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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. Hi Gerhard, i bought from Aliexpress and for the dealer (i found a good one) , please give me your mail and i will send in personal message, not to be taken as a promotion for this guy. Cristi
  2. I had a little time to try carving with my new CNC you can see the results. It take some time to see the software adjustments, so i can "link" some draw and carving software detail look while is working final result of carving oposite way of carving The wood is not the best, because i wanted jut to make some tests Hope it is useful for the one that want to work with CNC for making small parts for shipmodels Cristi
  3. Michael, excellent job. Nice to see that you share the plans. Cristi
  4. Hi Greg. CNC 2418 can be bought with laser or milling head, or both, as i bought. You can chose between 500mw to 5000 mw laser. It is connected by USB 2 , the sistem is an Arduino inside,it came wit some small software, for carving (GRBL 9) or for Laser print (a smal program, very nice) I will show in my description ( http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/14704-small-cnc-laser-and-router-for-carving-and-engraving-by-cristikc) some new pictures i made today It can "burn" just in the are you made the "focus" the arrengment for printing. You have to use green glases (that came with the CNC) the moment you adjust the focus, else it is ok to look. Hope it is ok for you. Today i found the same i bought, for just 175 USD plus shipping taxes (on Aliexpress) All the best Cristi
  5. The first tests with the laser (hope to have time this days to post some pictures with the carving) from a picture with my granddaughter i started a new test the quality of this picture is not ok, but hope it is ok to you, to see what i can do with laser CNC For carving, i still have to learn a little about GRBL and some additional software. See you soon to all that watched this Cristi
  6. Added the last parts the spindle motor in position prepare cthe laser on table, to see that you can use both replace motor with the laser
  7. Hi Greg, i bought a CNC 2418 with laser and motor, and it seams ok for the first tests You can watch http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/14704-small-cnc-laser-and-router-for-carving-and-engraving-by-cristikc/to see the assemble of this DIY kit, and the tests, maybe it will help you All the best, Cristi
  8. I saw questions about CNC (computer numeric control) router bought from china This days arrived the order for my CNC It is CNC 2418 with laser of 500mw, used for carving and engraving I will show how it arrived, beacause you have to assemble (it is a DIY kit), and thje first results This is how it is find on online shops from china the unpacking process electronic for the command stepper motors small parts cutting tools
  9. Hi, i like the boat, but also the string holder, i will take your idea. Thank's for share Cristi
  10. Small problems, but the rest is excellent. I'm sure you will solve this. Every one make small mistakes, and just you know where they are. All the best, Cristi
  11. Happy birthday! This is why i wish to have the birthday more often. Let's say once a month.. or once a week.
  12. Excellent. Nice to see a new member in this hobby. Wait for something bigger from her. All the best to her and to you. Cristi
  13. Hi Mike. This is a "strage" way the Mantua-Sargal instructions say, so i try.. but it is not very easy. Hope to finish ok. All the best, Cristi
  14. Good luck, and wait for pictures with you and your granddaughter working, all the best Cristi
  15. Very nice and clear the explanations you made. I like the details and the quality of the work, also of the pictures. I'll take some ideas from you. Wait to see the final. All the best, Cristi
  16. Hi Vince. I look a lot to your building log to take some ideas, and it is a great help for me. Also i look to Denis, Garim and other logs, and i say to all Thank you for posting, because it helps a lot everyone. The instructions from the Mantua-Sargal are not very good. Hope to finish well this ship, and think for the future Edwin, thank you for the nice words. I was to the sea side, and now, "fresh" i will go back to my work, but hope to have time to work to SoS Cristi
  17. Had to modify a lot the brass parts, that don't feet well some small problems testing the "galion" but not clear the picture... some more parts added
  18. After a "pause" with the hollidays (going to the seaside with my granddaughter and my grandson) i started to work to SoS Add some decorations also some plywood parts
  19. Hi Brian, glad to see that you are interested in my work. Hope soon, after i will be far away with my Sovereign, i will start a new cross section, and i started to study yours, all the best, Cristi
  20. Just a little time to work, and also, spent a lot to adjust the bras decorations, to fit in small spaces (the scale, as i told seams to be a little bigger) and finished an other box board with bras parts After week end (when i play with my grandchildren, and i enjoy this) i will start a new box board
  21. Hi Frank, nice to see a new good start. I understand the feeling of a new ship, the unpack and all the start period. Wait for your log. Cristi
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