nice, i have only briefly looked them over and not sure what the original was made of (wood or metal)... i would like to, at some stage, try myhand at carving but only if it serves to improve. 👌 As for the liquid...purely for inspiration....i would much prefer a Sarsparilla 🤣 JR
  7. I used to live in Bendigo / Puckapunyal in the 80s, in another life. I loved country Victoria......🤔 mmmm...not so much the city...i imagine is has changed alot in 30 odd years. JR
  8. Yes ! You are correct 😎 Plank on Frame Models volume 1 and 2 ....i am seaching for these 👌 Also another of his , Sailing Ships Rigs and Rigging 👍
  9. Quick update.... As I'm sure most will know, the right reference material is helpful.
  10. Welcome mate. JR
  11. Well hello, and welcome along....does your "mentor" know what he has got himself into ?? 😎👌 JR
  12. Hello all, Well, here goes. My first wooden ship build. As much an education as a journey to try to do this lovely vessel justice. I am going to proceed fairly slow at the start, and hopefully, with the guidance from others here who have already done this, avoid at least any major errors. My work roster is 8 days on, 6 days off, so at best updates will be every other week. Nothing much to show just yet but given that some of these builds take years to finish, I figured it was worth putting some effort into a dedicated work table. As yet I haven't decided how i will support the keel, I am considering a couple of options. A few prelim pictures to get started. JR
  13. And diverse and sensible range of veiws and comment / suggestions. Very helpful and welcome. Many thanks JR
  14. Thanks Bob, thats what i thought. I must confess that i do have a large "stash" of kits and models. Being a modeler "and" a collector for decades now, i have amassed what could be considered an almost absurd amount. I have noticed that companies are dissapearing and "Fear of missing out" always wins. I am only interested in building for myself and have never harboured any aspirations to sell. True, i have limited expierence building wooden ships but am no stranger to scratch building and following plans and instructions. My thought are that, i would stock up on a number of models while they are still readily available to build at a later stage when im ready to do them justice. Thanks again JR
  15. Hello, I hope this question has not already been asked elsewhere. I must say first up that i suffer from several serious emotional disorders, the most dangerous being FOMO. So, having discovered ship building and not long ago purchased my first kit, i have been looking at several different manufacturers and comparing similar subjects. I am looking at adding to my stash for a rainy day, and for a time when my skills are sufficient.😏 So my question is, what differences are there between a $1700 model and one that is less than half that ? e.g A Caldercraft Victory .....not a cheap kit. What does one get for a kit that is, in some cases, more than double in price of others. I can guess probably the obvious....wood quality, scale. Can anybody enlighten me as to the differences in a kit with such a price difference. I am new to this hobby and maybe somewhat naive 😐 Regards JR.
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