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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I'm starting deck gun production. I had to make most parts from scratch with a very poor drawing and photo to guide me. I'm still making the barrel mount rod from coiled wire. Thanks to you all, I now know how to straighten it out. After I get this proto type together, I'll work on wheel design. I'm studying many different photos and drawings of deck guns to come up with a design that I think will look good.




  2. Progress in my shipyard is slowed while I try to fabricate, invent, purchase, or...... cleats, hammock stanchions, deck rails and cannons. Constructo drops the ball here and I only want stuff as good as what I see on all your ships. On top of this, my Admiral insists we leave this Arizona heat for a week, so we're heading for the beaches of Cancun. We'll be leaving Saturday.

  3. While I'm shopping for high quality parts, I'm starting deck gun production. Constructo does not show any block and tackle...only lines attaching the guns, so I'll have to design a more realistic set up. I'll be looking at all your gun rigs so I can copy them. Constructo give me a lot of raw wood that I have to cut to size. At least the barrels are made.





  4. The quality of Constructo's stanchions and cleats is poor. The brass pin is their version of a rail stanchion. Pretty puny. The small cleat in my photo is constructo's cleat which is poor quality. There's too much over flash and the parting lines are terrible and difficult to file flat and even. The dark cleat came with my Artesiania Latina Swift and is excellent quality. Any ideas where I can get good accessories? 


  5. Still putting the two anchors together. Good old Constructo's lack of instructions gave me a small fit. The wooden cross piece on the anchors come in two halves. I dry fit them before gluing and they matched perfectly. I applied 10 second CA and put them together only to find out they weren't symmetrical and one of the cross pieces was glued showing a large seam! 10 second CA doesn't forgive that, so I had to file and sand the errant anchor to match its cousin.  Now I'm touching up the paint and will re-stain the wooden cross pieces. Then I'll fit chains and blocks and lines.


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