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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. This is how I'm mounting the channels. First I set two pins in each channel with some Crazy Glue since the channels are softer than the Sapele hull. Without the Crazy Glue the will only drive deeper into the channel instead of driving into the hull. Then I locate the places I want to set the pins into the hull by marking with pencil the latitude and longitude of each hole so that the holes for the chainplates all line up. Then I drill a .5mm hole in each of the marked spots. Then I drive a small nail into each hole to widen it enough to take the pin snuggly. Then I remove the nails, erase the pencil marks and glue on the channels.
  2. Thanks for all the tips. . Constructo might be slow, but they deliver good service. I e-mailed them my plight about running out of 2mm x 2mm Ayous and they told me today they are mailing some no charge! Yesterday I had purchased some Basswood a little oversized just in case I can't find Ayous. Phil's Hobby is out of Ayous.
  3. Another day...another problem. I went to set pins in the channels before mounting to the hull and found out the channel material is much softer than the iron hard Sapele hull. When I pushed the channel into the hull...the pin just disappeared into the channel. So, I experimented and settled on setting the pin into the channel with Crazy Glue, then drilling the same size hole in the hull as the pin, then driving a small nail into the hull hole to widen it just enough for the channel pin to slip in but remain tight. It works! The channel is nice and tight even without any glue.
  4. I'm going to try to heat the part I need to flatten since just squeezing the cold brass only flattens it a bit.
  5. Here's my new tools for turning that coil of wire into chainplates. One is to flatten an end and the other is to help make loops. Time will tell. I've also finished trimming the channels.
  6. Just finished putting the side trim and making the chainplate holes in the channels. I read ahead in my instruction book to see if placing the holes where I did would give me a problem down the rigging road. I didn't see one so I plunged ahead. Tomorrow I'll glue on the front trim followed by pins, then mounting all six of them. Also, I'm experimenting with making chainplates as well as looking at other choices.
  7. The wire rolls out nice and straight. Now I'm trying to flatten the end so I can drill small nail holes, but all I get when I flatten the wire with pliers or vise grips is a rippled effect. How do I get a nice smooth flange?
  8. That's a good trick....rolling the bent wires with another small board. Now, how do I get a nice smooth, flattened flange to drill two small holes? When I flatten the wire end with pliers or a vise grip...I get a corrugated effect.
  9. Yes...just a coil of wire. I'm not too happy with that. There are 78 chain plates to make. So, I'm looking for some other alternative. I don't think I have the metal working skills to make 78 all looking exactly the same. Any suggestions? Thanks,
  10. After I shaped them to fit the hull, I layed out the channels and here I am putting Sapele veneer on them. I marked where the chainplate holes will be drilled. After I put the edge trim on them I will pin and glue them in place. I have taped them on to their own well marked slot on a sheet of paper so I don't mix them up.
  11. PayPal is great. I've using it since its inception with no problems. I think it's safer than credit cards.
  12. I like the touch of actually installing the pair of "four holers" in the bow. I just found out that's where the men did their business and wondered why my kit didn't call for them. Nice work in accuracy. I knew the Captain's privy was in the gallery.
  13. What's the trick to straighten 1mm brass wire that comes in a coil? It looks like a snake when un-coiled.
  14. While checking for how to accurately place items on my model, I ran across a drawing of what the original USS Constitution used the bow area for.....according to this drawing, it was the head for all the men! I wonder why no kit shows the bow with numerous seats with holes in them?
  15. Sam, Thanks...I looked and I think basswood will be a good match.
  16. What's the difference between Ayous and Basswood? I can't find 2mm x 2mm Ayous strips in stock anywhere.
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