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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Here's the port gallery window rough fitted to my fix for the forward part of the gallery. I just shaped hull planks to match the shape of the gallery so I could move the pre-cut windows forward. Now I just have to make a trapezoid shaped piece to compensate for the angle error I made with the transom.
  2. I'm bending starter planks for the construction of the bowsprit. Also I'm rectifying the wrong angle of the transom by making filler planks to match the hull so the pre-cut windows will fit. I've been "chewing" on a way to do that, when it came to me today!
  3. I'm starting on the bow area and discover that Constructo gives no detail instructions or detailed prints to follow. There are no pre-cut parts, so I have to figure out how to fabricate complex, curved pieces out of a dozen straight planks. They give no start points....nothing....very frustrating since one mistake and I usually run into a problem down the road because I didn't size or place something right.
  4. Thanks! I'm going to leave it brass. I'm not going to paint anything on this model.
  5. Never mind. I finished the rudder. Thanks.
  6. It's like milking a mouse. I never realized how fat my fingers are!
  7. Whew! I finished mounting the rudder. Thanks for the tip of doing the top & bottom hinge first. It really helped. I used a drop of crazy glue in each hinge and set the pin so it wouldn't keep falling out while I tried to mount it to the hull. Then I used a wood sliver as a wedge to keep the hull hinge full deflection so as to make a tight fit while I nailed it. It worked. About every third nail bent and had to be pulled out.
  8. Still working on the rudder. It's like working with miniature Mexican Jumping beans and doing surgery on a flea!
  9. Got the DEVCON 5. How long is that stuff good for after use?
  10. Thanks for the tip on epoxy. What brand is best for our type models? Here I am working on the rudder. It isn't any easier than my first model...it's probably twice as difficult. The hinges Constructo provided are not the right size, so I have to straighten out and then re-bend them to fit a much thicker rudder. I made the simulated plank effect with my miter box saw. It made very nice and straight cuts that really look like I glued together three planks. Also, the pin material they provided is way too thick, so I had to scrounge up some smaller stuff. Since I can't seem to make absolutely square bends when I re-bend the brass, I compensated and rounded the rudder to accommodate the slight roundness. It seems to work, but I've been at just one of four cuts I have to make, so I'm planning on two more days at this. I'm not complaining, it's just my Admiral keeps asking when I'm starting the masts and rigging??? She has no idea what it takes...?
  11. A sharp 32 pencil did the trick for me. I even had an experienced model builder think I actually nailed the planks.
  12. What's the best glue to fix the metal hinges to the wood rudder?
  13. Making the hole for the bowsprit was harder than I thought. I made most of it with my hand drill making the hole larger and larger. But, I had to very carefully finish to the full 8mm with my Dremel. I don't like putting power tools against my hard fought hull, but I had no choice. Anyway, it worked out.
  14. Thanks for the rudder tips. I just finished the second curved trim on the transom. Now I have to clean up my mess and make the hole in the bow for the bowsprit before I hang too much more on the ship while I wrestle with that hole.
  15. I just glued the first of two curved trim pieces on the transom. Constructo wanted me to glue a shaped (by me) 1mm round brass wire for these. I couldn't see how a round wire would stay glued on, so I made these out of 1mm x 1mm blond wood. It took a bit to get them bent just right, but this is my solution.
  16. I need some help mounting my rudder hinges. They're tricky to handle and gave me a fit on my first build. Thanks,
  17. I filled tiny gaps by making sliver planks and glued them in small gaps. I did better with that than homemade filler (sawdust and CA). Looks real good, though!
  18. HELP!!! I need some tips and tricks to mount a rudder. I had a real tough time getting the rudder on with my first build. Couldn't seem to keep those hinges nice and lined up. Also the nails are too long. Anyway all help is welcome.
  19. I need some tricks and tips on mounting the rudder. On my first build that drove me crazy. Thanks, Rich
  20. I'm shaping the last trim parts for the transom. After that, it's just the windows and fancy metal decorations much later.
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