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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Except for the new lights over my workbench, my new shipyard is complete. All the stuff I had piled to the left and right of my workbench have been neatly stored on the nearby closet that my Admiral allotted me. I also added two feet of working space on my bench and of course my new drydock. I'll shall resume ship building forthwith. I'm still trying to get 2mm x 2mm ayous trim with no luck. I've found every size but 2mm x 2mm?
  2. Here's my new dry dock. It raises up my model for better viewing without stooping and I can rotate it to easily get at the stern or bow. The Admiral ordered shipyard renovation is coming along.
  3. My shipyard renovations are going very smoothly with the Admiral helping me! Got an electrician coming in two weeks to add lights and electrical outlets. Still no reply from Constructo about my shortage of 2mm x 2mm trim?
  4. Your ship gets better every time I look at it! Nice work! and thanks for all your tips. Rich
  5. Better safe than sorry. Wear a mask and eye protection for heavy sanding operations. You never know what's bad for you!
  6. I haven't even heard back from Constructo? In the meantime I'll start fabricating the channels for the rigging. They will be 9.5mm deep by 3mm thick. Any ideas as to how to strongly attached them to the hull? I assume some sort of pinning along with glue, but I must place them very accurately to avoid running a shroud in front of a gunport.
  7. Oh well...I have to obey orders. I do have some small items I can attend to on my ship while I make my area ship shape. Oh, Sjors, thanks for the varnish removal tip. Do you sand it off?
  8. I'll pass the time re-making my workspace. My Admiral doesn't like the giant mess I've created.
  9. It would be great if everyone posted some photos of their work space. I'm definitely going to upgrade mine now.
  10. Wow! I picked up a lot of good tips here. Good forum.
  11. Construction has come to a halt while I try to get 2mm x 2mm Ayous (blond) strips to finish all trim. I seem to have run out and just e-mailed Constructo to see if they can send me about 500 to 600 mm.
  12. VARNISH? Do any of you give your model a light coat of varnish before the ship is finished? Constructo's instruction book says nothing about it, but the pictures show a dramatic change in the finish right about the stage I'm at. Any thoughts? Thanks,
  13. Wow! That lantern is great! What did you use for glass...I would like to do that for my skylight. Nice work. Rich
  14. I managed to bend those small pieces and glue them in place. They are the anchor hawser reinforcing planks I'll drill two 3mm holes in each side to take the anchor lines later.
  15. Now I'm putting my plan into play by constructing the bow area. It seems to be working out....we'll see. It's requiring a lot of bending to get stuff to fit the hull. The blond wood bends real easy, but the dark Sapele is like hardened steel. This framework gets covered with decorative scroll work.
  16. I'm going to copy your pins when I put the lids on my USS Constitution's lower gunports.
  17. Since Constructo gave me no detail plans to construct this very complicated bow area, I'm drawing my own. I don't want to glue something in place now and find out I made a big mistake down the road. I'm interpolating between their plans, my model, photos and a little "Kentucky windage".
  18. These windows will be permanently installed down the road. They will have clear panes installed and then the glued windows will be trimmed. I'm starting on the bowsprit next.
  19. Here's the starboard side gallery fix so I can move the pre-cut window forward and make a small trapezoid shaped filler for the aft of the window to compensate for the angle error.
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