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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Constructo calls for me to give my ship its first coat of poly. Constructo didn't say it in their instructions, but I could see the change in the photos, so I e-mailed Constructo and they e-mailed back to give it its first coat but to be mindful of the areas that still needed gluing. I masked the critical areas and will sand the other smaller spots when the time comes.
  2. Thanks Kevin, but it's too big. I found a dollhouse eagle that will fit with some minor cutting. I only have 1/4 inch in height to play with. They're shipping me two eagles so I can adjust them and if I screw up, I can make the second one fit. But, I keep surfing the web looking for the perfect Eagle, still. I can't find your build log on this site?
  3. This time Constructo did a great job of providing a detailed scale drawing of the roundhouse sides. All I had to do is make each plank to the drawing and cut two (one port, one starboard). Who needs pre-cut parts when you have detailed instructions and scale drawings. Now I still have to wait for Constructo to mail me the 2mm x 2mm Ayous trim for the roundhouse sides. I'll sand them to fit when the trim arrives.
  4. Anybody know where I can get an nice eagle for the transom? The one provided by Constraucto is pretty lame. I want a 3D one with about 3/4 inch wingspan and 3/8 inch high.
  5. Port & starboard steps have all been glued on. I lined them up with a piece of masking tape with the space markings penciled on. That's as good as I can do with my fat & shaky fingers.
  6. Like they say....whatever it takes! You're right...the camera and lens makes the ship look worse than it looks to my eye.
  7. I just looked at that last photo.... I have a lot of cleaning up to do on my ship. There's glue all over the place.
  8. Karl, The plank cutter can be purchased on line from E-bay. Sam, Lining up the pins was easy. Obviously I marked where the channel should go, then rough marked a spot on the hull as well as the channel for the pins (2 each), then set the pins in the channel with Crazy Glue to prevent them slipping into the channel instead of the hull., Then touched the mounted pins onto the exact spot on the hull and made a mark, then drilled holes exactly on those spots...bingo the channel slides right in with a few taps of the hammer. If I can do it...anybody can.
  9. Now I'm mass finishing the steps. I need my eye magnifiers to help. The blond wood has a taper while the dark wood has square ends. It's all very tiny. I made marks on my bench to use as a gauge to standardize all steps. The finished steps go in the blue bowl.
  10. I've mass produced the rough steps. They are a 2mm Sapele plank glued to a 1mm Ayous that is slightly shorter. I mass cut them by making a stop on my plank cutter to a length slightly longer than needed. I'll need the extra length to detail file and sand to exact proportions. I used CA glue on parchment paper. The glue doesn't stick to that paper. I need 24 steps, but I made 30 in case I'm not happy with their standardization.
  11. Sometimes I think bad plans are part of the challenge..to see if we catch the error or omission. Very frustrating, though, when you follow the plan only to find out you have a major fix to create.
  12. Help! Any tips and tricks to build and mount the boarding steps. I'd like exact standardization and evenness, so they don't look crooked, wrongly spaced or of different sizes. The steps are about 8.7mm long and 2mm thick. Pretty small stuff. I glued a simulated step to hull material to see how good the glue holds. It seem pretty strong.
  13. In between projects I'm trying to trim the transom. Constructo just glues on simple single strips, so I've decided to try to emulate the stern trim on the Constitution as she sits in Boston harbor. My trouble is fat, shaky fingers trying to make fancy trim.
  14. That was a big job with my chainplate locations...not to cover the gundeck cannons. Nice job! I'm finding more and more errors and ommissions in Constructo's plans causing me to have to look farr ahead before mounting something.
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