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Scott Mitchell

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  1. Got Yards prepped. What are the spindles made of? So I can paint them. Not sure if brass, wood or iron.
  2. I worked at Nestucca Country Sporting Goods for 13 years. Owned the Seashell and Ceramics store across the street from the Fire Hall
  3. Hello Pete, Did not see your question tell today. On my plan sheet looking face-on (looking aft) at foremast and mainmast, to the right under 'Belaying Plan' is 'Mizzen Crossjack' looking aft. If you don't have it can take a photo off it for you. I see your in Beaverton. My kit came from a storage shed on the OR. Coast. Raines Resort in Woods OR. just outside of Pacific City.
  4. I'm working on a Charles Morgan build now. Your doing a awesome build, looks like a Morgan. Waiting for the paint to dry.
  5. Great build. Gave me much insight on what to do with my build. Like your rigging details the most. Going to be my first rigging.
  6. Working on Yard's, Gaff and Boom. Learning so much from other builds and comments. Been using aluminum from house trim, used on vinyl siding. For medal banding etc., but will start using paper more after reading and looking at how good it look's.
  7. Seen so many tool's that would be handy to have in this build. This is what I'm working with.
  8. Hello Adam from North Carolina, USA
  9. Looking good. I've only work on one of the boat of the seven. Keep putting off.
  10. I too like Dory's and yours is looking good. Have never built a model of a dory. Have helped build real ones, Pacific City, Oregon Dory's. The plans are like trade secrets past down from generations. Hanneman family could turn Oars in their shop, interesting to watch.
  11. Thank You Papa. Seen your CWM looking good it is. Look's like my build is farther along then yours. Working on the sail rigging. Will work on the row boats later.
  12. Made work table look like it's been used. Copper cooling box Replaced lead on anchor with wood and brass bands. Purchase anchor chain from Walmart, liked it more then chains in kit. Made all the doors to open/close Made rat board from flat tooth picks.
  13. Top, kettle pot's and smoke stack are copper. Brick's are painted sandpaper cut to size and placed on a gray painted base
  14. Knife stone is bigger then kit. Used a Dremel stone, lid opens/closes and does turn with handle
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