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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I love the Roman numeral depth marks. How have you all been? Judy and I are fine. Nice work on this build. Judy and Rich Hippner
  2. I must say that building a ship without plans is very interesting. First of all I'm building this ship from the inside out first. Never did that before. I find it interesting when I build a part and don't like it to just rip it out and start over. Scratch building can be fun as well as challenging.
  3. I've finally glued the ribs (frames) to the keel. Now I've started the internal decking.
  4. I'm still dry fitting and adjusting the frames before cinching anything permanently. So far all the internal space I need seems perfect. Sleeping quarters, galley, storage areas are all the correct size. It's the old adage, measure twice...cut once!
  5. Here's a pic of the scratch built ribs I made. They will be planked on both sides, inside and hull side so looks don't matter, only shape and strength.
  6. I did some work (actually a lot) on my semi scratch version of the Spray. I used the keel from the Laughing Whale kit with slight mods and than made scratch built ribs using the shape from the plans. Since this will be a version of Slocum's Spray whereby you will be able to see inside the whole ship, from Slocum's sleeping-reading quarters to below deck storage, to his galley, to the sail locker. Theses pics are just dry fitted in place and need some adjustments. BTW the wood n this kit is pretty old, so I shall be buying much of what I need on line. Any suggestions?
  7. I'm stopping work on Spray while I pack and ship my Argus to be on permanent display at the USMC base at Quantico! UURAHH !!
  8. The US Marine Corps decided to put my US Brig Argus on permanent display at Quantico Virginia!!! UURRAHHH ! I'm having a custom crate built to pack the ship. I'll post photos when I finish showing the whole process. It's complicated.
  9. As luck would have it....I obtained an old Laughing Whale Spray kit from an estate sale. It was date stamped 1999. The kit has been opened and whatever parts that are in there have been tampered with, but the most important part is I now have detailed scaled plans to make any missing parts as I create my own version of Slocum's Spray
  10. Thanks to the internet I've found more help in preparing this build. Detailed photos and even somebody's plans!
  11. Now I have some basic info for drawing up scale plans for my Spray build. The pics below give me the shape and position of the basic ship.
  12. This will be my first journey into the DARK SIDE! I am collecting drawings, profiles, pictures so I can start drawing my plans. I shall use Cap N Bob's build as my guide. I took the first big plunge by buying a Dremel Scroll Saw. Now that I've set the saw up, I have to practice cutting precision curved cuts with it. At least I have tons of left over material from past builds to practice. Hipexec
  13. The Marine Corps Museum in Quantico VA loved the display but its charter doesn't allow hand crafted gifts, so they suggested I ask the Marine Corps heritage Foundation, which I promptly did. Now I'm just waiting for a reply.
  14. I finally broke house arrest and got brass plaques made to finally finish this build. Hallelujah! I plan on offering this ship to the Marine Corps Museum for display. How I'm going to get it there is another question. A local trophy shop made them.
  15. I finally broke house arrest and got brass plaques made to finally finish this build. Hallelujah! I plan on offering this ship to the Marine Corps Museum for display. How I'm going to get it there is another question.
  16. The six frigates period. Washington started the project and Jefferson finished it around 1805 The USS Constitution helped defeat the barbary pirates in the Mediterranean. Gave rise to the Marine Corps hymn, "to the shores of Tripoli.."
  17. I finally got around to building an appropriate stand for my Conny. I had been using the one that came with the kit, but it's a puny 12" thing. Now my Conny rests an a proper 24" varnished stand!
  18. Bob, I'm going to try a scratch or semi-scratch build where I will open the cabins and deck like you did. I think you've done a remarkable job.
  19. I'm collecting data, drawings and anything I'm going to need to make a scratch or semi-scratch version of Joshua Slocum's Spray. Semi-scratch means parts I have leftover from past builds or I can buy from vendors. I first have to draw to scale what I want to build and buy some much better tools. Any suggestions or contributions would be very welcome.
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