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About Rustyj

  • Birthday 01/10/1955

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  • MSN

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  • Location
    Chittenango, NY

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  1. I just got caught up after being away for a bit. Your build is really a joy to follow!
  2. I'll add my welcome back too. Always a pleasure following your work!
  3. Thank you, Mike, Rick, Ian and Chuck, for the kind words. It's slow careful work but I'm really enjoying it. Also thank you for stopping by and all the likes.
  4. No work for a week allowed me to shape and add the quarter piece and finish up the last cant frames. When I started fairing the last cant frames I knocked a frame loose. So after reinstalling the loose frame I added some stiffeners just like Mike did. These will be hidden by the planking. I have also added the upper port sills. The entire hull has so far been sanded with 120 grit. I'll progress to 400 grit. Once the sanding is completed I'll do the stern framing.
  5. That is an amazing build. I have loved following along all these years. You have done yourself proud! May I ask where sourced your case from?
  6. Thank you Glenn and Greg. It's truly hard losing a best friend. This was the fifth in a long line of lost buddies. The hole in our heart never fills but we survive. Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Now that the holiday is over building will resume shortly.
  7. Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. Unfortunately she wasn't the first "cellar dweller" (shop is in the basement) to pass on. The search will start soon to add to the crew. Our Miniature Schnauzer is missing her buddy as much as I am. Happy Holidays to you all!
  8. Thank you all for the kind words. Ben the offending frame has now been taken care of, thanks! Also thanks for the likes. Things have been a bit unsettled here and no work has been accomplished. My desire work on anything is not here right now. On the positive side I've received chapter 3 from Chuck as well and the wood to mill for chapter 3 from Modelers Sawmill. As expected it is all perfect! On the downside my little shop companion for the last 14+ years is no longer with us. She kept me company every time I went to the shop. She would even stand by the shop door waiting after dinner knowing it was almost time to go to there. Sawing, sanding, and the occasional cussing never bothered her. I would even leave the room for a minute or two and if I left the light on, she knew I'd right back, so she just stayed in her bed waiting on my return. Our little companions' lives are shorter than ours, but they fill it with a lifetime worth of love and enjoyment. Here's my sweet little Nessie just before her passing. She was the best.
  9. Thanks Chuck. I hope you're having a great time on vacation! Thank you Rick. Also thanks for all the likes.
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